Bone callus after rhinoplasty: description with photo, causes of appearance, methods and methods for removing callus, surgeons' recommendations

Bone callus after rhinoplasty: description with photo, causes of appearance, methods and methods for removing callus, surgeons' recommendations
Bone callus after rhinoplasty: description with photo, causes of appearance, methods and methods for removing callus, surgeons' recommendations

Every girl knows the proverb that beauty requires sacrifice, so the fair sex decide on the most desperate procedures and operations to look attractive. Quite often, women turn to plastic surgeons for help to eliminate various defects in their appearance. However, facial correction, like any other surgical intervention, does not go away just like that and can have certain consequences. One of these is the callus after rhinoplasty, the photo of which looks very unattractive. Therefore, every woman wonders if it is possible to somehow get rid of this structure. Let's look into this issue in more detail and learn about the current methods of treating bone formation on the nose.

General information

the girl has a bandage on her nose
the girl has a bandage on her nose

Probably many of ussaw what a callus looks like after rhinoplasty. A photo of this structure can cause goosebumps in many. But what is it? In fact, this structure is a formation that occurs at the site of damage to bone tissue. It does not pose any threat to he alth, but it has a very strong effect on the attractiveness of appearance. The olfactory organ seems to increase in size and visually seems excessively large.

According to medical statistics, about 12 percent of patients who have undergone rhinoplasty face this problem. About one third of this number of people lie down on the operating table again. At the same time, among the possible negative consequences there is not only callus after rhinoplasty, but also hyperplasia.

The situation is complicated by the fact that it is impossible to predict in advance exactly which of the patients in the process of rehabilitation will develop hyperextended tissues. Here everything depends not only on the level of skill of the doctor and the individual characteristics of the body of each woman, but also on many other factors. The only thing doctors can do is try to minimize the possibility of callus formation. To do this, there are a number of general tips and tricks, which will be discussed below.

Main causes of hyperplasia

callus on the nose
callus on the nose

Bone callus on the nose after rhinoplasty appears as a result of improper fusion of connective tissue that was damaged during nose correction surgery. The point is that the frameworkthe external nose has a very complex anatomical structure. It consists of a huge amount of cartilage and bones that are not particularly strong. Therefore, when a plastic surgeon performs rhinoplasty, the risk of mechanical damage to this sense organ is very high.

Thus, damage to the following types of tissues can be distinguished among the main causes:

  • soft;
  • cartilaginous;
  • bone.

To give the nose the correct shape, surgeons have to remove some of these tissues. In turn, protective functions are activated in the body, and the process of regeneration begins, during which a characteristic growth forms at the site of damage. Depending on the complexity of the rhinoplasty, the callus can have different sizes. Most often it is small, but there are cases when the structure was simply huge. Also, the time of build-up formation can vary greatly. In some cases, it appears only a few weeks after the nose correction, and sometimes the fair sex notices it only after a year.

Call formation process

Bone callus on a woman's nose
Bone callus on a woman's nose

One of the most common types of plastic surgery is rhinoplasty. The callus (photo above) does not form overnight, but gradually.

The growth process consists of the following steps:

  1. Growing connective tissue provisional callus.
  2. Osteoid hyperplasia forms.
  3. Soft tissue is replaced by bone.

In some cases, it is not connective, but cartilaginous tissue that undergoes keratinization. In this situation, the formation of callus can take from several months to one year. According to doctors, a hump on the nose appears in very rare cases and is considered the exception rather than the rule.

What is dangerous hyperplasia

Bone callus after rhinoplasty not only greatly affects the aesthetics, but can also have many negative consequences. The most common among them are the following:

  • formation of a hump on the bridge of the nose;
  • changing the normal shape of the skeleton of the external nose;
  • edema.

It is important to understand here that the consequences are not only external, but also psychological, because if a girl is not satisfied with her appearance, then she will begin to complex, and she will become uncomfortable being in society. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with the result of plastic surgery to correct the nose, then you should not delay it, but should immediately contact a professional doctor. The thing is that doctors rarely resort to repeated surgical intervention, and the problem is eliminated with the help of drug therapy.

What to do and how to be

girl at the doctor
girl at the doctor

So, you noticed that you have a callus after rhinoplasty. How to remove it? You won’t be able to get rid of it yourself at home without the help of a specialized specialist, so it’s best to follow the following procedure:

  1. Send to the surgeon who performed your nose correction, regardless of how long the rehabilitation period you had a problem. This is especially true in force majeure situations that require immediate medical attention.
  2. After passing the examination, the doctor will prescribe a treatment program for you, which must be strictly followed. Only in this way will you be able to achieve the desired result and restore your appearance to its former attractiveness.

