In folk medicine, the treatment of dead bees is popular, recipes based on this natural material are used to prepare a variety of medicinal products. But these are just dead insects. The maximum amount of dead bees is collected in the spring, during the revision of bee colonies, it is during this period that it is harvested for future use. For medical purposes, not all material is used, but only that which is in good condition, odorless, mold, dry.

Treatment with dead bees, recipes for medicinal preparations from it are based on substances contained in dead insects. The most effective of them are melanin and chitosan. The first gives human skin the ability to absorb ultraviolet rays, it helps to bind heavy metals and other elements dangerous to the body. Creams from it have a bactericidal property. Chitosan effectively heals burns, stops bleeding, and has an analgesic effect.
To carry out the treatment with dead bees, recipes from it require the correct preparation of the material. To do this, it must be sifted through a sieve with a large mesh or a colander toseparate from various debris. Then the podmore is dried in an oven or oven at 40-45 degrees. The resulting material is hung in linen bags for storage.

The treatment is carried out with dead bees, the recipes for which are quite simple, mainly using infusions on water or alcohol. True, a number of experts believe that the combination of alcohol and insect venom can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure. However, these fears are unfounded for two reasons: there is very little toxin in this material, and it completely decomposes in the stomach.
Water infusion based on dead bees (treatment, recipes with its use are widely known in folk medicine), is prepared according to the following algorithm. Two tablespoons of the material are poured into 0.5 liters of cool water, brought to a boil, then boiled over low heat for 2 hours. The finished drug is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than three days.
For an alcohol tincture, the dead time is ground in a coffee grinder, poured with alcohol in the proportion of 0.2 liters per 1 tablespoon. The mixture is aged for three weeks in a tightly closed dark container. In the first third of the period, the liquid is shaken every day, then after 2-3 days. It is recommended to add crushed eucalyptus leaves to the mixture for one tenth of the weight of the dead bees.
Quite a universal remedy - dead bees. Treatment of joints with its help is carried out as follows. The material is crushed and poured with a glass of vegetable oil (hot). Then removed tofridge. At the first pain, the remedy is rubbed into the skin. This drug, based on liniment from dead bees, helps with thrombophlebitis.

Alcoholic extract of Podmore is usually recommended for kidney ailments, vascular diseases (brain, heart and circulatory system in general), as well as to stabilize blood pressure. Another remedy from dead bees is steam, which is applied to inflamed areas with mastitis, varicose veins, panaritium.