Erysipelas is a dangerous infectious disease characterized by damage to the skin and mucous membranes. The pathological process in most cases develops due to the rapid multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. The patient suffers from intoxication of the body and pain. Treatment of erysipelas should be carried out by a qualified specialist in order to avoid the development of dangerous complications.
Basic information
Infectious lesions of the skin are most often provoked by group A streptococci. The disease is accompanied by serous or hemorrhagic lesions of the epidermis, fever and symptoms of general intoxication of the body. Erysipelas is one of the most common infectious diseases of the skin. Men, women and children are equally exposed to the pathological process.
Group A streptococci are opportunistic pathogens. They are normally present inoropharynx of almost every person, a small part of them is also on the skin. As soon as a person's immunity decreases, the body's resistance to pathogenic microflora decreases, bacteria begin to multiply rapidly. The risk group includes people suffering from chronic diseases, diabetes, and other endocrine disorders. Individual predisposition factors may contribute to the development of the disease.
Belongs to the category of contagious diseases erysipelas. Treatment at home must be carried out according to special rules. It is important to follow preventive measures so as not to infect family members. Young children and pregnant women are especially susceptible to infection due to reduced immunity. The likelihood of infection increases in patients who take steroid hormones for a long time. If the patient suffers from chronic streptococcal infections, the risk of erysipelas also increases.
Leaf and chest involvement often develops in people suffering from lymphovenous insufficiency. Against the background of impaired venous outflow, the supply of oxygen to the tissues decreases. As a result, trophic ulcers appear, and pathogenic microflora rapidly multiplies in the affected area.
The pathogen easily enters the body through damaged skin or through the bloodstream in the presence of any chronic diseases. Streptococcus rapidly multiplies in the lymphatic capillaries of the dermis. As a result, products are released into the bloodstream in large quantities.vital activity of bacteria, which provokes the development of symptoms of general intoxication of the body. If the disease progresses rapidly and the patient is not treated, the risk of death due to toxic-infectious shock increases.
Classification of erysipelas
Treatment of the disease is prescribed in accordance with its type. The pathological process is classified according to several criteria. The severity of the symptoms, the duration of the course of the disease, the nature of the manifestations are taken into account. There are three degrees of erysipelas of the skin. Treatment and symptoms will vary depending on the severity of the disease.
With a mild degree, the acute period lasts no more than three days, properly selected antibiotic therapy quickly gives relief. In most cases, the disease proceeds in this form. With moderate severity, extensive damage to the skin is observed. Unpleasant symptoms are present for 5-6 days. It is not possible to immediately remove the symptoms of general intoxication of the body. The most dangerous is the severe degree of the disease. Inflammation is very difficult to tolerate, fever and other symptoms of general intoxication are present for a week or more.

