Cowberry is a perennial evergreen shrub. The leaves are small, leathery, petiolate, shiny. Flowers - white-pink bells, collected in rare brushes at the top of the branches. Small fruits are bright red berries with a characteristic sweet and sour taste. Cowberry is a wild forest berry. I wonder what is the calorie content of lingonberries, what vitamins are included in its composition, how it is useful, does it have contraindications? This article will help answer all these questions.
Cowberry calories

Cranberries contain only 46 kilocalories per 100 g, so do not be afraid that it will add extra pounds. Such a low calorie content of lingonberries is a pleasant addition to its beneficial properties.
Useful properties of cranberries
Cranberry contains carbohydrates, pectin, carotene, useful organic acids, tannins. Contained in lingonberries and vitamins. Which? Vitamins A, C and E. In addition, the berries contain up to 10-15% sugars, calcium, manganese, magnesium, potassium, phosphorusand iron. Lingonberry leaves contain tannins, hydroquinone, arbutin and carboxylic acids. And also they contain tartaric, quinic, gallic acids. Fatty carboxylic acids found in the composition of lingonberry seeds: linolenic, linoleic.
Cowberry treatment

Cowberry is a valuable medicinal plant. In folk medicine, it is known as a wound healing, antipyretic, tonic, antiscorbutic, anthelmintic agent. It is also used for beriberi, dysentery, hepatocholecystitis, hypoacid gastritis, rheumatism, diabetes, jaundice, neurasthenia, hypertension, enteritis, internal and uterine bleeding, pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach tumors.
Fresh lingonberries improve visual acuity. It is recommended to use them for sailors, hunters, pilots and drivers. Since lingonberries are rich in vitamins, organic acids and sugars, they are used in medicine as an adjuvant in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity, as well as hypertension. Cowberry juice perfectly quenches thirst, it is often recommended to patients who have a high temperature. In addition, an infusion of lingonberries has a slight laxative effect. Cowberry juice also has medicinal properties: slightly lowers blood pressure, has a slight sedative effect, increases intestinal motility, has a diuretic and antipyretic effect.

Decoction of lingonberry leaves has a diuretic, antiseptic andastringent action. Indicated for nephrolithiasis, cystitis, gout, arthritis, osteochondrosis. Young lingonberry shoots are used as an antidepressant and analgesic, with their help they treat women's ailments and maintain pregnancy. During a cold, linden tea with the addition of lingonberry jam is an excellent remedy. An infusion of the leaves of this medicinal plant is used as a diuretic, in diseases of the kidneys, liver, and rheumatism.
Cowberry leaves are also brewed as tea. Cowberry tea well relieves fatigue and restores strength. It has also been proven that lingonberries enhance the effect of treatment with antibiotics and sulfa drugs, so with all kinds of fevers, as well as to increase appetite after a serious illness and injury, it is difficult to find something more useful than lingonberry juice.
There are not only medicinal properties of lingonberries, contraindications are also present.
Dangerous properties of cranberries

One of the properties of lingonberries that can threaten human he alth is the ability to accumulate radioactive substances. Therefore, it is necessary to eat only those berries that were collected far from cemeteries, highways and factory complexes.
This plant can also have an adverse effect on people who have an increased secretory function of the stomach, so ulcers are recommended to refrain from using it. Also, lingonberries should not be eaten by those who have hypotension, as it has a pronouncedpressure reduction effect.
In this article, we examined the calorie content of lingonberries, the beneficial substances that make up its composition, and the healing properties of this evergreen shrub.