Women's he alth 2024, October

After childbirth, the uterus contracts poorly: possible causes and features of treatment

After childbirth, the uterus contracts poorly: possible causes and features of treatment

Pregnancy is a difficult period for the female body. First of all, the hormonal background changes, the mammary glands gradually swell, the uterus grows. It is worth noting that it can increase by about 500 times. During the postpartum period, the uterus gradually shrinks. Every woman's body is a unique mechanism. It takes a certain period of time for the uterus to shrink to its original size. There are many factors that can influence this process

Clearblue pregnancy test: price, reviews, photos and instructions

Clearblue pregnancy test: price, reviews, photos and instructions

What does a woman planning pregnancy do when her period is late? Of course, he buys a pregnancy test. This type of product can be purchased in almost every pharmacy chain or the nearest supermarket

Corn on the nipple during breastfeeding: causes and methods of treatment

Corn on the nipple during breastfeeding: causes and methods of treatment

Mother's milk is the most valuable and useful product for a child who has just been born. Its composition is perfectly balanced, it contains all the substances that are necessary for the child to fully develop. Despite the fact that breastfeeding has undeniable advantages, at first it can cause some difficulties for a woman - the appearance of corns, wounds, cracks, redness on the nipple

Breast ductography is Definition, purpose and features of the conduct

Breast ductography is Definition, purpose and features of the conduct

Breast ductography is an x-ray examination of the milk ducts of the mammary glands. At the same time, a contrast agent is injected into them. Doctors call this method of diagnosis one of the varieties of mammography. Another name for this manipulation, which is often used by medical professionals, is galactography

Why do you want sweets during your period: causes, hormonal changes in the body and doctors' opinions

Why do you want sweets during your period: causes, hormonal changes in the body and doctors' opinions

Surely every woman will be interested to know why during menstruation you want sweets. Almost every representative of the weaker sex is faced with a situation where, during menstrual bleeding, she is very drawn to sweets, chocolate and other delicacies

Is it possible to do fluorography during menstruation? Why do you need fluorography?

Is it possible to do fluorography during menstruation? Why do you need fluorography?

Russia is a country with a rather unfavorable situation for such a disease as tuberculosis, so every adult is recommended to undergo a special examination once a year, which can detect it in its initial stages. This is the best method of prevention, which has been proving its effectiveness for many years. But is it possible to do fluorography during menstruation?

How to lower homocysteine: tips

How to lower homocysteine: tips

It is an organic low molecular weight compound, a non-protein sulfur-containing amino acid that does not come with food, but is obtained as a result of some biochemical processes that constantly occur in the human body. The synthesis of this substance occurs during the processes of metabolism of the amino acid, which is called methionine, occurring in many stages. This amino acid belongs to the category of essential

How do you know you're infertile? Causes and diagnosis of female infertility

How do you know you're infertile? Causes and diagnosis of female infertility

Almost every woman dreams of becoming a mother. However, in some cases, it is not possible to get pregnant for a long time. If numerous attempts to conceive a child fail, the girl begins to worry. How to understand that you are infertile? This question is often of interest to the fairer sex

Crust on the nipples of the breast: causes of appearance

Crust on the nipples of the breast: causes of appearance

Many women notice crusts on their nipples. A similar symptom may be a sign of a certain disease. Often it manifests itself during pregnancy and the lactation process. For the most accurate determination of the causes of the development of this pathological phenomenon, it is necessary to diagnose not only the mammary glands, but the whole organism

Is it possible to put a spiral on nulliparous girls: possible consequences, features of application

Is it possible to put a spiral on nulliparous girls: possible consequences, features of application

Today, people know many methods of protection against unwanted conception. One of the most popular ways are pills and an intrauterine device. Some women should not take drugs containing hormones due to contraindications. Such representatives of the weaker sex are offered the Navy. But is it possible to put a spiral on nulliparous girls? This issue is controversial

Nausea and dizziness during menstruation: possible causes, treatment features

Nausea and dizziness during menstruation: possible causes, treatment features

About 80% of all women feel unwell during their period. One of the symptoms is the occurrence of dizziness during menstruation. Such a sign worries almost half of the girls on Earth. That is why ways to deal with the unpleasant manifestations of PMS are incredibly relevant

How to feel ovulation: signs, recommendations from gynecologists

How to feel ovulation: signs, recommendations from gynecologists

Many women wonder how to feel ovulation. The signs and symptoms are varied. Some women do not feel anything at all, others are worried about soreness in the abdomen and chest, and copious discharge appears

How to use a menstrual cup: instruction, principle of operation and reviews

How to use a menstrual cup: instruction, principle of operation and reviews

Manufacturers of the menstrual cup promise that with its regular use, a woman can forever forget about monthly spending on intimate hygiene products. As another bonus, the ability to wear any type of clothing, even the most tight-fitting, without fear of leaving stains on it

Strange periods: the nature of the changes and possible causes, recommendations from experts

Strange periods: the nature of the changes and possible causes, recommendations from experts

The woman's body is a unique creation. Every month, an unfertilized egg is released from the uterus. Normally, menstruation should not exceed five days. But if the duration decreases, and instead of red blood, meager periods occur, which differ in brown color, or, conversely, the discharge becomes plentiful, then this will already be considered abnormal

The benefits and harms of coffee for women: the effect of caffeine on the female body

The benefits and harms of coffee for women: the effect of caffeine on the female body

Many women start their morning with a cup of fragrant drink. Coffee is the most controversial he alth food. Some sources report that regular studies confirm its benefits, and at the same time, already in other sources, it appears that this drink only harms

Can I sleep with a tampon? Which is better - pads or tampons?

