Common colza is popularly known by various names - doggie, barbarian, fragrant yellow flower, ferocious. It is a naked biennial herb from the cruciferous family. It reaches a height of 30-60 cm. Surepka is a medicinal herb that grows in fields and wet meadows, in the Caucasus and in the European part of the Russian Federation. It has a branching erect stem with petiolate, sessile, serrated upper and lyre-shaped lower leaves. Her flowers are four-petal, yellow, collected in apical brushes. The fruits of the plant are pods, cylindrical, tetrahedral or bent, with veins. In addition to being a medicinal herb, colza is considered a good honey plant.

Useful properties of this plant are determined by its chemical composition. Turnip (medicinal herb) contains vitamins B and C, flavonoids (glycosides of quercetin and kaempferol). Its seeds contain a fatty oil containing oleic, erucic, linoleic, linolenic, stearic, eicosenoic, eicosa-dienic and palmitic acids. They also contain glucobarbin (thioglycosides). Some of the substances contained in this plant have a toxic effect, so its use inmedical purposes should take place with certain precautions.

Curse is a medicinal herb that is used almost completely for therapeutic purposes. So, roots, stems, young pods, etc. are used. Preparations from it have a diuretic, tonic, activating the genitourinary system, and accelerate wound healing. Fresh colza greens are used in cooking.
For medical purposes, colza has found wide application. In particular, it helps with scurvy and hypovitaminosis, paralysis, edema, after a heart attack and stroke, with epilepsy. For these purposes, an infusion is made from it. Also, tea is brewed on the grass, which is drunk to prevent general weakness. It helps with erectile dysfunction, paralysis, infertility. For this, a decoction is prepared on its basis. Powder and juice from colza are used to treat epilepsy, kidney ailments, and prostate adenoma. Tibetan healers used its seeds in case of leprosy. In addition, its green shoots are harvested for medicinal purposes, which are crushed and added to soups, borscht, sandwiches and meat dishes are sprinkled with it.
For medical use, colza grass is harvested during its flowering period, as well as the roots of annual plants collected in early spring or autumn. They are dried in rooms (well ventilated), spread out in a thin, no more than 5 cm layer. If this process is done incorrectly, the grass will turn yellow and become unusable.

The main dosage form is consideredinfusion of dry or fresh herbs. For this, a tablespoon of the crushed plant is poured with boiling water (volume - a glass) and insisted for 3 hours, after straining, the product can be used. The recommended dose is a quarter cup four times a day, the course is two to three weeks.
Have drugs from this herb and contraindications. In particular, they are undesirable for use in inflammatory bowel diseases and stomach ulcers.