Long-term regular use of alcohol in large doses leads to negative reactions from the body. Most often, it is only possible to interrupt the binge with the help of medical professionals, and home remedies do not bring the desired effect and, among other things, can be far from safe. Binge drinking and hangovers come in many forms that only a person with a medical background can identify.
How is binge different from drunkenness?
As a rule, people who are addicted to alcohol suffer from binges. Situations when a person, due to life circumstances, drinks for several days in a row (for example, on vacation, on holidays or from grief), are not called binge drinking. This is a common and quite banal drunkenness. In this case, a person is able to stop drinking alcohol himself, depending on his desire. Of course, it will not be possible to avoid a hangover, but qualified medical care will not be required either. It is only needed to break the binge.

There are three stages of drunkenness:
- Episodic, which is characterized by an increase in the amount of alcohol consumed, leading to a euphoric state.
- Ritual when a hangover appears after drinking alcohol.
- Habitual, accompanied by impaired functioning of the body and impaired personality.
Chronic addiction
Another question is if a person has a chronic dependence on alcoholic beverages. From time to time, such people enter a drunken state and cannot get out of it themselves. The time interval between binge drinking can be either small, for example, once every couple of months, or long-term, up to 10 years. Regardless of how often a person falls into a drunken state, the consequences for the body are equally severe. Metabolism is disturbed, intoxication of the body occurs, followed by withdrawal symptoms. In more severe cases, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system occur, behavior with loved ones changes for the worse, aggression and apathy appear.
Interruption of hard drinking in Magnitogorsk is carried out, for example, by the Interregional Narcological Rehabilitation and Prevention Center. In addition, hangover treatment is carried out here. It takes 5-7 hours to get a person out of a binge in a day hospital, the body is cleared of alcohol toxins, and its work is normalized. It is possible to visit a narcologist at home.

The binge marks the beginning of the second stagealcoholism. The whole organism as a whole changes, all biochemical processes are disturbed, as well as physiology. If the condition worsens sharply, this does not stop the drunken alcoholic, he continues to drink alcohol, waiting for at least temporary relief. It gets easier, but this condition quickly changes to even more severe.
How is drinking interrupted?
Treatment methods
Hangovers in our country are treated with pickles, broths, and foods that relieve symptoms such as tinnitus, migraine, or high blood pressure. Herbal teas also help. With a hangover, this really works, but in the case of hard drinking, it is absolutely ineffective. Binge drinking can lead to the fact that a person cannot drink or eat anything, and the compositions of herbal teas are sometimes dangerous and even fatal for an organism exhausted by intoxication.
The best way to stop drinking is to put such a patient in the hospital. Specialists will remove intoxication with the help of droppers, carry out cleansing procedures, and also help a person from a psychological point of view. Removal from hard drinking, as a rule, is not easy for the patient, therefore, almost round-the-clock monitoring of his physical and psycho-emotional state is necessary. Modern clinics, in addition to droppers and traditional body cleansing, offer bioenergetic procedures aimed at relieving fatigue, improving physical well-being and normalizing sleep.
How can a drip help?
With the help of a dropper, you can quicklywithdraw a person from hard drinking, provided that he is in this state for no more than two days. After a five-day binge or more, a course of therapy is carried out, including the replenishment of amino acids and enzymes. In addition, the patient is examined for damage to internal organs and the cardiovascular system. Inpatient treatment will last no more than a week, after which the patient will be offered aftercare at home.

In many cities of our country, interruption of drinking at home is carried out.
At home
Another way to stop a binge is to call a drug specialist home. He will determine the level of intoxication and take the necessary actions, namely:
- Will remove toxins.
- Normalizes metabolic processes.
- Reduces cravings for alcoholic beverages.
- Relieve hangovers.
Removal from hard drinking at home by a narcologist is possible in cases where there are no complications in the form of a stroke, blindness or pulmonary edema. Regardless of where the binge is removed, a full course of recovery and cleansing of the entire body is needed. A break in medication after the first signs of improvement in the condition can lead to a new binge.

