The main part of our planet is covered with water. The body of man and animals consists almost entirely of it. Therefore, it is not surprising that water plays a leading role in the life of the creatures inhabiting the Earth. In our material, I would like to talk about what thalassotherapy is, what are the benefits and harms of swimming in sea water, how rest near the coast affects the state of the human body.
A few words about thalassotherapy

The concept of thalassotherapy was introduced by the famous German therapist Friedrich von Halem. The results of research on the benefits of swimming in the sea were presented to the public by a specialist back in the 18th century. A little later, the British physiologist Richard Russell wrote a treatise on the healing properties of s alt water. Since that time, doctors began to consider swimming in the sea as an effective therapy for a wide variety of ailments.
Due to the expansion of knowledge in the field of thalassotherapythere was a noticeable increase in the demand for the services of instructors who introduced the population to the secrets of keeping on the water. After all, a few centuries ago, mainly sailors knew how to swim. Since the rest of the population simply did not see practical application in such a skill.
With the advent of the doctrine of thalassotherapy, many Europeans began to regularly visit the sea coast for recreation. The first coastal resorts began to emerge at the end of the 19th century. In the same period, bathing suits were invented, the fashion for which contributed to the introduction of people to swimming in the healing s alt water.
In fact, the benefits of sea water for humans were noted in the treatises of the ancient Greek scientist, physician and philosopher Hippocrates. It was he who first suggested using it for the purpose of healing wounds, eliminating bruises, as well as treating skin diseases, in particular, lichen and scabies. In those gray days, the benefits of sea water for joints were already known. It was believed that rest near the coast helps to eliminate the ailments of the nervous system. Sea water is often used as a laxative. She also treated headaches.
Composition of sea water

What are the benefits of sea water? A beneficial effect on the human body is due to its special mineral composition. Seawater contains the following substances:
- Mineral s alts - contribute to the accelerated outflow of fluids from body tissues, accelerate metabolic processes in the body.
- Calcium - has a positive effect on the conditionnervous system, eliminates depressive conditions, drives away insomnia, makes it possible to get rid of convulsive conditions, osteoporosis.
- Magnesium - prevents allergic manifestations, relieves nervousness and irritability.
- Potassium - normalizes blood pressure, prevents the occurrence of hypertensive conditions, relieves tissues from swelling.
- Iodine is an indispensable element for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. The trace element has a positive effect on intellectual activity.
- Iron - takes part in the formation of red blood cells, oxygen enrichment of body cells.
- Silicon - improves skin condition, increasing its firmness and elasticity.
- Selenium - prevents the formation of pathological cells in tissues.
- Sulfur - disinfects the skin, effectively fights the development of all kinds of fungal manifestations.
Who benefits from swimming in the sea?

As shown by modern research, the benefits of sea water for the body is, first of all, in the development of positive dynamics for the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Bathing in s alt water accelerates the blood, saturates body fluids with minerals and enriches tissues with oxygen. For this reason, relaxing by the sea is recommended for people who suffer from heart ailments, have problems with pathological jumps in blood pressure.
The benefits of sea water is to accelerate the renewal of the cells of the human body. Bathing in it is recommended for people who have failures of metabolic processes in the body. Visiting seaside resorts makes it possible to strengthen the immune system, calm the nervous system, and improve skin condition.
Special benefits of bathing in sea water for children, pregnant women, people who are at the stage of rehabilitation after serious illnesses. After all, the sea is a real storehouse of minerals that are required for normal life and recovery of the body.
Sea air

Visiting seaside resorts brings considerable benefits to the organs of the respiratory system and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Staying under the sun helps open the pores of the epidermis. Thus, trace elements that are in the air are literally absorbed into the skin. It also contains negatively charged ions, volatile phytoncides that are released from vegetation.
Evaporation of sea water, rich in s alts and iodine, has a positive effect on the condition of the lungs. The tissues of the respiratory tract are gradually softened and cleared. That's why it's so easy to breathe on the coast. Moisture-saturated air constantly moisturizes the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, which helps to retain dust particles and prevents the penetration of pathological microbes into the body.
Sea water benefits for weight loss

Bathing in s alt water makes it possible to get a beautiful figure, make the body more attractive and toned. Highthe concentration of mineral s alts and useful elements contributes to the speedy removal of toxins from the body. The impact of waves on the body is something akin to an anti-cellulite massage. If regular bathing is combined with activity on the shore, the fats in the tissues of the body melt before our eyes. The benefits of sea water for the human body in this case also lies in its iodized composition. It is this substance that burns excess fat reserves in problem areas.
Strengthening gums and teeth
The benefits of sea water, in addition to all of the above, is to strengthen the teeth and gums. The presence of concentrated calcium and bromine in such a s alty liquid seems to be a good solution for its use in rinsing the mouth. However, it is recommended to use only pharmaceutical sea water for these purposes. It is not worth rinsing your teeth and gums directly off the coast. Indeed, in such water, in addition to useful elements, there are many pathological microorganisms.
Wound healing
Sea water is known for its wound-healing effect. Bathing in it looks like a good solution for people who have all kinds of abrasions, cuts, insect bite marks on their bodies. The concentrated mineral s alts contained in such a liquid act like an antibiotic, disinfecting wounds. Thus, bathing in the sea leads to their speedy healing.
Features of swimming in different seas

Rest is absolutely useful at any coast. At the same time, being by one sea or anotherhas its own characteristics:
- Black Sea - a positive effect for the body due to the abundance of oxygen in the coastal space, a moderate amount of mineral s alts in the water. Coniferous vegetation on the coast saturates the air with negatively charged ions and phytoncides, which have a calming effect on the nervous system.
- The Sea of Azov is considered one of the most useful in the world. Its waters contain an abundance of iodine, hydrogen sulfide and bromine. Such elements are involved in the normalization of metabolic processes. The presence of healing mud in combination with moderately humid steppe air makes the Sea of Azov a real hospital.
- B altic Sea - one of the coolest waters. Therefore, the place looks ideal for people who decide to join the hardening of the body. The combination of substances that are released from pine wood, with mineral s alts, improves immunity.
- Dead Sea - waters contain the highest concentration of mineral s alts. This composition activates metabolic processes in the body, improves blood circulation, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
Helpful tips

What is good and dangerous sea water? We will consider the benefits and harms of bathing in it further:
- Before entering the sea, it is advisable to spend about 10-15 minutes on the shore, being in the shade. This approach will avoid a shock state for the body due to temperature contrast.
- Arriving at the resort, for severaldays it is recommended to bathe only once a day. Over time, it is worth increasing the number of sea baths to two or three. At the same time, it is better that the breaks between bathing are at least half an hour.
- Don't stay at sea until you're blue in the face. Hypothermia leads to a decrease in the protective functions of the body and, as a result, the development of colds, cystitis, bronchitis, and other ailments. To prevent this from happening, after leaving the water, vigorously rub the body with a towel.
- He alth damage caused by swimming in the sea immediately after eating. However, you should not be too active in water on an empty stomach. Indeed, with such behavior, long-distance swims can lead to the development of tachycardia and a feeling of general malaise.
- When leaving the water, it is better to stand on the shore for a few minutes, and not immediately run into the shower. Only in this way the skin will absorb the beneficial substances that are contained in the sea.
- Those who are contraindicated in swimming and being in cool water due to poor he alth will benefit from douches and foot baths.