Strange periods: the nature of the changes and possible causes, recommendations from experts

Strange periods: the nature of the changes and possible causes, recommendations from experts
Strange periods: the nature of the changes and possible causes, recommendations from experts

Some girls and women notice that they have very strange periods. Why is this happening?

The woman's body is a unique creation. Every month, an unfertilized egg is released from the uterus. Normally, menstruation should not exceed five days. But if the duration decreases, and instead of red blood, meager periods occur, which are brown in color, or, conversely, the discharge becomes plentiful, then this will already be considered abnormal. You should understand why non-standard strange periods occur, and what are the causes of menstrual irregularities.

strange periods
strange periods

Which periods are considered normal?

He althy menstrual flow, considered normal, should be characterized by the following flow pattern:

  • They must not exceed five days.
  • Women should have periods without pain or with little discomfort.
  • Quantitybleeding should not exceed 150 milliliters.
  • And the total duration of the cycle should not be less than twenty-one or more than thirty-five days.

The norm is not always the case

But not all female representatives observe the above norm. Girls of puberty during puberty often notice disruptions in the cycle, often they have brown discharge. During this period, the described process may well be present. Next, let's talk about the causes of strange periods.

Causes of monthly changes

Not all women have a stable cycle, and you should not ignore any violations. Allocations in large quantities or, conversely, the fixation of clots of a meager nature is not at all the norm. It is imperative to understand the reasons that form such processes. There are several factors for the occurrence of strange periods:

weird scanty periods
weird scanty periods
  • The influence of hormonal changes in the body is the most common factor that provokes irregular periods. This process occurs due to an imbalance of hormones, which happens due to improper functioning of the adrenal glands or ovaries. The problem should be tried to find in the work of internal organs. Usually the cause of very poor flow and strange periods is the uncontrolled use of hormonal birth control pills.
  • Change in the functioning of the endocrine glands. The fact is that the reproductive system is in close contact with the endocrine system. Therefore, often the appearance of non-standard menstruation can be provoked by pathologies of the thyroid gland.
  • The influence of inflammatory infections that occur over a long period of time. In the event that during the last month a woman has had serious illnesses, in which the temperature increased and there were other symptoms of viral infections, then hypomenorrhea may occur. The latter is provoked by a change in the discharge, which turns brown.
  • Strange, scanty periods are often the result of an abortion. Curettage from the uterus of the embryo has an extremely negative effect on women's he alth. Due to this procedure, the inner walls of the uterus are mechanically severely injured, which provokes the appearance of a non-standard blood color. Such an operation has serious consequences for the ability to become pregnant in the future.

It is worth noting that before you panic, trying to heal yourself, it is recommended to first visit a doctor and identify the appropriate causes of strange discharge. You may not have to use therapy, but you can just enjoy puberty.

menstruation went weird
menstruation went weird

The nature of change

In the event of strange periods, there are signs that characterize the inflammatory process or any other malfunctions in the body. Unhe althy periods can cause the following symptoms:

  • The appearance of pain in the lower back.
  • The occurrence of pulling pains in the lower abdomen, inchest or back.
  • Occurrence of an intestinal disorder, with defecation, quite severe pain can be observed.
  • Itching and burning in the genital area.
  • The appearance of painful discomfort during intimacy.
  • Having a strong urge to vomit, combined with bad breath.
  • Change in the overall duration of the menstrual cycle.
  • The appearance of pain in the head and dizziness.

Now about how the diagnosis is carried out if strange periods have come.

strange monthly discharge
strange monthly discharge

Diagnosis for this pathology

To diagnose and determine certain changes in a woman's body, the following studies are performed:

  • Performing an ultrasound examination of the patient's genitals along with the diagnosis of the condition of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
  • Complete blood test.
  • Performing medical examination of the thyroid gland.
  • Monitoring your basal body temperature along with keeping a schedule for fixing the detected result.
  • Hysteroscopy is a method of instrumental diagnostics that allows you to examine the internal organs, perform scraping to study the endometrium.
  • In addition, in some situations, magnetic resonance imaging is allowed to determine the presence or absence of a pathological neoplasm in the ovaries.

Therapy should be carried out under the influence of hormonal drugs. Inif the cause of non-standard menstruation is infertility, then ovulation stimulation is additionally recommended. This is required, since drugs can not always establish a two-phase ovulation cycle.

So, the woman had a strange period. How to treat pathology?

weird periods came
weird periods came

Treatment of this disease

When these symptoms occur, therapy for irregular periods is started immediately. It is imperative to check with a doctor, and in addition, pass all the required tests, and then proceed to therapy. The cause can be a hormonal failure, as well as the appearance of sexually transmitted diseases. Also, deviations in the regulations occur in diseases of the thyroid gland. It is worth noting that the treatment of deviations in menstruation is carried out on an individual basis.

Recommendations of specialists about this pathology

After some strange periods, you should immediately see a doctor. A gynecologist can detect the presence or, conversely, the absence of a disease, and will also help determine the day of ovulation, and a directly performed examination will make it possible to prescribe effective therapy. In addition, you must adhere to the following expert advice:

that weird periods
that weird periods
  • Keeping an active he althy lifestyle.
  • Rejection of the use of hormonal contraceptives, which cause dysfunction in the female body.
  • Passing examinations with a doctor at least once every six months to establish the absence or, conversely, the presenceany pathological abnormality.
  • Required to be outdoors often, and in addition, to play sports.
  • It is important to eliminate stress with any situation that can negatively affect hormones.
  • During menstruation, you need to change pads often, and at the same time carry out the necessary hygiene procedures.
  • Often, changes in the female body also depend on the he alth of the partner. Therefore, it is essential to use contraceptives such as condoms.
  • scanty periods
    scanty periods

If a violation in the menstrual cycle is detected, and in addition, if an unstable ovulation process is detected, it is advisable to undergo an examination as soon as possible.


Thus, completing the consideration of today's topic, it is worth noting that only thanks to the diagnostics carried out, it is possible to identify the causes of irregular periods. In no case should women carry out self-treatment. Such therapy can lead to extremely serious consequences, and sometimes even to the infertility of a young woman.
