Healing agrimony, the beneficial properties of which have long been used in folk medicine, is a perennial herbaceous plant with a pubescent, slightly branched erect stem, reaching 1 m in height. Its leaves are large, the flowers are yellow, small, collected in a large inflorescence - an ear. Medicinal agrimony has fruits in the form of small conical-type achenes, equipped with small hooks that cling well to people's clothes and animal hair. He has quite a few popular names: strawberry, field male, magpie, cinquefoil, sculptor, Greek liver grass, pigtail, jack lice.

Repeshok has useful properties due to the substances contained in it. These are triterpenes, saponins, essential oil, tannins, coumarins, flavonoids, polysaccharides, vitamins B, C, K, A, mineral s alts. It also has beneficial properties due to a wide range of acids: palmitic, salicylic, silicic, nicotinic, ursolic.
The pharmacological action of preparations based on this plant is very diverse, it is not for nothing that it is called forty-weed. It has been used since ancient times. In particular, the medicinal herb agrimony has sweat, urine, choleretic, expectorant, analgesic, astringent,antipyretic and anti-inflammatory action. It is also used to treat various forms of allergies, strengthen the immune system, rejuvenate the body, cleanse and stop the blood. Preparations from agrimony have an antispasmodic, tonic, antipyretic effect. They are used to improve liver function. In terms of its effect, agrimony, whose beneficial properties are highly valued by healers and doctors, is similar to St. John's wort.

Roots, fruits and grass are used for medicinal purposes. The underground part of the plant is harvested in autumn, the upper part - in summer. Drying is recommended to be carried out in the air, laying out or hanging the plants in bunches. If the process is carried out using special equipment, then the heating temperature of the medium inside should not exceed 40 ° C, otherwise useful substances may be destroyed. Ready dried raw materials are usable for two years.
Most often, infusions and decoctions of agrimony are used for medicinal purposes. They help with ailments of the gallbladder, liver, intoxication, chronic diseases associated with long-term use of drugs. They are recommended to drink in chronic pancreatitis, postcholecystectomy syndrome, vegetative dystonia, urolithiasis, hypertension. One of the popular decoction recipes: dry flowers are poured into water in a proportion of 2 tbsp. spoons per liter, bring to a boil and strain the resulting liquid.

In this form, preparations based on agrimony for therapeutic enemas are used forintestinal ailments. A decoction of the roots is used as a laxative, and a similar liquid from the seeds helps with ascites and edema. An infusion from the underground part is recommended for bronchitis, pneumonia, and colds. Externally, agrimony juice is used for skin ailments: vitiligo, dermatitis.
Means based on this plant are not recommended for those suffering from constipation and thrombophlebitis, who have individual intolerance to its constituent substances.