Can I get pregnant with my tubes tied naturally?

Can I get pregnant with my tubes tied naturally?
Can I get pregnant with my tubes tied naturally?

Among the wide variety of contraceptive methods, tubal ligation is the most effective. Sometimes it is done according to the testimony, but most often at the request of the woman herself. It happens that over time a woman still wants to have a baby, and then the question arises whether it is possible to get pregnant if the fallopian tubes are tied. Consider all aspects of this process.

How is the fallopian tubes tied after childbirth, and who is allowed?

Features of tubal ligation
Features of tubal ligation

Not all women decide on such a cardinal method of contraception. There are contraindications to this tubal ligation procedure. But sometimes it is done for medical reasons.

Who is eligible for tubal ligation:

  • a woman whose new pregnancy or childbirth threatens life and he alth;
  • to a woman aged close to menopause and if there is a history of severe geneticdiseases that can be transmitted to the unborn baby;
  • if there are already two or more children, but the woman is under 35;
  • women aged 35+ with a child;
  • when a married couple decided not to have any more children.

To avoid the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with tied tubes, a woman undergoes a comprehensive examination, including a psychologist. The operation itself is not difficult, but you need to carefully prepare for it by passing a series of tests that minimize the risk of side effects and complications.

Tubal ligation is most often performed by laparoscopy, under local or general anesthesia. This method is also called sterilization, and it can be carried out as early as three days after childbirth. This time is considered the most favorable for the procedure, since the fallopian tubes are located near the navel, which facilitates the constriction process. In addition, rehabilitation will be quick and without consequences.

How is tubal infertility testing done?

How to get pregnant after tubal ligation?
How to get pregnant after tubal ligation?

Tubal ligation is most often performed on women who already have children, and as a method of contraception. But before carrying out the procedure, the fair sex undergoes a series of studies. If a woman decides to become pregnant after sterilization, she must also undergo a series of examinations together with her partner.

Post-sterilization examination includes:

  • analysis of basal temperature over the past few months (the doctor needs to make suredoes a woman ovulate and on what day of the menstrual cycle);
  • blood test to detect hormonal disorders (indicates the ability of the ovaries to produce eggs);
  • spermogram partner to identify possible deviations in performance;
  • diagnosing and determining a possible method of conception.

A woman can become pregnant if her tubes are tied, but for this it is important to rule out other factors of infertility with the help of the above tests. If all tests are positive, including the partner's spermogram, then IVF, artificial insemination, is most often recommended.

Is it possible to get pregnant after sterilization?

IVF after tubal ligation
IVF after tubal ligation

Reading the opinions of experts and reviews of whether it is possible to get pregnant with ligated tubes, you can give a positive answer to this question. There are chances, but they are minimal, especially in the first two years after the procedure. It depends primarily on how well and in what way the sterilization was carried out. Tubal ligation with clamps and clamps is considered to have the highest rates of unwanted pregnancy. But, if you look at the situation from the other side, this method also makes it possible to reverse the operation of uncoupling the pipes.

It is believed that tubal ligation has a 9% chance of getting pregnant naturally, but the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases exponentially. The procedure is not recommended for women over 35, as the chances of conceiving a baby decrease at this age.

The main risk of pipe tightening isectopic pregnancy, which can be extremely dangerous to the life and he alth of a woman. It is impossible to protect yourself from it, but it is important to notice it in time, although in most cases it cannot be diagnosed early.

Can I get pregnant with my tubes tied naturally?

Pregnancy naturally after sterilization
Pregnancy naturally after sterilization

Successfully getting pregnant naturally after tubal ligation is possible, although the chances are minimal (less than 10%).

Increased natural conception rate after sterilization:

  • in the case of a poor-quality operation, after which significant defects were revealed;
  • when the process of accretion of soldered fallopian tubes occurs (in this case, a small passage is formed for spermatozoa);
  • already had a successful pregnancy after the dressing.

An ultrasound is performed to check how well the fallopian tubes can function. It is also worth remembering that the risk of an ectopic pregnancy in the case of tubal ligation is high, since the passages for the eggs are limited.

Pregnancy after tubal ligation: features

Consequences of sterilization
Consequences of sterilization

It is possible to conceive and bear a child with tubal ligation, but more often this happens with the help of artificial insemination, and not in a natural way. According to statistics, one in 10 women after sterilization, who was not protected, was able to successfully conceive. But it should also be noted that a larger percentage of offensiveectopic pregnancy.

Women considering tubal ligation should know:

  • sterilization does not affect hormones (although it is rarely done to women under 30);
  • Sexual activity and libido are also not affected by tubal ligation.

In vitro fertilization is done to women even with two ligated tubes and often has a positive result. Be sure to prescribe hormone therapy before the procedure, and the patient undergoes ultrasound control at all stages of the process. In order for the conception and bearing of a baby with the help of IVF to be successful, a woman must maintain physical and emotional peace, since the embryos react to any state of the mother. There are also cases when the first attempt was unsuccessful, so the procedure is carried out again and again.

ECO or plastic surgery

Tubal ligation consequences
Tubal ligation consequences

Many people ask if it is possible to get pregnant with tubes tied only through IVF. Of course not, although in this case the chances only increase. As you know, artificial insemination is a rather expensive procedure that not everyone can afford. But there is an alternative to IVF - surgical plastic surgery. This is a common procedure among women with tubal ligation, but the process is lengthy. If several years have passed after the dressing, then the plastic surgery may not bring results, because during this time the muscles completely atrophy.

It is possible to conceive a baby with your tubes tied, although it is difficult. Therefore, beforeto decide on such a method of contraception, it is worth considering other options that do not affect the condition and viability of the reproductive organs.

Can an ectopic pregnancy happen with tubal ligation?

Women often ask, "Can I get pregnant if my tubes are tied?" All gynecologists unanimously answer that sterilization prevents unwanted pregnancy in 95% of cases. But at the same time, the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy increases, since the path of the fertilized egg through the tubes to the uterus is closed, and it needs to mature somewhere.

Ectopic pregnancy also increases if there are any pathologies in the fallopian tubes, there were abortions, other gynecological operations or chronic inflammation associated with the genitourinary system.

It is impossible to somehow prevent or prevent an ectopic pregnancy. There are no general recommendations here, as it can happen even to perfectly he althy women, although rarely.

Reverse operation: untie the fallopian tubes - is it possible?

Can you get pregnant with your tubes tied?
Can you get pregnant with your tubes tied?

Those who wonder if it is possible to get pregnant with their tubes tied are also interested in the possibility of the reverse process. The decoupling of the pipes, which is carried out by surgeons, is not taken so literally by them. If sterilization was carried out using rings and clamps, or only a small part of the pipe was removed, then it is possible to reverse the process, and the woman has a great chance of becoming a mother again. There is also a high chance of a full recovery.reproductive function in those women who had a tubal ligation immediately after childbirth, and not so much time has passed.

In order to "untie the pipes" counts:

  • age of patient;
  • difficulties experienced in previous pregnancies;
  • the presence of pathologies in the reproductive organs;
  • other diseases in acute or chronic stage;
  • complications after sterilization;
  • motives of the woman herself.

The process of pipe tightening, as well as the reverse operation, should be approached carefully. Therefore, both in the first case and in the second, a comprehensive examination of the woman's he alth is underway.


The answer to the question, can you get pregnant with tubal ligation or not, is positive. But before deciding on the procedure, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons. Sterilization is not the only method of protection against unwanted pregnancy.