Can I sleep with a tampon? Which is better - pads or tampons?

Among the well-known myths discussed on the Internet, a special place is given to the question of whether it is possible to sleep with a tampon. Of course, this topic is of interest to many women who are accustomed to using this particular hygiene product. Why are there such heated discussions?

Elevated cortisol in women: symptoms and treatment

Elevated cortisol in women: symptoms and treatment

High demands on oneself and the desire to meet the criteria of society sooner or later plunge the fair sex into a state of chronic stress, resulting in an increase in the level of the hormone cortisol. This is a substance that the human body releases when it is "on the verge". Symptoms of high cortisol in women are described in the article

Belly immediately after childbirth: what does it look like, how does it go away, what should I do?

Belly immediately after childbirth: what does it look like, how does it go away, what should I do?

Young mothers, who missed seductive tight dresses and tight trousers during pregnancy, strive to get back in shape as soon as possible, but not always everything goes well. The body needs time to recover from such a serious load as the birth of a child. How to quickly remove the stomach after childbirth?

22 cycle day: what phase, progesterone rate, description by day and doctors' reviews

22 cycle day: what phase, progesterone rate, description by day and doctors' reviews

The menstrual cycle is the time interval that passes between adjacent menstruation. This segment is divided into phases, which are characterized by their own specifics, which determine the state of the woman's body. If a woman is guided in the phases of her cycle, she will be able to understand herself well, explain changes in well-being, mood swings and other features

Can I get pregnant with my tubes tied naturally?

Can I get pregnant with my tubes tied naturally?

Tubal ligation is considered the most effective method of contraception against unwanted pregnancy. But there are times when, after the procedure, a woman changes her mind and then the question is whether it is possible to get pregnant with ligated fallopian tubes. Is it possible to become a mother in this case in a natural way? Can this process be reversed?

How old can you have an abortion: age, features of abortion for minors and consequences

How old can you have an abortion: age, features of abortion for minors and consequences

Youth is the time of first love and serious mistakes. An inattentive attitude to contraception and one's he alth leads to unwanted conception in adolescents. Most girls in this situation prefer to terminate the pregnancy. At what age can you have an abortion? Today this question is relevant

When is the best time to do an ovulation test? Best Ovulation Tests

When is the best time to do an ovulation test? Best Ovulation Tests

With the advent of the convenient invention of ovulation tests, it has become much easier and more reliable for women to determine whether the right time to conceive has come, which makes pregnancy more likely. Now the girl herself can determine the successful period, using such a fast and reliable method

What should be the uterus before menstruation to the touch

What should be the uterus before menstruation to the touch

The uterus to the touch before menstruation. The structure of the female reproductive system. Menstrual cycle. Probing technique. vaginal infections. The position of the cervix at different times. Diagnosis of the condition based on the position of the cervix by palpation

What to do with lactostasis, symptoms and treatment of milk stasis

What to do with lactostasis, symptoms and treatment of milk stasis

What to do with lactostasis, every woman should definitely know, since such a problem can lead to more serious complications and provoke a sharp deterioration in well-being. In case of fever and severe weakness, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the required treatment

He alth-improving and prophylactic tampons "Qing Gong": composition, instructions for use, side effects, reviews

He alth-improving and prophylactic tampons "Qing Gong": composition, instructions for use, side effects, reviews

These funds began to be massively found on the domestic market about ten years ago. Women did not immediately begin to use them. At first, distrust of Qing Gong tampons arose due to the lack of information about this product. And only recently, doctors began to advise patients on proven remedies borrowed from Chinese medicine, but only in the role of prevention or additional therapy

Removal of the endometrial polyp, hysteroscopy: doctor's prescription, procedure features, technique and contraindications

Removal of the endometrial polyp, hysteroscopy: doctor's prescription, procedure features, technique and contraindications

Uterine polyp is a very common disease prone to recurrence. Recurrent endometrial hyperplasia is malignant in 1.5% of cases. The greatest likelihood of developing cancer of the uterine mucosa is associated with adenomatous polyps (adenomas). The disease can develop at any age. The optimal method of treatment is hysteroscopy (removal of the endometrial polyp)

How much does the uterus shrink after a caesarean section and how can this process be stimulated

How much does the uterus shrink after a caesarean section and how can this process be stimulated

