Women's he alth 2024, October

Why menstruation started early: reasons

Why menstruation started early: reasons

Critical days for women raise many questions. For example, why do periods start earlier or later than the due date? This article will tell you all about the critical days

Uric acid: the norm for women, decoding the result of the analysis

Uric acid: the norm for women, decoding the result of the analysis

The article talks about uric acid, its norm in the blood, depending on the age and gender of a person. The reasons for the increase in blood levels in women, diagnosis, consequences, methods of treatment and prevention are described

Painful uterine contractions after childbirth and discharge: timing

Painful uterine contractions after childbirth and discharge: timing

During pregnancy, a woman regularly thinks about giving birth. The expectant mother imagines this process and studies a lot of information on this topic. During this period, a pregnant woman is most often not worried about what will happen to the body after the baby is born. And this is not entirely correct. This article will tell you about how uterine contractions occur after childbirth

Multifollicular ovaries: causes and treatment

Multifollicular ovaries: causes and treatment

The ovaries are an important organ of the female reproductive system. Any failures in its work lead to dysfunction of the gonads, disruption of the cycle, inability to conceive a child. Therefore, when the initial signs of the disorder appear, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. One of the serious pathologies that require close attention from doctors is multifollicular ovary syndrome (MFOS). The causes and methods of its treatment will be discussed in today's article

Multiple uterine fibroids: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods

Multiple uterine fibroids: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods

It is recommended to visit a gynecologist every six months - this will help prevent the development of many diseases. Uterine fibroids can develop without any symptoms, so you should get regular medical checkups. Medicines should be prescribed strictly by a doctor - self-medication is life-threatening

Menstrual cycle 30 days - when is ovulation? Methods for determining and formulas for calculating ovulation

Menstrual cycle 30 days - when is ovulation? Methods for determining and formulas for calculating ovulation

A lot of women trying to get pregnant want to find the right moment. This period of time is called ovulation. There are several ways to find out the ovulation period. Some of them are more complex, but as accurate as possible, while others do not require any effort from a woman, but their accuracy is not as high as in the first case

How to do douching at home. Indications and contraindications for douching

How to do douching at home. Indications and contraindications for douching

Many years ago, douching was the only treatment for gynecological diseases. With the development of medicine and modern technologies, this method has lost its former relevance, but still remains a good addition to the main therapy. Douching is extremely effective in inflammatory processes, as well as an antifungal and antibacterial treatment

What is the discharge with an ovarian cyst: color and characteristic features

What is the discharge with an ovarian cyst: color and characteristic features

There are several signs by which you can determine the presence of a cyst. Only after a thorough medical examination, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis. In the process of developing the disease, blood or brown discharge can be detected from the female genital organs. The appearance of one of the signs should be a cause for concern

The hormone androstenedione in women: the norm by age, causes and symptoms of abnormalities

The hormone androstenedione in women: the norm by age, causes and symptoms of abnormalities

From adolescence in the human body begins a constant increase in the level of androstenedione. The peak is at 30 years. Then the level goes down. What are the norms of androstenedione in women. What can cause deviation. How low or high hormone levels affect the conception and he alth of a woman, in general

X-ray for tubal patency: indications and preparation for the procedure

X-ray for tubal patency: indications and preparation for the procedure

Metrosalpingography (MSG) or hysterosalpingography (HSG) is a diagnostic measure that is used in medical practice to assess the physiological state of the fallopian tubes in women, in particular, their patency. Under modern conditions, X-rays are carried out using contrast agents, which allows you to get a more accurate result about the possible development of obstruction, the presence of adhesions

What is hormonal imbalance? Causes and treatment of hormonal imbalance in women

What is hormonal imbalance? Causes and treatment of hormonal imbalance in women

What is a hormonal imbalance? This is a condition in which there are changes in the hormonal background. All processes in the female body are controlled by the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which ensure normal puberty, the functioning of the reproductive system, and regular menstruation. Therefore, hormones must be in a certain balance that supports the work of the nervous and other systems

Chamomile from thrush: application, methods, contraindications

Chamomile from thrush: application, methods, contraindications

Candidiasis is a fairly common infectious disease. After passing the tests, yeast-like fungi such as Candida are present in the patient's urine. The disease itself is accompanied by tangible discomfort and even pain. If a person does not seek help from a doctor for a long time, then thrush is treated much longer. Most doctors prescribe medications to the patient, but they also advise taking a closer look at traditional medicine

Breast cancer in women: symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Breast cancer in women: symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Symptoms of a breast tumor in women are often mild. The disease develops, and the doctor is consulted already in the later stages of cancer. A breast tumor is a terrible diagnosis that is made to almost every second woman. But not all neoplasms are malignant

Severe pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women: reasons, which doctor to contact, treatment

Severe pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women: reasons, which doctor to contact, treatment

