"Recognan", analogues - their comparison and description. "Recognan": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

"Recognan", analogues - their comparison and description. "Recognan": instructions for use, reviews, analogues
"Recognan", analogues - their comparison and description. "Recognan": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

"Recognan" is a modern drug with a wide spectrum of action. The international name for this drug is Citicoline. These funds have the same components, indications, contraindications and instructions for use. The drug is used to treat various diseases, such as:

  • impaired brain function;
  • vascular disorders;
  • recovery period after a stroke.
recognan analogue
recognan analogue

If for some reason "Recognan" is contraindicated, an analogue of the drug can replace it. The drug belongs to the group of the most physiological neuroprotectors, since the main component of this drug is citicoline.

Pharmacological action

The composition of the drug "Recognan" includes the substance citicoline, which is one of the components of the cell membrane. This component helps to restore damaged brain cells, and also prevents their death. In the acute period of a stroke, the drug helps to reduce the durationpost-traumatic period, quickly restores the affected brain tissue and improves the condition. With cerebral ischemia, Recognan improves memory, increases the level of attention, and also helps to treat various disorders.

Pharmakinetic properties

Recognan is well absorbed when administered orally. After its use, rapid absorption occurs. This drug is well metabolized in the intestines and liver, but after taking it, the concentration of choline in the blood increases significantly. The active substance penetrates the brain and helps to restore its structure. Citicoline is excreted from the body in small amounts, most of it goes to repair damaged brain cells.

Indications for use

Like the drug "Recognan", the analogue has its own specific indications and contraindications. The medicine we are considering is prescribed in the event of the appearance of such conditions:

  • acute period of stroke;
  • stroke recovery;
  • traumatic brain injury.
recognan reviews analogues
recognan reviews analogues

In addition, this remedy can be prescribed if the patient has behavioral and mental disorders. The drug can also be used with other medicines for complex therapy.

Contraindications for use

The drug "Recognan", despite the fact that it contains natural ingredients, still hascertain contraindications. These include:

  • hereditary rare diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug;
  • fructose intolerance.

In addition, it is worth considering that the drug is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age. During the period of its use, special care must be taken when performing hazardous activities, since mental reactions may be somewhat reduced. When administered during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued. Pregnant women can be prescribed only if the benefit to the woman is higher than the possible risk to the fetus.

"Recognan": instructions for use

Analogues of the drug should be used in a strictly defined dosage, as side effects and complications may occur. The drug must be taken orally during a meal. Before use, the contents of the sachet should be diluted in a small amount of water.

recognan instruction analogues
recognan instruction analogues

The dosage of the drug and the duration of the treatment is selected purely individually for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of his body. In addition, the drug "Recognan" is also used in the form of injections. Intravenous administration is prescribed during the period of acute stroke, as well as during the first time of the recovery period. The duration of treatment can be up to two months.

Side effects and overdose

Like any other drug we are consideringthe drug in some cases provokes the occurrence of side effects. If adverse reactions occur and it is not possible to use the drug "Recognan", the analogue should be selected only by the attending doctor, since some medications have contraindications. Side effects may manifest as allergic reactions. Often occurs:

  • rash;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • itchy skin.
recognan instructions for use analogues
recognan instructions for use analogues

In addition, in some cases, after taking the drug, there may be a severe headache, insomnia, dizziness, hallucinations, increased or decreased pressure. If the side effects become severe, then you should consult a doctor. No cases of overdose have been identified so far, as the drug has minimal toxicity.

What are the analogues

If it is not possible to take the drug "Recognan", the analogue of "Ceraxon" can completely replace it. The composition of this drug includes citicoline sodium, which is very well absorbed by the body and practically does not provoke the occurrence of side effects. This is a very good quality and cost tool that helps to quickly restore damaged brain cells due to a previous stroke, coronary disease, surgery, and trauma. So, your doctor has decided to change Recognan. The instruction analogues recommends applying in the same way, however, before takingfunds must be consulted with a specialist.

recognan instruction reviews analogues
recognan instruction reviews analogues

Among the more effective and expensive foreign analogues of Recognan, the following should be singled out:

  • "Somazina";
  • "Quanil";
  • "Neurodar".

All these drugs are characterized by high quality, efficiency, natural ingredients, as well as a fairly quick positive effect. They help to normalize the activity of the brain, regardless of the degree of its damage. Be sure to read the instructions for the drug "Recognan" before taking it. The reviews of analogues of this remedy are quite good, since many of these medicines contain exclusively natural ingredients that do not cause adverse reactions.

Analogues of domestic production

There are more affordable drugs than Recognan. Domestic analogues are in no way inferior to expensive medicines. These include:

  • "Olatropil";
  • "Semax";
  • "Calcium Hopantenate" and other equally effective drugs.
recognan instructions for use reviews analogues
recognan instructions for use reviews analogues

"Olatropil" is a combined remedy, the effectiveness of which is achieved due to the presence of two active ingredients, namely: piracetam and aminalon. This drug improves mentalactivity, improve memory, reduce irritability. Like the medicine "Recognan", reviews of analogues are simply excellent. They were appreciated by leading doctors and patients who have already experienced all the benefits of such funds.

Semax drops are considered another good domestic analogue. This drug is prescribed for mental disorders and excessive nervous tension, which can be observed with vascular lesions of the brain, previous traumatic brain injuries, circulatory disorders.

"Calcium Gopanthenate" is used to reduce mental and physical performance, epilepsy, impaired brain activity, and various pathologies of the nervous system. This remedy is very well tolerated by patients and has practically no contraindications. When it is taken, a sedative effect and stimulation of brain function are observed. All this allows you to quickly eliminate existing disorders of the nervous system.

recognane domestic analogues
recognane domestic analogues

This is how Recognan recommends using the instructions for use. We reviewed the reviews, analogues and characteristics of this medication, but remember that before each treatment you need to consult a doctor, as some drugs can be harmful to he alth.
