Youth is the time of first love and serious mistakes. An inattentive attitude to contraception and one's he alth leads to unwanted conception in adolescents. Most girls in this situation prefer to terminate the pregnancy. At what age can you have an abortion? Today this issue is relevant.
Danger of gestation in adolescence
Puberty for the fairer sex begins at 10 years old and ends at 18. Most often, unplanned conception occurs in people from 13 to 16. Pregnancy at an early age is dangerous not only for the physical condition of the expectant mother, but also for the he alth of the baby. During the period of gestation, the body undergoes significant changes.

All body systems, including the reproductive system, are not yet formed in adolescents. However, the abortion procedure is no less dangerous for young girls than the delivery process. The consequences of suchmanipulation can be unpredictable. At what age can you have an abortion? This question worries many women under the age of 18.
The procedure for terminating a pregnancy is to terminate the life of the fetus by mechanical or chemical action. The fetus in this case is not yet capable of independent existence. Abortion is an event that leads to sad consequences. One of them is the inability of a woman to bear children. In addition, the procedure affects the mental state of the fairer sex. Today in the Russian Federation, many girls start their sexual life early. In connection with this trend, the question of at what age you can have an abortion is important. For patients under 15, the procedure is performed only with the consent of the parents or guardians. Adults must sign the appropriate document. From the age of fifteen and older, doctors must observe medical secrecy. They are not allowed to tell anyone about the procedure without the patient's permission.

For the disclosure of this information, the specialist will be responsible before the law. For drug addicts under 16 years of age, abortion is subject to parental consent.
Minimum terms
It is known that each female body has individual characteristics. Some girls mature by the age of 16. Others reach maturity only at 18 or 20 years of age. The rate of formation of the reproductive system is determined by genetic factors. From what age canhave an abortion? From a medical point of view, there is no single answer to this question. Termination of pregnancy is carried out in the case when conception has taken place and the girl does not want to give birth. The minimum age of a patient who underwent the procedure in Russia is 11 years old. Most often, abortions are performed on people from 12 to 14.
What should a teenager do with an unwanted pregnancy?
Having learned that the conception took place, the girl is in shock. In such a case, you should talk to your parents.

Then the teenager needs to come for a consultation with the gynecologist with his mother. The doctor conducts examinations to confirm the presence of pregnancy and determine the general condition of the body. The doctor, together with the patient and her parents, decides whether to keep the child or not. It should be remembered that the mother and father must take into account the opinion of the daughter on this issue. If a girl has an insurance policy, she is en titled to a free termination of pregnancy. The procedure can be done in a hospital, antenatal clinic or family planning center.
Keep in mind the consequences
The question of how old you can have an abortion is relevant. However, there are other problems associated with this procedure. Regardless of age, any representative of the fair sex is faced with the consequences of manipulation. They concern not only changes in the physical condition, which are discussed in the following sections, but also psychological difficulties. Eachthe third patient who terminated the pregnancy becomes incapable of conceiving a child. In this regard, for many years she has been feeling guilty.

