A beautiful white-toothed smile will certainly cause its owner a feeling of obvious or secret pride. However, this is not the main thing for a person. He althy teeth allow not only to look good, but also to digest food. They are also needed for articulate speech.
However, it also happens that for some reason it becomes uncomfortable to smile. Among them:
- ugly color of tooth enamel;- loss of several or even all teeth.
Causes of the problem
Tooth loss can be caused by stress and tooth decay, poor nutrition, and diseases such as gingivitis, periodontal disease and periodontitis. The last three of these causes are due to bleeding and weakening of the gums, which become looser and more sensitive.

This leads to the exposure of dental tissue and the destruction of enamel. Negatively affects the he alth of the body and caries. It destroys tooth enamel, increasing the sensitivity of dental tissue, and also causes diseases such asangina.
Need for prosthetics
Complete adentia, or lack of teeth, prevents a full meal. At the same time, diction and facial proportions are violated in a person. All this gives him severe discomfort, reducing the quality of life. Prosthetics of teeth in the complete absence of teeth until relatively recently was carried out only with the use of removable structures. However, due to the lack of a secure fit, they cause discomfort when chewing and may fall out of the mouth.

Relatively recently, a new technology has emerged that deserves special attention. This is an implantation, with which a complete denture can be made.
Which type of orthopedic structures is best for the patient, only the doctor should decide, based on the condition of the alveolar process and the patient's gums.
Prosthetic Options
With the existing complete absence of the dentition, the following types of structures can be offered to the patient:
- non-removable, installed on implanted implants; the material for the manufacture of which is acrylic plastic.

Dental prosthetics in the complete absence of teeth can correct such a pathology as adentia, offering the patient a wide choice of designs. Moreover, all of them will be made using modern technologies.
Removable structures
Full denturemay be based on the gum or on several implanted implants. Which option is preferable? This will be decided by the doctor, based on the he alth of the patient and the condition of the tissues in the oral cavity. An important factor will be the financial capabilities of the patient, since the prices for various designs are quite different.
Acrylic dentures
These structures are able to stay on the gums only due to vacuum. Discharged air sucks such dentures. Patient reviews claim that acrylic structures cause significant discomfort, as they are not able to securely fix themselves in the oral cavity. Among other things, they are not particularly aesthetically pleasing.

Acrylic plastic is a very brittle material. In this regard, dental prosthetics performed with their help in the absence of teeth will be relevant for no more than 2-5 years. The specific period of service depends on the condition of the periodontium. In the case of even minor bone resorption, replacement will need to be done more quickly. However, considering the prosthetics of the teeth, the types and prices of structures, they often stop at the option of acrylic plastic. This choice can be explained by the fact that the system is budgetary and has a low cost. In Moscow dental clinics, its cost ranges from 12 to 14 thousand rubles. In the regions, you will need to pay a little less for an acrylic plastic prosthesis. On average, the price will be from 8 to 12 thousand rubles.
Soft dentures
This type of construction is made of nylon. They are more elastic than acrylic and have an aesthetic appearance. However, their fixation is also unreliable. Due to their softness, such prostheses cannot provide a complete restoration of chewing function. In addition to nylon, polyurethane can be used to make soft orthopedic structures.
There is a third type of flexible prostheses. These are "Quadrotti" orthopedic constructions, which are made during heat treatment of plastic.
Each type of soft dentures is characterized by the absence of metal. This is a big plus of the design, since many people are allergic to this element. For greater comfort, the patient can use a cream to fix dentures. It will securely fix the orthopedic structure in the oral cavity. The cost of such prostheses is slightly higher than those made of acrylic plastic. It starts from 25 thousand rubles.
Installation of removable structures on implants
How to ensure that prosthetics do not bring much discomfort? Prostheses for their better fixation are installed in a special way. It could be:
1. Push-button type lock. With this option, mini-implants in the amount of two to four pieces will serve as a support for the prosthesis. Attachments (spherical fasteners) are screwed into them. At the same time, silicone matrices are located in the body of the prosthesis, which play the role of a fixing mechanism.2. The lock fastening relating to beam type. When used as the main fixing componentis the body of the prosthesis itself, which is installed between two to four titanium structures.
Fixed items
What else are dentures? The most modern type of structures are non-removable options. They are implants that can be used both with adentia and in the absence of one or more teeth. This treatment has two varieties:
- implantation of a complete dentition; - installation of a bridge-type prosthesis based on implants.
Implantation of the dentition
The essence of this method is to install implants directly into the jaw. They are implanted in place of missing teeth. The number of these structures on each jaw should not exceed fourteen pieces.