What can the appearance of severe pain in the lower abdomen on the left in women mean? This condition is not uncommon today. It is rather difficult to answer this question unambiguously, since there are a great many reasons. But, as a rule, this indicates problems in the female part and with the digestive system, pathologies of the spleen, etc. The main thing is not to ignore attacks and seek medical help in a timely manner

Increased free testosterone in women: causes, norm, treatment methods

Increased free testosterone in women: causes, norm, treatment methods

Testosterone is considered exclusively a male hormone, but is normally present in the female body. The substance affects sexuality, is responsible for the formation of the mammary glands and the maturation of the follicle, that is, it is an important part of the normal functioning of the reproductive system

Uterine dysplasia: what is it, causes, diagnosis, treatment methods

Uterine dysplasia: what is it, causes, diagnosis, treatment methods

What is cervical dysplasia and how to get rid of it? Description of the pathology and its features, varieties and possible consequences, symptoms and causes of development, diagnostic methods and the most effective methods of treatment. Everything you need to know about uterine dysplasia for every woman

Dyskeratosis of the cervix: causes, signs, treatment and consequences

Dyskeratosis of the cervix: causes, signs, treatment and consequences

Why does cervical dyskeratosis occur and how to get rid of it? The causes of the appearance of pathology, its description, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and features of therapy, as well as further prognosis and possible consequences

Reactive changes in the epithelium of the cervix: diagnosis, causes, treatment

Reactive changes in the epithelium of the cervix: diagnosis, causes, treatment

Reactive changes in the epithelium are dangerous for women's he alth. And at the same time, they rarely show themselves in any way. Asymptomatic course at times complicates the diagnosis. Therefore, it is recommended that all women go to the gynecological office at least once a year to conduct a cytological examination of the microflora

Culdocentesis - what is it? Indications for the use of culdocentesis for ovarian cysts

Culdocentesis - what is it? Indications for the use of culdocentesis for ovarian cysts

Culdocentesis - what is it? This is the name of an informative diagnostic procedure, which is widely used in many diseases. The essence of the manipulation is taking a puncture under local or general anesthesia from the Douglas space. Culdocentesis has its advantages and disadvantages. However, in some cases, such manipulations are indispensable

Problems with urination in women: causes, symptoms and treatment

Problems with urination in women: causes, symptoms and treatment

When women have problems with urination, this is a reason to seriously worry about their he alth. As a rule, this worries the elderly of the fair sex, but it can also appear in young girls, for example, after a difficult birth. Incontinence is one of the symptoms of menopause, when the production of the female hormone estrogen, which is responsible for tissue elasticity, is significantly reduced

I hate periods: reasons, advice from psychologists

I hate periods: reasons, advice from psychologists

Statistics show that 70-80% of the fair sex suffer to some extent from the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Is it any wonder that psychologists hear complaints from many girls "I hate menstruation"? The article describes the reasons for such hatred from the point of view of psychology, as well as tips on how to deal with PMS

FSH hormone - what is responsible for in women and men, norms and features

FSH hormone - what is responsible for in women and men, norms and features

Often, experts examine the hormone FSH. What he is responsible for will be described below in our article. However, you should pay attention to the fact that this hormone is very important for he alth. Before you pass the analysis for this element, you should prepare for the procedure. You can study these questions in more detail, as well as find the answer to what the FSH hormone is responsible for, in the article

Anechogenic formation in the mammary gland: symptoms, causes, features of diagnosis and treatment

Anechogenic formation in the mammary gland: symptoms, causes, features of diagnosis and treatment

Anechogenic formation in the mammary gland develops under the influence of many different factors, one of which is considered to be hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body. Often the disease proceeds without pronounced symptoms, therefore, it can be difficult to recognize it in the initial stages, which can lead to complications

Post-castration syndrome in women: symptoms and treatments

Post-castration syndrome in women: symptoms and treatments

Post-castration syndrome is a symptom complex that includes vegetative-vascular, neuroendocrine and neuropsychic disorders that develop as a result of total oophorectomy (surgical castration) in women of reproductive age

Pads "Naturella Ultra": originality and the main difference from other hygiene products

Pads "Naturella Ultra": originality and the main difference from other hygiene products

Naturella Ultra Normal are versatile sanitary napkins that even the most sensitive women use. They perfectly absorb liquid, adhere well to linen and do not cause irritation

Belly tying after childbirth: step-by-step actions and techniques

Belly tying after childbirth: step-by-step actions and techniques

Intra-abdominal pressure contributes to the fixation of organs, but after labor, this figure is significantly reduced. As a result, displacement of the uterus may occur. The tone of the pelvic muscles decreases, and will recover only approximately two weeks after childbirth

Excess magnesium in the body in women: symptoms, signs and treatment

Excess magnesium in the body in women: symptoms, signs and treatment

If the level of magnesium in the blood plasma rises in the human body, the patient's general he alth will deteriorate significantly, which can lead to death if complex therapy is not carried out in a timely manner. If one of the signs of the disease appears, you should seek help from a doctor

