A well-groomed face is not always a gift from above. This is also proper nutrition, positive emotions and good sleep. The complex of self-care includes vitamins for facial skin, useful elements. They enrich the skin with everything you need, give radiance, promote the healing of wounds and abrasions, rejuvenate, add freshness. What are the best vitamins for facial skin?
What beneficial ingredients are needed for facial skin?
Each of the vitamins has an incredible effect on the beauty of the face, and is also involved in the recovery process. Having certain information about the properties of useful elements, you can independently choose the most suitable vitamin complex. Vitamins come into the body together with certain foods, but the skin still needs additional nourishment.

Some He althy Vitamins
Retinol promotes the elimination of age spots on the skin, the restoration of the epidermis, the synthesis of fibrillar protein. Eliminates excessive dryness. Vitamins for acne on the face contain a certain percentage of vitamin A, which helps to remove oily sheen. Retinol is responsible for skin hydration.
Thiamin prevents skin aging. Riboflavin restores a he althy complexion, regulates metabolism. Calcium pantothenate smoothes mimic wrinkles. Pyridoxine intensively fights against inflammatory skin diseases. Folic acid eliminates acne. Vitamins for facial skin containing this substance effectively fight against an aggressive environment.
Cyanocobalamin takes part in the process of regeneration of skin cells. Any vitamin complex for rejuvenation necessarily contains B12. Ascorbic acid tones the blood vessels, makes their walls more dense, promotes the production of collagen. Calciferol is the only vitamin that helps maintain the skin in perfect condition, prevents premature aging.
Tocopherol makes the surface of the skin smoother and more elastic, and is also a UV protection. In addition, it makes the skin velvety and youthful. Phylloquinone is the only useful microelement that actively eliminates age spots. Vitamin K eliminates swelling, and also fights inflammation and acne. Nicotinic acid activates cells, evens complexion, and serves as a barrier against negative environmental factors.

Biotin helps to instantly restore the upper skin. The main task of vitamin H is to normalizefat and carbohydrate metabolism. Hyaluronic acid is able to retain water in the cells, the mass of which is thousands of times greater. Therefore, hyaluron is an excellent tool for maintaining water balance in the dermis. This vitamin for facial skin protects the skin from mimic wrinkles, cracks, improves elasticity and smoothness.
Alpha-lipoic acid is considered the most powerful antioxidant, which is both fat-soluble and water-soluble. It protects cells from toxins and free radicals (both outside and inside). This microelement, together with hyaluron, is used as injections and massages to rejuvenate and tighten the epidermis.
All of the above substances are among the most essential vitamins for facial skin. Let's take a closer look at them.
How to properly saturate the skin with vitamins?
Any woman whose skin looks perfectly he althy should remember that nourishing and moisturizing the skin with useful components is simply necessary. If you do not carry out such procedures systematically, then you can meet with the most unforeseen problems - withering, wrinkles, aging, peeling, sagging, dryness, "orange peel".
There are four ways to solve the problem
First, the easiest - the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes. This method is the easiest, since it is necessary to consume vitamins every day. Once in the body, they spread through the blood vessels, while nourishing them with useful trace elements, thereby positively affecting the epidermis of the face from the inside. What are the best vitamins for facial skinjust fit?

The multivitamin complex can be selected individually for each patient. This can be done both independently and by contacting a specialist. If the representative of the fair half does not have any special problems with the skin, then the vitamin-mineral complex can be chosen with a general spectrum of action.
If there are any rashes or problems with the epidermis, then you need to contact a beautician to find the most suitable vitamins. Multivitamin complexes can be purchased at any pharmacy.
The second way is to take useful components separately. This method is effective if the patient knows exactly which vitamin is deficient in him. At the same time, you can come to the pharmacy and purchase the necessary vitamins for facial skin. It happens that some useful substances are produced in ampoules and they need to be pierced. In such a situation, it is best to seek advice from a beautician.
The third way is proper nutrition. To do this, you need to stop eating fast food, carbonated water, and you also need to stop smoking and drinking strong drinks. All these moments have a detrimental effect on the skin of the face, quite often provoke a rash, peeling, flabbiness and premature aging. To enrich the skin with useful trace elements, it is necessary to add fiber, fruits and vegetables to the diet.
Drink at least one and a half liters of pure water per day. Sufficient fluid intake per day will give the skin freshness and restore water balance. The epidermis will stopflaky and dry. Water is a natural solvent. It helps to eliminate toxins, excess s alt, which clogs the pores in the temples and chin.
The fourth way is face masks. They are very useful and effective, as the effect is almost instantaneous.
Effect of tocopherol
According to the instructions for use and reviews, vitamin E for facial skin has a complex effect. Rejuvenation occurs, cells are more actively restored, mimic wrinkles decrease, the epidermis becomes more elastic and elastic, blood microcirculation improves.
Tocopherol is a natural antidepressant and natural antioxidant, vitamin E relieves stress and fatigue, gives energy. After using it, the face looks more rosy. In addition, tocopherol has a therapeutic effect, reduces allergic manifestations, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and promotes recovery from anemia.
How to use vitamin E for facial skin? Tocopherol is available in capsules, in the form of an oily solution, liquid for injection. Concentrated solutions are not recommended for use on large areas of the epidermis, as inflammation or allergies may occur.
The use of vitamin E capsules for facial skin is considered the most convenient and easiest way to eliminate small scars and age spots. To do this, pierce the capsule with a needle and gently apply to the affected area.
Tocopherol in the form of oil can be used to prepare a cream, mask forfaces. Weakly concentrated liquids are also used, which can be applied with a cotton pad over the facial massage areas. After applying the drug, massage with fingertips.