However, such prosthetics in the complete absence of teeth are rarely performed, since certain conditions are required. Among them:
- the presence of a sufficient amount of bone tissue;- such an arrangement of nerve branches that it does not interfere with the procedure for installing a titanium structure.
In addition, if you want to make prosthetics for an existing problem, the types and prices of various products should be compared in advance. Despite the excellent aesthetic result, the method of implantation of the dentition has a very high cost. So, the restoration of two jaws will cost about 50 thousand rubles. The disadvantages of this technique include the duration and complexity of the installation.
Fixed Bridgesdentures
How to solve the problem that occurs with complete loss of teeth? A specialist can give recommendations on the installation of fixed structures. What are these types of dentures? They can be metal-ceramic or ceramic (non-metal, with a base of zirconium oxide).
Installation of this type of bridges is carried out using 6-10 implants implanted in the edentulous jaw. They are the supporting elements for the prosthesis. When choosing this method, doctors advise using metal-free ceramic constructions, as they are more durable and aesthetic.
In the event that a large number of implants cannot be implanted into the bone, prosthetics are performed using the “all-on-4” method. It consists in the installation of four titanium structures in the place where the frontal group of teeth was located. Implants, implanted at an angle of forty-five degrees, later serve as a support for a fixed prosthesis.
The advantages of this technique include comfort when using the structure, as well as its durability and strength. The disadvantage of this method lies in its high cost. For such prostheses, you will have to pay from two hundred to three hundred dollars.
Fixation of orthopedic constructions
In order to feel confident during a conversation or an important meeting, a person wearing a removable denture must be convinced that it is securely fastened. How to achieve such a result? To do this, a special gel, glue or cream can be used to fix dentures. These tools allow you to securely fix the removable structure in your mouth. They are also suitable for temporary prostheses, which will later be replaced with permanent ones.
Locks are a very popular type of fastening of orthopedic structures. As a rule, they are used to fix bridges. But nylon bridges are attached to the gums using a flexible base. This tool is created on the basis of natural ingredients that allow you to hold the prosthesis firmly enough in your mouth. In addition, thanks to the use of natural materials, such a base is absolutely safe for he alth.

In any case, after installing a denture, a dentist consultation is necessary. He will recommend the best bridge fixer for you.
It must be used in strict accordance with the instructions. This will guarantee the stability and reliability of prostheses during their use. Before fixing, you will need to thoroughly clean the gums and the removable structure itself. Only after that, a small amount of the product should be applied to the recesses in the prostheses. Then they are put on and pressed tightly against the gums for five seconds. To complete the procedure, you should refrain from taking water and food for 5 minutes.
If zinc is included in the formula for fixing prostheses, then it is recommended to apply it in small quantities and no more than 1 time during the day. Do not use the product if you experience lethargy or weakness, discomfort, vomiting or nausea.
How do I care for my dentures?
To those who are not familiar withrules for handling orthopedic structures installed in his oral cavity, he often has to go to the dentist about their repair, as well as emerging problems with the gums. In this regard, proper care of dentures is an important part of their operation.
Many people prefer to wash their false teeth with a solution of potassium permanganate or baking soda. However, this cannot be done. Such methods have a negative impact not only on the prosthesis, but also on the he alth of the gums.
In order for artificial teeth to last as long as possible, they should be cleaned using a special tool. Bioformula tablets can be used once a week. They will not only clean your dentures, but also whiten them.
At night, artificial teeth must be removed by placing them in a disinfectant solution. This will kill all the microbes that "settled" on the prosthesis during the daytime. Doing so will help prevent bad breath and gum inflammation.

Dentists also recommend cleaning dentures after meals. In this case, the brush should be located at an angle of 45 degrees to the line of contact between the gums and the removable structure. In this case, you must use a specialized cleaning agent.
Fixed dentures also require careful care. To clean them, the following can be used:
- special rinses;
- dental floss;
- soft brushes;- special toothpastes.
InherentRegular visits to the dentist are part of oral hygiene.