It is worth noting that most often hyperplasia is diagnosed in young people under the age of 18, so they are strongly discouraged from going under the knife of a plastic surgeon. This is due to the fact that their bone skeleton has not yet been completely formed, but continues to develop, therefore, in place of one eliminated defect, another can always appear. In addition, there is a high risk of developing various serious complications that can pose a great threat to human he alth.

Diagnosis of callus hyperplasia

What is she like? Before prescribing any treatment to the patient, doctors need to confirm that he actually developed a callus after rhinoplasty. A photo of this structure does not always allow an accurate diagnosis, so plastic surgeons send the person who applied for an x-ray, which is considered one of the most accurate types of laboratory diagnostics. Based on the received image, medical specialists decide on the most optimal and effective therapy program.


nose surgery
nose surgery

Bone callus after rhinoplasty may require different therapies. The treatment program is selected by the surgeon individually for each patient, depending on the clinical picture, but most often it is based on the use of certain medications. The main efforts of doctors are aimed at preventing the further development of the hyperplasia process. For this, a number of techniques and procedures are used that are highly effective in combating the problems of hypergrowth of bone tissues. At the same time, one should not forget that it is much easier to deal with a defect in the early stages, therefore, if it is detected, it is very important to contact a medical institution as soon as possible for professional help.

Medication is combined with physiotherapy, and if there is no improvement for a long period of time, doctors prescribe a second nose correction. However, the latter is an extreme measure that is rarely used.

What medications are prescribed

If a person has formed a callus after rhinoplasty on the bridge of the nose, then he is recommended to take anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as drugs that improve the nutrition of damaged areas of the bone skeleton. In most cases, these are drugs of the glucocorticoid group, which relieve swelling well and accelerate the healing process of tissues.

The most famous medicines of this group:

  • "Kenalog" or "Diprospan". They are released in the forminjections, drugs have a complex effect. Remove puffiness and accelerate the healing of soft and bone tissues.
  • "Traumeel C" - a homeopathic remedy that relieves inflammation.

In addition, doctors prescribe antibiotics to patients to minimize the chances of infection entering the body.


The girl has a band-aid on her nose
The girl has a band-aid on her nose

In addition to taking medications, patients who have a callus after nose surgery are prescribed a course of physiotherapy procedures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the main treatment and stimulating regeneration processes in the body. These include the following:

  • Electrophoresis using enzyme and hormonal preparations.
  • UHF therapy based on the effect of a magnetic field on the human body.
  • Magnetotherapy - accelerates the healing process of tissues.
  • Sonophoresis - ultrasound treatment with specialized equipment using 1% steroid ointment.
  • Thermotherapy - heat treatment.

As practice shows, the combination of these methods in combination with taking medications gives a positive result. But in very rare cases, there is no improvement, so the patient needs surgery.

Revision surgery

consequences of rhinoplasty
consequences of rhinoplasty

If a person not only has a callus after rhinoplasty, but also shows some other symptoms, then doctors do not haveway out except to resort to yet another correction of the organ of smell. Cause for alarm are:

  • high body temperature;
  • excess fluid accumulation;
  • reddening of the skin of the bridge of the nose.

It is important to understand that the operation cannot completely eliminate the possibility of repeated relapses. It will be possible to draw final conclusions about the success of treatment after 6-12 months.

General recommendations

If you decide on a nose correction, then to reduce the risk of negative consequences after surgery, you will need to make some efforts.

Plastic surgeons advise the following:

  • For the first few days after surgery, you should avoid any physical activity and try to get as much rest as possible.
  • For two weeks, you should refrain from blowing your nose.
  • For the first month, refrain from visiting the bathhouse, sauna, solarium and other places where staying is associated with high ambient temperature.
  • If you play sports, then take a break for two months.
  • For the period of rehabilitation, wearing glasses is contraindicated so as not to create a load on the bridge of the nose.
  • Do not eat foods that are too cold or hot.
  • Don't stay out in the sun for long periods.

These simple tips will reduce the likelihood of developing hyperplasia, but will not completely eliminate it, so you should monitor your he alth and, in case of any problems, you should immediatelygo to the hospital.

Operation reviews

Callus after rhinoplasty (reviews of people who performed nose correction fully confirm this) is very rare. In most cases, nose correction goes well. Patients in the reviews write that they were able to return to their usual way of life quite quickly. But if the negative consequences still could not be avoided, then they are easily eliminated by taking medications and physiotherapy.


beautiful nose
beautiful nose

Today, the level of development of plastic surgery is very high, however, unfortunately, many people, having decided to go under the surgical knife, face various problems. Therefore, you should think very carefully before you decide on an operation to correct your appearance. Moreover, natural beauty is gradually returning to fashion.