The disease can be localized or spread throughout the body. According to the nature of the manifestations, the following types of erysipelas of the skin are distinguished.
- Concentrated. Inflammation develops in a certain area of the body.
- Metastatic. There are several areas of inflammation on the body that are located far from each other.friend.
- Migratory. The lesion moves from one part of the body to another.
In most cases, the disease always develops in an acute form. If therapy is carried out incorrectly or out of time, the pathological process becomes chronic. Symptoms may subside and reappear with renewed vigor when the body's defenses are reduced. If erysipelas is completely cured, but after a while the symptoms recur, such a disease is called recurrent.
Symptoms of disease
Treatment of erysipelas of the skin on the leg, arm or other parts of the body should be started at the first signs of the pathological process. Early therapy will avoid dangerous complications. The incubation period can range from several hours to five days. In 90% of cases, unpleasant symptoms develop within a day after contact with the carrier of the infection. The disease is characterized by an acute onset. First of all, symptoms of general intoxication develop - fever (the temperature can rise up to 40 degrees Celsius), nausea, headache, drowsiness, general weakness.
Dangerous symptoms develop when the disease is severe. The patient may develop severe vomiting and diarrhea, which is fraught with dehydration. Local symptoms begin to appear a few hours after the deterioration of the patient's well-being. Initially, itching or burning develops in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe skin or mucous membrane. There is a slight soreness on palpation, a feeling of fullness. Regional lymph nodesincrease in size, become painful.
The height of the disease falls on the next day after the first signs appear. There may be violations of the central nervous system - loss of consciousness, confusion, insomnia, delirium. A red seal appears in the focus of inflammation. The size of the affected area can be up to 30 cm in diameter.
Erythema is the main symptom that distinguishes erysipelas from other dermatological diseases. Treatment should be started after a correct diagnosis has been made. The patient himself cannot determine which pathogen provoked a deterioration in well-being. You can't do without qualified help. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to carry out therapy at home without consulting a doctor.
If the correct treatment is prescribed, fever and symptoms of general intoxication of the body may be present for several more days. But the manifestations of the disease on the skin will remain for some time after the improvement of the general condition. In place of erythema, peeling and pigmentation appear. Traces of inflammation on the skin are often present for about a month. If pigmentation does not go away for a long time, this may indicate the likelihood of a recurrence of the inflammatory process in this area.
Manifestations of the disease may vary, depending on the age of the patient, his individual characteristics. So, in young people, the disease proceeds easily. Properly prescribed therapy quickly shows good results. In older patients, most oftensevere erysipelas of the skin. Treatment has to be prescribed comprehensively, taking into account the presence of chronic diseases.
The specialist will not be able to prescribe a treatment based on a photo of erysipelas. The causes of the disease must be found out first. Therefore, the patient must personally come to an appointment with a dermatologist and pass the necessary tests. Online consultation through medical forums will not give any result. You can only lose time and aggravate the inflammatory process.
Laboratory tests are mandatory, it is necessary to pass general blood and urine tests. With their help, it is possible to confirm the presence of a bacterial infection in the body. The type of pathogen is determined by bacterial seeding of the affected epithelium. At the initial stage, erysipelas of the skin on the leg can be confused with anthrax. Treatment is prescribed after it is possible to study other manifestations of the pathological process. Erysipelas should be differentiated from systemic lupus erythematosus, phlegmon, scleroderma, eczema, psoriasis, abscess, etc.
Only after a comprehensive examination can treatment of erysipelas of the skin begin. In the photo below you can see what the defeat looks like. However, many other dermatological diseases will have the same clinical manifestations. Therefore, it is important not to self-medicate, but to seek help from a qualified specialist as soon as possible.

Treatment of disease
May turn into seriouscomplications, up to amputation, erysipelas of the skin on the leg. Treatment at home can be carried out if the pathological process proceeds in a mild form. And even in this case, the method of therapy is chosen by a specialist. If the disease develops in an infant or a patient over 65 years of age, therapy is carried out exclusively in a hospital under round-the-clock supervision of medical personnel. In weakened people, unpleasant symptoms can progress quickly.
At the initial stage, the patient is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics from a number of cephalosporins. Good results are shown by the funds "Cefaxim", "Cefadroxil", "Cefazolin". With mild manifestations of the disease, relief is given by drugs in the form of tablets. In case of dangerous clinical manifestations, antibacterial agents can be administered by drip or intramuscular injection.

For moderate to severe clinical manifestations, antibiotics from the group of fluoroquinolones or penicillins may be prescribed. The dosage and duration of the course of therapy is determined individually. In most cases, 7-10 days is enough to eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of the disease.
Erysipelas can be overcome not only thanks to antibiotic treatment. What other medicines do you need to stock up on? Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help to remove the symptoms of general intoxication of the body, normalize well-being and body temperature. Good results are shown by the drugs "Nurofen", "Panadol". Many experts prescribe a remedy"Ibuprofen". With its help, it is possible not only to improve the patient's well-being, but also to strengthen the body's defenses.
Extremely careful treatment of erysipelas of the skin of the face. In the photo below you can see the consequences of improper therapy. Inflammation can lead to scarring and scarring. Antibacterial ointments should not be used. Due to the dense structure of such preparations, the epidermis stops breathing, the healing process slows down. Affected areas must be treated using mild antiseptics ("Miramistin", "Chlorhexidine").

A special approach requires recurrent erysipelas of the skin. Antibiotic treatment can be carried out in courses for several years. Preparations are selected individually.
Physiotherapy treatments
After stopping acute inflammation, normalizing body temperature and improving general condition, physiotherapy procedures can be prescribed. With their help, it is possible to accelerate the process of regeneration of affected tissues, stimulate local immunity.
You can see how erysipelas is being treated in the photo below. The technique involves the use of paraffin or ozocerite heated to 50 degrees. Warm material is applied to the affected area for 20-25 minutes, wrapped with oilcloth on top, covered with a warm towel or blanket. Such heat treatment is carried out only in conjunction with antibiotic therapy. It is impossible to use paraffin on your own at home. Warmlycan provoke the rapid reproduction of pathogenic microflora. As a result, unpleasant symptoms will resume.

