When is the best time to do an ovulation test? Best Ovulation Tests

When is the best time to do an ovulation test? Best Ovulation Tests
When is the best time to do an ovulation test? Best Ovulation Tests

With the advent of the convenient invention of ovulation tests, it has become much easier and more reliable for women to determine whether the right time to conceive has come, which makes pregnancy more likely. Now the girl herself can determine the successful period, using such a quick and reliable method. When a follicle ruptures in the ovary and the egg, ready for fertilization, enters the abdominal cavity, some changes occur in the female body. In particular, 24-36 hours before the onset of ovulation, the amount of luteinizing hormone in urine increases sharply, which is what the tests fix. Therefore, with the help of them, you can easily determine the almost exact time of ovulation. To make the results of the ovulation test more accurate, it should be performed on freshly collected urine. The accuracy of the calculation depends on whether the woman has a regular menstrual cycle.

One-time tests

do an ovulation test
do an ovulation test

To understand when is the best time to test forovulation, you need to figure out what types of devices are, and study their individual characteristics. All of them are based on monitoring the level of LH in the urine and choosing a time favorable for conception when there is a sharp jump in the content of this hormone in the urine. Today, pharmacies have disposable and reusable ovulation tests.

Disposable ovulation tests are similar to pregnancy tests, but you need to use them daily during your entire menstrual cycle. With their help, results are achieved much more accurate than when measuring basal temperature. True, it will cost more, but the effectiveness of the tests is higher.

How to use the disposable device?

whether to do an ovulation test
whether to do an ovulation test

So when is the best time to do an ovulation test? It can be carried out at absolutely any time during the day, only this time should not change throughout the entire research cycle. The procedure must be preceded by preparation. 4 hours before testing, you should not drink a lot of liquids and you must refrain from urinating. If these conditions are not met, the reliability of the result will be less. How to do a disposable ovulation test? Simply place the tip of the test under the stream of emitted urine for 5 seconds or in the already collected urine for 20 seconds. After three minutes, the result will appear. After its manifestation, it is necessary to compare the level of LH in urine with the control line located on the test.

Transcripting the results of a one-time test

And what does an ovulation test show? Hereeverything is also extremely simple:

  • if the color of the control line is thicker and darker, and the test strip looks paler in comparison, then the time of ovulation has not yet arrived and the LH level remains the same;
  • if the test sample is similar in color to the control or even darker, then the hormone has already risen and ovulation will occur between 24 and 36 hours.

Having determined that the long-awaited release of the hormone has occurred, you get a chance to become pregnant over the next 48 hours, and at this time sexual intercourse will be most effective. There is no need to continue research after that.

Reusable tests

what does an ovulation test show
what does an ovulation test show

Reusable tests differ in that they can be used constantly, changing only the strips. This is a portable device, into which the disposable strips included in its package are inserted each time. It is necessary to carefully study the instructions for use in order to know how to properly do an ovulation test. To do this, it is necessary to produce 10-20 samples per month. The testing process itself is identical to the previous method. However, the results appear differently. A replaceable test strip is inserted into the device, and the result appears on its display - the degree of fertility. Its undoubted advantages include the fact that the device shows not only the most favorable days for conception, but also a couple of days adjacent to them before the onset of ovulation and after, when the probability of conception is also quite high.

These home tests will be useful not only for those who seek to conceive a child,but will be useful for those who wish to protect themselves from pregnancy. In this case, fertile days will be undesirable for sexual intercourse.


ovulation test
ovulation test

What are the best ovulation tests out there? There are several types of ovulation tests available to consumers:

  • Test strip - a special strip of paper impregnated with a reagent. When immersed in urine, a reaction occurs and the result appears, its accuracy is high.
  • Test tablet - a small plastic case with a window. It can be substituted under a stream of urine or a little drip on it, and the result will appear in the window. These devices are more reliable in terms of the accuracy of the result, but they are also more expensive.
  • Inkjet test - the most reliable among the proposed options, either substituted under the current stream of urine, or immersed in a container with urine and after a few minutes gives the finished result.
  • Reusable test - the device with a set of disposable strips, which was mentioned above.
  • An electronic test is a device that determines the degree of fertility not on the basis of urine, but on saliva, which is placed on the lens. Its pattern is being examined. The meanings of the patterns are described in the instructions. This test, although quite expensive, is the most accurate.

But, focusing on the readings of the tests, it should be understood that they do not show the exact period of ovulation, but only the period of increasing LH levels in the female body. Ovulation occurs soon after, and this must be taken into account in your calculations.


how to do an ovulation test
how to do an ovulation test

When is the best time to do an ovulation test? This is one of the questions that are of great interest to women who have set themselves the goal of becoming pregnant. Sometimes inept actions can nullify all efforts to identify the exact time of ovulation. Many women are not aware that an egg can only be fertilized within a day. If you mistakenly believe that after the test results are favorable for conception, there is enough time for fertilization attempts and you should not rush into this delicate issue, you can easily miss this extremely important point. To get the most reliable result, you need to know on which day the ovulation test is best to start.