In addition, women find themselves disgusted with sexual intercourse, are disappointed in romantic relationships, suffer from depressive conditions, are prone to nervous breakdowns, tantrums. Abortion at an early age leads to the fact that very young girls face similar problems.
Varieties of procedure
According to the testimony of the doctor, the event is carried out for up to 12 weeks. In a later period, the embryo is considered a full-fledged person. Abortion in this case is murder. Exceptions are intrauterine death of a child or the presence of severe abnormalities. In the early stages, medical interruption of the life of the fetus is performed. It consists in the use of drugs that contain a large amount of hormones. Tablets cause contraction of the muscles of the uterus and the removal of the embryo from its cavity. The procedure refers to a relatively gentle, but unsafe methods of abortion. When it is carried out, the girl is in a medical institution under the supervision of a doctor for several hours. When the drug begins to act, the patient feels a pulling discomfort in the lower abdomen. The pain resembles those sensations that are observed on critical days. To relieve it, you can take no-shpu or other medicines with a similar effect.
Vacuum termination of pregnancy is carried out for up to six weeks. At the same time, in the cavityThe uterus is placed with a tube that is connected to a pump. With this device, fetal tissue is removed in parts. The consequences of the procedure can be serious. In addition, abortion is carried out using a curette. This operation is the least sparing. After twelve weeks, only one method of abortion is possible - artificial delivery. The girl is given drugs that provoke a miscarriage.
Varieties of complications
As you know, the body of a teenager is unformed and not sufficiently resistant to external factors. Therefore, the abortion procedure leads to consequences that adversely affect the he alth of the girl. Unfortunately, many complications of this kind are difficult to treat. Disturbances in the hormonal balance often provoke pathologies of the endocrine system. Some patients develop tumors of the reproductive organs after the procedure. Speaking about the frequency of abortion complications by age, it should be emphasized that adolescents experience approximately the same hormonal disruptions as more mature women. However, young girls who become pregnant for the first time run the risk of serious problems that will prevent future conception. This is also due to the unformed reproductive system.
All consequences of the procedure can be divided into three types:
- Complications associated with the general immaturity of the body of young girls.
- Problems that are explained by the unformed reproductive organs.
- Psychological trauma.
Each group of complications is discussed in detail in the following chapters.
Immaturity of the genitals
This feature explains the high risk of mechanical damage to the tissues of the uterus. Trauma occurs during surgery. Abortion at an early age is a rather complicated procedure, even for an experienced doctor. The uterus of a teenage girl is small. Often in young patients at the time of the procedure, a rupture of the organ wall occurs. This complication can lead to death. If a girl bleeds from an injury, the only way to save her is to have an operation to remove her uterus. In general, the risk of death during the abortion procedure in adolescents is much higher than in mature women. In addition, the injuries that remain after surgery provoke unpleasant consequences in the future. Among them are the inability to conceive, miscarriages, pathologies that occur in the process of bearing and giving birth to a child. Many adolescents develop infections of the reproductive organs. Such diseases are treated only in a hospital.
Complications due to general immaturity of the body
Abortion in adolescence often provokes the development of pathologies of the endocrine system. This is due to hormonal imbalance. In addition, a pregnancy that occurs in a girl under 21 years of age leads to the fact that the development of the reproductive organs is accelerated. Growth, which occurs at an intensive pace, is accompanied by increased production of certainsubstances. Hormones provoke the appearance of neoplasms in the uterus, mammary glands. Medical abortion before the age of 21 can also cause similar processes. After all, this method of abortion is accompanied by taking pills. They contain hormones that affect the fragile body of a teenager. After the procedure, many girls experience severe discomfort during critical days, scant spotting, and menstrual cycle failures. They have a pronounced premenstrual syndrome. PMS is accompanied by swelling of the tissues, pain in the head, high fever, depression, anxiety and weakness. Some as a result of this condition temporarily lose their ability to work. Endocrine failures after teenage abortions are accompanied by other significant symptoms, for example:
- The appearance of a large amount of hair on the body and in the face (above the upper lip, on the chin).
- A set of excess kilograms.
- The occurrence of acne.
- Increased oily skin and hair.
- The appearance of stretch marks in the abdomen, thighs, mammary glands.
- Tumors caused by hormonal failure (myoma, neoplasms in the breast).
Mental problems
Adolescence is an extremely unfavorable age for terminating a pregnancy. Indeed, at this time, the emotional sphere of girls is unstable. Mental disorders after the procedure, they occur much more often than in mature women. The trauma can be present for a long time.time and lead to the formation of complexes. Such girls experience depressive states, severe anxiety during the period of gestation and delivery. In this regard, many of the fairer sex, who terminated a pregnancy at a young age, are undergoing psychotherapy.
A dangerous alternative
The body of a teenage girl under 18 is not ready to bear a fetus. This period is considered early for pregnancy and delivery. Therefore, the majority of young representatives of the weaker sex, having learned about conception, decides to get rid of the child. The problem of abortion in adolescence is relevant today, because this procedure is performed on persons under the age of majority. In private clinics, abortion can be done without parental consent. However, such an event will cost the girl quite expensive. Free abortions are carried out in state medical institutions. But this requires the written consent of adults.

Sometimes fear of a negative reaction from parents makes a girl go to extremes and resort to the help of non-professionals or folk remedies that provoke a miscarriage. In this case, the patient risks not only he alth, but also life. Clandestine abortions often end sadly: bleeding, damage to the uterus, severe infection or death. According to official statistics, today in the Russian Federation, sixty percent of pregnancies end in abortion. And this information is obtained only from registered medicalinstitutions. Underground clinics are not taken into account in this case. At what age can you have an abortion? Doctors perform the procedure on patients of any age category. It should be remembered that there are indications for such an event. However, there are situations when a doctor refuses to perform an abortion on a teenager. These aspects are discussed in the following sections.
These include:
- Having consent from one of the patient's parents and the corresponding document.
- Confirmation of pregnancy by ultrasound.
- No conditions in which the procedure cannot be performed.
Possible contraindications
Abortion cannot be performed in the following cases:
- Presence of abscesses (boils or fluxes) or acute infectious pathologies.
- Inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs.
- Poor blood clotting.
- Severe disorders of the liver and urinary system.
- Fetal term from 12 weeks.
- Individual intolerance to drugs used in medical abortion.
The question of how long a pregnancy can be terminated is irrelevant in such cases. If there are contraindications, the doctor refuses to perform the procedure (regardless of the patient's age).
Prevention measures
Today the problem of teenage abortions in the Russian Federation is one of the most acute. As a result of the manipulation, manyyoung girls cannot have children or suffer from serious pathologies. How to prevent such consequences? The question of at what age an abortion is done is not so important in this case. The main thing is to avoid this manipulation, which is dangerous for the body, if possible. Confidential conversations and warm relations between girls and their relatives are good prevention of early conception and promiscuity.

It is important to start sex education between the ages of seven and ten. The child should be told about the process of conception, contraception, the physical and psychological consequences of pregnancy that occurred in the puberty period. You can let the girl take care of the baby so that she realizes the degree of responsibility towards the newborn.

For puberty, barrier contraception (condoms) should always be available. They need to know about infections that are transmitted through sexual contact. Teenagers are children who already consider themselves adults. How is an abortion performed and at what age? Thanks to the prevention of early pregnancy and harmonious family relationships, girls and their parents will never have this issue.