Can there be a delay in menstruation due to stress. How to restore the menstrual cycle

Can there be a delay in menstruation due to stress. How to restore the menstrual cycle

Almost none of the adults realize how detrimental to the body the state of stress and chronic fatigue. In fact, regular lack of sleep, nervousness, irritability, conflicts at work and in the family smoothly and imperceptibly, but inevitably lead to the development of diseases. One of the first "bells" is a delay in menstruation due to stress

Hypertrophy of the small lips: causes, description of symptoms, treatment and recommendations of doctors

Hypertrophy of the small lips: causes, description of symptoms, treatment and recommendations of doctors

Hypertrophy of the small lips gives women a lot of trouble with experiences. This condition is expressed in their elongation or increase and their protrusion beyond the external genitalia. Hypertrophy of the labia minora is not considered a life-threatening pathology or disease

Closing childbirth: description, features and reviews

Closing childbirth: description, features and reviews

Closure of childbirth is not only a set of measures aimed at restoring a woman's body after pregnancy and childbirth. It is rather a ritual that can restore a woman's psychological he alth, which is much more important than physical condition. After all, it is known that all diseases have their origin precisely in the emotional and even energy state of the body. And given that pregnancy, and most importantly, childbirth, is the most stressful thing in a woman's life, it is impossible to overestimate the ritual of closing childbirth

Lower back pain on the right back in women: possible causes, treatment options, reviews

Lower back pain on the right back in women: possible causes, treatment options, reviews

Lower back pain on the right in women appears for many reasons. It is worth learning more about them, why they occur, what are the accompanying symptoms and how to get rid of such a problem. Read more about this and more

Reduced progesterone in women: causes, symptoms, treatment, consequences

Reduced progesterone in women: causes, symptoms, treatment, consequences

The concentration of progesterone in a woman's blood is influenced by many factors. Only after a thorough medical examination, a gynecologist-endocrinologist can identify the main reason that provoked a decrease in the concentration of this substance in the blood. Without the recommendation of a doctor, it is forbidden to use any medication in order to correct the hormonal background

Excess progesterone in women: symptoms, causes, diagnostic tests, treatment correction and consequences

Excess progesterone in women: symptoms, causes, diagnostic tests, treatment correction and consequences

In frequent cases, an excess of progesterone is observed in the blood of women after a successful conception. This is not always a normal physiological process, since progesterone often becomes a sign of a serious pathology. Only after a thorough diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment that will help normalize the level of the hormone

Placental polyp after honeybort: symptoms and treatment

Placental polyp after honeybort: symptoms and treatment

Placental polyp is a neoplasm formed from the mucous endometrium and the rest of the placental tissues. The active process of proliferation of mucous membranes leads to the appearance of wide or narrowed polyps on a thin stalk. Placental polyp of the uterus is treated, as a rule, surgically, followed by a long recovery with medication

Breast elastography: what is it, principle of action, pros and cons

Breast elastography: what is it, principle of action, pros and cons

What is the difference between breast elastography and other methods of studying benign and malignant tumors? What are the main advantages of this method of examination and description of the procedure

Childbirth after removal of the pessary: application of the pessary, removal procedure, timing of delivery and recommendations from gynecologists

Childbirth after removal of the pessary: application of the pessary, removal procedure, timing of delivery and recommendations from gynecologists

It's nice when the pregnancy period proceeds without any complications, and the expectant mother is immersed only in beautiful dreams about her long-awaited little one. But in life, unfortunately, everything does not always happen as we would like, and sometimes there is a threat of interruption along with premature birth. How can you save the pregnancy, how does the birth go after the removal of the pessary?

Signs of endometriosis of the uterus in women: symptoms, treatment, photo

Signs of endometriosis of the uterus in women: symptoms, treatment, photo

Uterine endometriosis is one of the most complex diseases of the genital area, which is difficult to diagnose and cure. This pathology is accompanied by the growth of the endometrium, which is the inner layer of the uterine wall. It can grow outside the uterus, as well as inside the organ itself

What could be the reasons for the delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy, what to do?

What could be the reasons for the delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy, what to do?

Menstruation is an important process in a woman's body. Why can there be a delay in menstruation? How to correctly determine the cause of this event?

How to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation and pregnancy?

How to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation and pregnancy?

Basal temperature is an indicator that helps to judge ovulation and pregnancy. This article will show you how to measure it

Voluntary sterilization of women: pros and cons of surgery, consequences, reviews

Voluntary sterilization of women: pros and cons of surgery, consequences, reviews

Female sterilization is a permanent method of contraception, forever eliminating the possibility of becoming pregnant and having a baby. Usually, women who have already given birth, who no longer want to have children, resort to it. The operation involves actions aimed at preventing the fertilization of the egg by the sperm. Artificial obstruction of the fallopian tubes is created through surgical intervention. The efficiency of this operation is 99 percent