Corn on the nipple during breastfeeding: causes and methods of treatment

Corn on the nipple during breastfeeding: causes and methods of treatment
Corn on the nipple during breastfeeding: causes and methods of treatment

In the article, we will consider for what reason a corn appears on the nipple with breastfeeding.

Mother's milk is the most valuable and useful product for a child who has just been born. Its composition is perfectly balanced, it contains all the substances that are necessary for a child to fully develop.

Despite the fact that breastfeeding has undeniable advantages, at first it can cause some difficulties for a woman - the appearance of corns, wounds, cracks, redness on the nipple. The callus on the nipple is a small bubble filled with liquid and causing significant discomfort. Such a formation can cause severe pain and various serious complications.

callus on the nipple with gv
callus on the nipple with gv

Reasons for appearance

Breastfeeding is not only convenient, but also beneficial for the baby and his mother. lactation maycontribute to the restoration of the female body after childbirth, reduce the likelihood of developing various pathologies (cancer, diabetes, disorders in the cardiovascular system). In addition, the process of lactation allows the mother to establish an emotional relationship with the newborn, to give him a sense of security and comfort. However, breastfeeding is not pleasant for all women.

Among the reasons contributing to the appearance of calluses on the nipple, experts identify:

  1. Excessive sweating.
  2. Wrong bra size.
  3. Wearing synthetic underwear.
  4. Incorrect breastfeeding, awkward posture.

The problem can be easily avoided if its primary signs are detected in time. The appearance of swelling, swelling, redness, pain may indicate the imminent development of a callus, which may subsequently burst, forming a wound. In addition, there remains the possibility of infection that will affect nearby tissues. In such cases, it is important to resort to timely and adequate therapy.

callus on the nipple what to do
callus on the nipple what to do


Treatment of corns on the nipple should begin with the organization of proper and appropriate breast care, and it should subsequently become systematic and regular:

  1. It is important to wipe the breast at the end of each feeding, let it dry.
  2. Use sanitary pads if needed.
  3. Take air baths for 15 minutes several times a day.
  4. When appearingsoreness and before each feeding procedure, massage the breast with a small amount of milk.

At first, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the breast. If there are the slightest signs of damage, immediate action should be taken.

Not everyone knows what to do with a callus on the nipple.

Drugs and folk recipes

The safest drugs for the baby and mother to eliminate corns are:

  1. "Actovegin". It is an ointment based on such an active substance as hemoderivat deproteinized blood of calves. It promotes stimulation, acceleration of the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues. It must be applied in a thin layer and must be removed before starting the feeding procedure. The average cost of a drug is 120 rubles.
  2. Lansino. It is a lanolin cream of natural origin, which nourishes the skin, eliminates dryness of the nipples, their various damage. It also has a mild analgesic effect. It does not require rinsing before feeding, and its average cost is about 800 rubles.
  3. Purelan. It is a cream based on lanolin and there are no preservatives and additives. It also has no taste or odor. The use of "Purelan" allows you to restore the balance of the skin. The cream should be applied at the end of feeding, further rinsing is not required. The average cost of funds is 430 rubles.
  4. "Bepanthen". Representsmost popular drug. The manufacturer produces in the form of a cream or ointment. The active ingredient in its composition is dexpanthenol. The drug is well tolerated, promotes skin regeneration. According to the instructions for use for the Bepanthen cream, the drug applied to the chest must be washed off before starting feeding. On average, its cost is 420 rubles.
  5. bepanthen cream
    bepanthen cream

No less effective can be obtained from the use of traditional medicine:

  1. Kalanchoe and aloe will relieve irritation and pain.
  2. Chlorophyllipt has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. It must be washed off before feeding.
  3. Tissue regeneration, healing, and elimination of inflammation are facilitated by tinctures made from calendula, chamomile, oak bark.
  4. Natural healing agents that gently affect the skin and do not provoke allergic reactions are rosehip, olive, cedar, sea buckthorn oils.

Feed another breast

In the case when the callus on the nipple does not go away or begins to increase in size, it is recommended to feed the baby with another breast for several days. Pain should not be tolerated. Milk from an injured breast must be expressed - it can be given to the baby from a bottle. In addition, you can use special breast pads made of silicone during feeding, the baby will suck them without causing pain to the mother.

It is strictly forbidden to wash the breasts with soap and treat them withbrilliant green - this will cause even greater dryness and thinning of the epidermis. Such methods will only aggravate the woman's condition.

Before treating corns, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will correctly select the necessary therapy regimen, which will avoid complications.

bepanthen cream instructions for use
bepanthen cream instructions for use

Prevention of occurrence

It is necessary to prepare the breast for the process of breastfeeding from the last month of pregnancy. For this purpose, massage with oil is done. Massaging movements should imitate sucking, be light. This technique helps to strengthen the skin, prepares it for subsequent mechanical impact.

During each feeding, it is important to hold the baby correctly. Many children do not capture the areola, resulting in a large load, the nipple is injured. To avoid the appearance of corns and cracks, you must follow some recommendations:

  1. It is important to turn the baby completely towards the mother.
  2. His chin and nose should lightly touch his chest.
  3. Hold the baby tightly.
  4. The baby should grab the areola by protruding the lower lip.
  5. A woman needs to hear the baby take sips.
  6. If a child pulls in his cheeks, it means that he is in the wrong position.
  7. what to do with corn
    what to do with corn


Compliance with these recommendations and wearing underwear made from natural materials will prevent many of the troubles associated with feedingbreast. The main rule is an attentive attitude to one's own he alth, the relief of pathology at the earliest stages of its development, and the timely elimination of emerging problems.

We looked at what causes callus on the nipple during lactation.