Many women are concerned about how much the uterus shrinks after childbirth? After all, the general well-being of the patient directly depends on this process. If the organ does not return to its previous size after some time, then bleeding or fluid stagnation occurs. There are several methods that will help speed up uterine contractions

Bending of the uterus: causes, symptoms, treatment features and consequences

Bending of the uterus: causes, symptoms, treatment features and consequences

The bend of the uterus is an incorrect location of the organ in the pelvis. Pathology can be both acquired and congenital. In most cases, the bend of the uterus does not require any specific measures and treatment, and after childbirth it goes away on its own. However, in some cases, pathology can become an obstacle to conceiving a child

Hirudotherapy in gynecology: features, indications and reviews

Hirudotherapy in gynecology: features, indications and reviews

Healers have known about hirudotherapy since ancient times. Hippocrates wrote about this method of therapy. No less famous doctor Avicenna determined the benefits of a leech bite for the body. Hirudotherapy has been used in gynecology since the 16th century. According to other information, Cleopatra herself used leech bites to treat infertility. With the help of these living beings, she managed to give birth to an heir

Why do periods take longer than usual?

Why do periods take longer than usual?

Why do periods take longer than usual? How serious is this? In this article, we will answer these and other questions

Useful information for all girls: how to induce menstruation

Useful information for all girls: how to induce menstruation

Perhaps every girl at least once in her life got into a situation where you need to speed up or, conversely, delay the onset of menstruation. For example, this need can be caused by the start of a vacation or a date. How to induce menstruation? And is it safe?

Ectropion of the cervix: photo, symptoms, treatment, operation

Ectropion of the cervix: photo, symptoms, treatment, operation

The vast majority of women at the gynecologist's appointment revealed various changes in the cervix, which are benign. A significant part of them is associated with the deformation of the organ. One of these pathologies is the ectropion of the cervix. Ectropion is a pathological defect in which the mucosa of the cervical canal is everted. In this case, it will look like turned inside out

Trichomoniasis in women: symptoms, causes, treatment, photo

Trichomoniasis in women: symptoms, causes, treatment, photo

Trichomoniasis is a dangerous sexually transmitted disease that is difficult to treat. Find out about its transmission, symptoms, treatment and prevention methods in this article

Irregular menstruation: causes and treatment

Irregular menstruation: causes and treatment

There are many reasons for menstrual irregularities, and this phenomenon itself causes concern for any woman. On time, steadily coming critical days, the same in duration and volume of discharge from month to month - an indicator of the he alth of the body and the excellent work of the reproductive organs. What can cycle failures indicate?

Cervical erosion in nulliparous girls: causes, symptoms, treatment

Cervical erosion in nulliparous girls: causes, symptoms, treatment

Erosion in the tissues of the genital organs is a fairly common problem among the fair sex. According to statistics, in most cases, such a pathology develops after pregnancy (successful or interrupted). Nevertheless, cervical erosion in nulliparous girls is also diagnosed, because there are many causes of this disease

Does it hurt to give birth or not? Methods to help relieve pain

Does it hurt to give birth or not? Methods to help relieve pain

The birth of a child is the most important and happiest moment for a family. But the birth of a new person is always accompanied by many questions and fears. For a new mother giving birth for the first time, this is a huge stress. The biggest question for her is: "Does it hurt to give birth or not?" Here you will find not only the answer, but also tips on how to relieve pain. And also find out if it hurts to give birth for the first time

Ectopia of the cervix. What is it, let's take a closer look

Ectopia of the cervix. What is it, let's take a closer look

Many women are diagnosed with cervical erosion by a gynecologist, which makes them worry about this, think about treatment. But in fact, ectopia is often hidden under erosion, which in many cases does not require treatment. Learn more about what is ectopia of the cervix

Monthly after IVF: reasons. Failed in vitro fertilization procedure

Monthly after IVF: reasons. Failed in vitro fertilization procedure

Monthly after IVF can be a predictable norm or a pathological deviation. At the same time, the excitement of a woman is understandable, because usually for childless couples, IVF is the only hope to create a full-fledged family with children. In addition, we must not forget that the price of IVF is far from symbolic and any deviation after the procedure, of course, is alarming

Is it possible to have surgery during menstruation: advice from a gynecologist

Is it possible to have surgery during menstruation: advice from a gynecologist

Can I have surgery during my period? This question is asked by many patients. After all, it's no secret that the female body is more susceptible to changes in hormonal levels. Does the day of the menstrual cycle somehow affect the conduct of medical procedures? Is it possible to develop complications?

Cryotransfer in the natural cycle: the essence and features of the procedure, the pros and cons. How to prepare for cryotransfer

Cryotransfer in the natural cycle: the essence and features of the procedure, the pros and cons. How to prepare for cryotransfer

Cryotransfer in the natural cycle allows women to conceive a child artificially, who do not have problems with the menstrual cycle. Usually, in this case, the causes of non-occurrence of pregnancy, subject to attempts at natural conception during the year, are diseases of other organs and systems, and not reproductive. As for men, there is only one indication for IVF: poor sperm quality