Healing herb hill hodgepodge is unique. Its use is in demand by healers and doctors because of its hepaprotective properties (positive effect on the liver). There are few plants of this type of action on the human body in nature. It has popular names for s altwort, the use of which is based on its properties. This is a tumbling weed, tumbleweed, Tatar thistle, katun. It grows in the steppe zones. For healing purposes, grass and roots are used.

Holy solyanka has healing properties due to the substances it contains. It contains polysaccharides, amino acids, lipids, sterols, flavonoids, trace elements, carotenoids. In the hodgepodge, alanine, glutamate, proline, glycine, serine, ornithine, tyrosine, threonine are present in large quantities. Among the amino acids, the most important can be distinguished: citrulline, aspartate, ornithine.
It is known that hodgepodge was used in medicine in ancient China and Tibet. The main forms of preparations from this plant: a variety of extracts, decoctions, tablets and drops. Solyanka has been used in the treatment and prevention of kidney ailments, anemia. Use it to improveblood clotting. In diseases of the kidneys, preparations from this plant are used to remove sand.

Very often hodgepodge is prescribed for liver damage (toxic) caused by antibiotics. Its use seriously reduces the risk of cirrhosis of this important organ. A number of components contained in the plant help cleanse blood vessels, prevent atherosclerosis and prevent the appearance of plaques. Trace elements, especially silicon, have a beneficial effect on bone tissue, strengthen it.
Contained in hodgepodge potassium contributes to the treatment and prevention of coronary heart disease. They have drugs from it and insulin-like action, they lower sugar levels. With the help of hodgepodge decoctions, dysentery, peptic ulcer, pyelonephritis, purulent otitis media, hemorrhoids, female ailments (endocervititis, fibromyoma), metabolic disorders are treated. Means from it improve visual acuity. Salsola has an immunostimulating effect. Tea from this plant is rich in tocopherols, which suppress substances that have an inflammatory effect. A number of healers believe that it cures glaucoma. Means from it improve the activity of the digestive system, normalize acidity in the stomach.

A decoction of homovoy solyanka is prepared very simply. It is enough to pour 0.2 liters of boiling water on ten grams of dry raw materials and then heat in a water bath for fifteen minutes. You need to drink such a decoction warm in three stages - a glass a day. This remedy is stored no more than twodays.
For adult patients, you can prepare a concentrated infusion. They do it according to the following algorithm: in the evening they place 1 dess. in a thermos. a spoonful of grass in one glass of boiling water. The next morning you can already take (on an empty stomach). The rest of the liquid should be consumed throughout the day in small sips. The same remedy can be prepared for children, for this it is necessary to reduce the concentration of dry hodgepodge to one teaspoon per glass of water.