The beginning of testing is largely determined by the duration of the menstrual cycle, as well as its regularity. The first day in the cycle is the one in which menstruation began, and its duration is determined by the length of time until the next menstruation. If your cycle is regular and its duration is consistently the same figure, then you need to start an ovulation test no later than 17 days before the start of your period. For example, if the cycle is 28 days, then the start of the study should be on the 11th day, and if 32 days, then on the 15th. But when is the best time to do an ovulation test if the cycle is unstable? In this case, you should take the shortest period as a basis and start the study 17 days before this date, but continue to apply tests further if menstruation does not start at the estimated time.

An ovulation test can bedo it at any time. But it is better to control the level of LH twice a day - in the mornings and evenings, so as not to miss the expected event. After all, if in the morning your test does not show the required level of the hormone, and the release occurs, for example, in the afternoon, then after the next morning test you may not have time to fertilize, because the egg lives only 24 hours. For this reason, testing is usually done around 12:00 and 17:00 daily until the test shows a positive result.

How to do? Results transcript

best ovulation tests
best ovulation tests

All ovulation tests have two lines - a test line and a control line, which are coated with a chemical composition that gives it a certain color intensity. When exposed to urine on the control strip, it remains pale or becomes bright, depending on the result of the study. What does a weak line on the test mean? This means that the result is negative and the level of LH in the urine has not increased. In this case, ovulation tests should be continued. If the second line becomes as bright as the first, and maybe even darker, then in the next 24-36 hours, an egg ready for fertilization should be expected. A positive result is considered when the ovulation test shows two lines.

Most popular ovulation tests

The tests of the following brands proved to be the most reliable and reliable:

  • Eviplan.
  • Clearblue.
  • Frautest.

The latest brand has three options - Ovulation, Planning, Ovulation (test-cassettes). The first is suitable for a stable menstrual cycle, the second is equipped with 5 strips, of which two are for pregnancy, and the third consists of 7 cassettes and is very relevant for women whose cycles are always different.

Eviplan and Clearblue brands are cheaper than Frautest. At the same time, they have the same accuracy of readings. The Clearblue test is different in that when a positive result is achieved, a smiley emoticon appears on its electronic display. It is not difficult to use such a device, you just need to read the instructions first.

Clear Blue

Electronic ovulation test "Clear Blue" must be released from the foil before use and remove the cap. Insert it into the body of the device, combine the pink arrow on the body with the same one on the test and insert it until it clicks. When the symbol appears, signaling readiness, you can conduct research.

Position the downward-facing absorbent sampler under the urine stream for 5 to 7 seconds or immerse it in the collected urine for up to 15 seconds. At the same time, try not to wet the body. During the test period, you should not keep the strip pointing up - either lower it down, or put it on a flat horizontal surface. 3 minutes are allotted for the passage, therefore, when after some time the device starts blinking and notifying that the test is ready, do not rush to remove it from the urine until you get the result on the screen. The result can only be seen on the screen. The tests themselves do not display any information. After graduationresearch, they are removed from the device and thrown away.


In order to properly use the Eviplan test, you will need instructions for use. She is attached to him. Before testing, study it well and follow all the steps strictly according to the text. We will consider the features of use further. Note that morning urine should not be used.

Step-by-step instructions for using the Eviplan ovulation test:

  1. Open the box, remove the test from the sealed bag.
  2. Collect urine in a dry bowl. Place the test there until the level indicated by the arrow at the "5 seconds" mark.
  3. Place the test on a horizontal flat surface.
  4. Wait 10 minutes.
  5. Compare the color intensity of the test strip with the control (the control strip is at the end of the field).

If the reaction is positive, both strips will be equally intensely colored or the test strip will be darker than the control one. If the result is negative, she will be pale. If after 10 minutes no result appears in the window, then the test is considered invalid.

Important Tips

When testing for ovulation, you need to get results every day until a positive reaction is received. What is needed in order to make the right test? Listen to our advice, and your result will be successful and as accurate as possible:

ovulation test showing two lines
ovulation test showing two lines
  1. Tests should be done at the same time each day.
  2. The best time for the test is the segment from 10 to 20hours.
  3. When starting the testing process, exclude from the list of medications taken those that contain luteinizing hormone, otherwise the study does not make sense.
  4. Limit fluid intake 4 hours before procedure.
  5. For 6 hours before the study, you must refrain from urinating.
  6. Do not use the first daily urine for the test.
  7. Don't throw away used tests so you can compare the brightness of the second strip with them.


In this article, we tried to make it as clear as possible why, when and how to conduct ovulation tests. If you decide to continue your family, have a baby, then use these tips and choose the best time to conceive a child.