Can pure tocopherol be used?
According to the instructions and reviews, vitamin E for facial skin can be used as follows:
- First you need to clean the skin of cosmetics.
- Next, the face is moistened with water, since it should not be dry.
- Then cover the face with oil and leave for ten minutes.
- At the end, thoroughly rinse off the remaining oil and apply a moisturizer.
Is it necessary to wash off the tocopherol from the face?
Applied to the epidermis, vitamin E has certain advantages. The composition and its properties help it dissolve quickly and be instantly absorbed into the skin. As a result, it does not need to be washed off. As a rule, it is advisable to apply it before going to bed and leave it on overnight, and wash it with warm water in the morning. This therapy should be done two to three times every seven days.
If vitamin A has been used in creams, then in this case it is necessary to remove the residue after a certain time.

Retinol: where to find it?
According to reviews, vitamin A for facial skin is useful for increased dryness, itching, flaking. The result is immediately noticeable - the epidermis is cleansed, microcracks and peeling disappear, the feeling of skin tightness disappears. Retinol can be found in carrots and spinach, it contributes to the protection and regeneration of the epidermis, it must be taken to accelerate the recovery processes in the body.
How to use retinol correctly?
Useful trace element is available in the form of capsules and oil for external use of vitamin A for the face. According to reviews, it is known that retinol should be used regularly after thirty-five years, one procedure per month will be enough.
- vitamin A should be applied at night or in the evening;
- it is necessary to add the main types of oils to the cream and masks - sea buckthorn, rosehip, amaranth;
- treatment with retinol masks is carried out for forty-five days, after which there is a break for three months;
- to make vitamin A more effective, add a couple of drops of olive oil to the mask;
- when making a mask, add one or two drops of oil.
Frequent use of masks with vitamin A can contribute to premature aging, cause dryness, peeling. In this connection, after ten to twelve procedures, it is necessary to take small breaks for a couple of months.
Vitamins for facial skin from acne
Acne and acne is one of the most acute problems. To eliminate them, you will need B vitamins, retinol, tocopherol. Citruses help make up for their deficiency. If acne needs to be eliminated urgently, then you can use a face mask:
- you need to take the pulp of an orange;
- next it must be rubbed withsome cherries;
- then add a few tablespoons of cornstarch;
- let the composition brew for five minutes.
When the composition has turned into a homogeneous mass, the mask is applied to the entire face and kept for thirty minutes.

What multivitamins can I take?
Overview of the most useful and common vitamin-mineral complexes:
- "Vitrum".
- "Aevit".
- "Biostop".
- "Complivit: Radiance".
- "Aekol".
- "Perfect".
- "Lady's Formula".
- "InstaNatural Serum".
Which vitamins are best for facial skin? Let's take a closer look.
This is a multivitamin complex with immunostimulating and antioxidant properties. The drug is indicated for use in the following conditions:
- impaired microcirculation;
- vascular atherosclerosis;
- psoriasis;
- lupus erythematosus;
- hemeralopia;
- keratomalacia;
- xerophthalmia;
- diarrhea;
- gastrectomy;
- steatorrhea;
- celiac disease;
- cholestasis;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- cystic fibrosis.
"Aevit" is available in the form of capsules, in a pack of thirty tablets.
How to use:
- Vitamins are taken after meals, capsules must be swallowed whole and washed down with plenty of water.
- Duration of therapy is thirty to forty days.
- Must take one tablet daily.
According to reviews, Aevit, if taken incorrectly, can cause negative consequences. The cost of the drug varies from 20 to 100 rubles.

Vitamin-mineral complex, produced in the form of tablets, in one package there can be from thirty to one hundred and twenty pieces. "Vitrum" helps the body recover after illnesses, and the drug also promotes instant regeneration of the dermis, as well as the production of fibrillar protein (collagen).
How to use:
- Must take one tablet once a day.
- The duration of the course is determined by the attending doctor.
Over-the-counter, five year shelf life. The cost of Vitrum vitamins ranges from 450 to 1300 rubles.
Complivit: Radiance
Biologically active food supplement, an additional source of useful trace elements. Produced in the form of tablets, one package can contain from thirty to ninety capsules. These vitamins for hair and facial skin work effectively.
Multivitamins have an antioxidant, detoxifying effect, and also support the formation of fibrillar protein, restore tissues, protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, and speed up metabolism.
How to use:
- dietary supplementmust be taken with meals;
- you need to consume no more than one tablet per day;
- treatment duration is one month.
The cost of the drug varies from 190 to 400 rubles.

Lady's Formula
Multivitamins are available in the form of capsules, one package contains thirty tablets. The drug is intended for women who suffer from beriberi. In this condition, the skin becomes flabby, flaky, the hair falls out strongly, peeling of the nail plate is observed. In addition, vitamins are taken for dermatitis, cracks, wounds and other diseases of the epidermis.
Method of reception:
- Take no more than three tablets per day.
- Take the drug with meals.
- Do not give to children under twelve.
The cost of the drug is 800-900 rubles.
Combined multivitamin medication for external use, which is used to heal wounds and abrasions, burns. The result of tissue repair is achieved thanks to vitamin A and E, beta-carotene and menadione.
Produced in the form of a solution, the cost of the drug is 170 rubles.