Can I sleep with a tampon? Which is better - pads or tampons?

Can I sleep with a tampon? Which is better - pads or tampons?
Can I sleep with a tampon? Which is better - pads or tampons?

Among the well-known myths discussed on the Internet, a special place is given to the question of whether it is possible to sleep with a tampon. Of course, this topic is of interest to many women who are accustomed to using this particular hygiene product. Why are there such heated discussions?

Common misconceptions

tampons in gynecology
tampons in gynecology

There are a number of reasons why sleeping with a tampon is not only impossible, but also dangerous, according to some girls. However, they remain unconfirmed misconceptions.

  1. For such a long period of time, a flora favorable for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms can form in the vagina. This misconception is not supported by any validated research. In addition, the same can be said about gaskets. The secretions remaining on their surface overnight can also create a favorable flora for pathogenic bacteria.
  2. A person in a dream does not control movement, and the wrong position can lead to injuries of the vaginal walls. The tool introduced invagina, firmly held by its walls. As the secretion is absorbed, it increases in size, making it even better fixed.
  3. The tampon fills very quickly, and the remaining blood will come out. At night, you should choose a larger tampon for use. There may be some leakage when it fills up, but this can be prevented by wearing a panty liner.

Given the above, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to sleep with a tampon suggests itself.

what is better pads or tampons for girls
what is better pads or tampons for girls

Special overnight tampons

Among many well-known manufacturers, only one has developed special night tampons - "Obi". Their structure makes the application as comfortable as possible.

Normal size is allowed for non-sexual girls.

The question of whether it is possible to sleep with a tampon, with products of this type, disappears by itself. However, for these purposes, it is not necessary to choose only Obi products, since, subject to certain recommendations, any product is safe for women's he alth.

Rules for using a tampon at night

Proper use of a hygiene product implies following some recommendations:

  • A tampon should be inserted just before going to bed. This requires compliance with all hygiene rules described in the instructions.
  • Must use tampons according to the appropriate absorbency and size.
  • In the morning, after waking up, remove the used tampon. It is advisable to do this no later than eight hours later.
  • In case of heavy discharge, it is necessary to additionally use pads that are the most suitable in terms of volume.

The choice of such products is based on their own preferences. You can purchase both regular products of the required size, and tampons designed specifically for night time.

how to insert a tampon
how to insert a tampon

Contraindications for using tampons at night

Tampons must not be inserted during the following periods:

  • in case of infection or inflammation of the genital organs;
  • after childbirth until the skin covers heal and the cycle is restored;
  • after pelvic surgery.

Also, a feature of the body structure can become a contraindication. You can ask your local gynecologist whether it is allowed to use them in a particular case or not.

Which is better: pads or tampons for girls?

Some women prefer pads as a menstrual hygiene product, others prefer tampons. The choice is purely individual, it must be made wisely, taking into account the characteristics of the body, especially with the planned use at night. How well one or another remedy works depends on individual preferences.

Chinese tampons instruction reviews
Chinese tampons instruction reviews

How to insert a tampon?

First you need to decide in which position it is more convenient to enter it. Tampon neededcarefully move inward, feeling in which direction it passes as easily as possible.

You should gently insert it with your finger, pushing it into the vagina first up and then to the back diagonally. Don't worry about inserting a tampon in the wrong place, as the urethral opening is too small to fit.

In the process of insertion into the vagina, you need to ensure that the thread remains outside.

When properly inserted, the tampon will not be felt, as it is located in an area where there are few sensitive nerves. The tool will not fall out when changing body position, serious physical exertion and movement during the day.

Chinese tampons

chinese tampons
chinese tampons

Consider the instructions and reviews for Chinese tampons. These are phytotampons, which have a natural composition. They are designed to support the he alth of the female genital organs, are effective and easy to use.

Sequence of actions when using medical tampons in accordance with the instructions:

  • carry out hygiene procedures for intimate organs, disinfect hands;
  • check the integrity of the package;
  • open package;
  • straighten the thread at the base of the product;
  • slowly insert the swab to a depth of no more than five to seven centimeters;
  • remedy left in the vagina for three days;
  • to remove the herbal ball, you need to slowly pull the thread;
  • do douching after extraction orbath for the vagina with chamomile infusion or other anti-inflammatory herbal remedy.

You can put the next tampon in a day. There is a generalized scheme of application: three days with the remedy - douching - one day break - douching again - another tampon (and other tampons in accordance with the generalized scheme and prescribed therapy, except for critical days).

It is forbidden to use such tampons in gynecology during menstruation.

Some women admire this remedy, calling it almost a panacea for women's diseases, others are skeptical about their use. If you read the negative reviews in more detail, you can see that it is almost always about individual sensitivity, or about the likely purchase of counterfeit tampons, or about elementary non-compliance with the instructions for use.

The opinions of doctors also differ. Some consider Chinese tampons to be a quackery that is not a drug, while others successfully use the remedy in their practice.

We found out if you can sleep with a tampon.