UHF helps to speed up the process of regeneration of the affected epidermis. The area of erythema is affected by an electric field of ultrahigh frequency. Such waves stimulate local immunity, have an anti-inflammatory effect. The session lasts about 10 minutes. A course of 10-15 procedures allows you to achieve good results.
General recommendations
The success of the treatment of erysipelas of the skin of the hand or any other area directly depends on how well the patient follows the doctor's recommendations. It is important not only to take all prescribed drugs, but also to observe bed rest, to refuse any physical activity until the general condition normalizes.
You will have to pay attention to the diet. To speed up the process of regeneration of the affected epidermis, food rich in vitamins of group B, E, C should be included in the diet. Additionally, multivitamin complexes can be prescribed by a specialist. It is also important to observe the correct drinking regimen. In the acute period of the disease, you should drink at least two liters of pure water per day. This will speed up the process of removing toxins from the body.
Traditional medicine
Folk treatment for erysipelas can show really good results. Many recipes have been used for years. However, such therapy must be agreed with the attending physician. Quickly restore the condition of the skin will allowhomemade propolis tincture. Such a medicine will relieve inflammation, strengthen local immunity, and accelerate the process of regeneration of damaged epidermis. Reviews show that the product also has an anesthetic effect, relieves pain.
To treat inflamed areas, you must use a 10% tincture. Three tablespoons of propolis from the apiary (about 100 g) must be poured with a liter of alcohol. The product must be infused in a dark, cool place for two weeks, shaking occasionally. I use the finished medicine to treat the affected area several times a day. Such a remedy can also be taken orally to strengthen the body's defenses in a relapsing form of the disease. All you need is 15 drops of tincture diluted with boiled water and drunk once a day for a month.
Erysipelas can be treated at home using frog caviar. The tool has a pronounced wound-healing effect. Caviar should be collected in the spring, during the period of active reproduction of frogs. The resulting raw material should be dried on a piece of cotton fabric. Caviar is used for therapeutic compresses. It is believed that if you apply raw materials to the affected area at night, you can get rid of erysipelas in a few days.
Erysipelas on the leg can be treated using Kalanchoe. A photo of the plant can be seen below. Kalanchoe juice has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect. To get the medicine, the plant is crushed,then squeeze. For the treatment of erysipelas, the juice is diluted in equal proportions with a solution of novocaine. Such therapy makes it possible not only to relieve inflammation, but also to reduce the manifestations of pain. With proper therapy, symptoms can be completely eliminated within a week.

An ointment based on plantain and honey has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. The plant is crushed and mixed with honey in a ratio of 1:1. The finished mixture must be put on a slow fire and boil for two hours. Then the medicine must be cooled. This ointment is used for compresses at night. The mixture is applied to the affected area, a gauze bandage is applied on top. The procedure must be performed daily until complete recovery.
A popular recipe based on fresh burdock and sour cream. The plucked plant is washed well in warm water, smeared with homemade sour cream with a high degree of fat content. The finished compress is applied to the affected area, fixed with a bandage. Change the bandage three times a day.
When recurrent erysipelas of the skin is important to strengthen the immune system. You can stimulate the body's defenses with the help of alcohol tinctures of echinacea or eleutherococcus. Ready-made medicines can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is recommended to take 20 drops daily for a month. After 2-3 months, the course can be repeated.
Treatment prognosis
With a mild degree of erysipelas of the skin, treatment with folk remedies will already give a good result. However, any therapyshould be discussed with the doctor. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate.
Failure to follow the recommendations of a doctor or a complete refusal of medical care can provoke the development of dangerous complications. An abscess or phlegmon may develop with improper treatment of erysipelas of the skin of the hand. In the photo below you can see what consequences should be expected. Blood poisoning increases the risk of death.

At any part of the body, a streptococcal infection can lead to the development of elephantiasis. Against the background of blockage of the lymphatic vessels, the skin becomes rough and thick. As the pathological process develops, the patient's condition will worsen. Dense edema appears on the body, the contours of the feet and palms on the arms and legs are erased, the anatomical shape of the fingers changes. The patient experiences pain, cannot fully cope with simple daily tasks. Over time, the patient's mobility is significantly limited, it is possible to return to a normal lifestyle only with the help of surgical intervention.
Erysipelas in any area is a dangerous disease that requires timely treatment. It is categorically impossible to try to get rid of unpleasant symptoms at home. Only a qualified specialist can prescribe the correct therapy. Medicines in combination with traditional medicine recipes will help to quickly restore the condition of the epidermis.