Interruption of hard drinking in St. Petersburg with the help of highly qualified specialists will cost about 2800 rubles.
You need to seek help when the symptoms of a typical hangover are many times stronger than usual. If there is a rapid heartbeat, tremor in the hands, increased arterialpressure is a reason to call a specialist. This condition can cause stroke, cerebral edema, epileptic seizures and lead to death. It is not worth delaying an ambulance call with the above symptoms, as well as self-medicating on the advice of friends.
Interruption of binge drinking in Krasnoyarsk is also carried out.
Effects of detox
Interruption of binge is a stress for a person addicted to alcohol, not only on the physical level, but also on the psycho-emotional level. In the absence of the usual amount of alcohol, the enzymes and neurotransmitters of alcohol continue to accumulate in the body. As a result, a person may experience auditory and visual hallucinations and epileptic seizures. The doctor prescribes a special treatment regimen with vitamins and amino acids to restore the acid-base balance of the body.
A patient who is taken out of a binge is in a state of strong nervous overexcitation, which can cause convulsions. He, as a rule, is irritable and rude to others, refuses to take the necessary medicines, and shows aggression. This is difficult not only for the patient, but also for his household, so psychological therapy is also necessary for family members of an alcoholic. After getting out of the binge, you need to move on in the direction of giving up alcohol. There are many ways to achieve this goal: coding, hypnosis, drug therapy. This will help a person to forget about alcohol addiction forever.

Interruption of hard drinking in Ufa is also possible. This city has severalcenters that provide this kind of service.
Help from a narcologist at home
At the moment, the service of calling a narcologist at home to relieve drunkenness is available in almost all cities of our country, including Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Magnitogorsk. This can be done by calling the phone number listed on the drug treatment clinic website. The latter provide complete anonymity of the services provided. As a rule, visiting services of narcological clinics work around the clock. Paid clinics use the highest quality and fastest-acting drugs in their work, which allows you to quickly and without harm to the patient to get the last one out of binge.
In addition, the doctor is obliged to advise the patient's family members on how to change the patient's lifestyle after drinking. The rehabilitation period will also take place under the supervision of the specialists of the called clinic until the onset of remission.
How much does it cost to stop drinking at home in St. Petersburg, we have considered.

Unable to interrupt home
At home, it is impossible to get a person out of hard drinking in the following cases:
- Patient does not consent to treatment. It is impossible to force therapy, since the subsequent intake of alcohol after treatment can lead to fatal complications. The patient must understand the problem and be aware of the need for treatment.
- Hallucinations are a reason for emergency hospitalization in a psychiatric ward. This is the case when hospitalization is carried out even inforced order when calling an ambulance, as the patient is a danger not only to himself, but also to loved ones.
- A suicide attempt is also a reason to call an ambulance, and not to call a narcologist home.
- If the patient has lost consciousness, up to a coma, you should not wait either. Before the ambulance arrives, it is especially important not to let the patient lose consciousness, you need to monitor his condition and control him.
- If a patient has suffered a brain injury as a result of intoxication, hospitalization is necessary.
- When the patient has cardiovascular problems or other complications.
- If you have symptoms of low-quality alcohol poisoning.

Prices for the departure of a specialist in narcology and withdrawal from hard drinking vary depending on the region of the service provided and the price list for a particular clinic. In general, the prices for this service start from three thousand rubles.
In Novosibirsk, drinking bouts can be stopped both at home and in a specialized center.
Feedback on methods
Reviews are mostly positive. The effect comes quickly, the person feels much better. The most effective treatment, of course, is in a hospital. But it's convenient that the doctor can come to the house.
You can talk about the dangers of alcoholism indefinitely. Most importantly, remember that even the most harmless-looking ritual associated with drinking alcohol (for example, alcohol on Fridays after work and before weekends) can lead to gradual addiction.and further alcohol dependence. Alcoholism is a misfortune not only for the addict himself, but also for his relatives, friends and acquaintances. It is very difficult to get out of the state of alcohol addiction, and it is almost impossible to do it on your own. Therefore, before introducing alcohol as a ritual, consider whether this will lead to a binge syndrome and whether it will become a deceptive panacea for all problems.