Why do periods take longer than usual?

Why do periods take longer than usual?
Why do periods take longer than usual?

There is no mystery in a woman's he althy body, as the Greek philosophers used to say. At the same time, it is not customary to talk about gynecological problems, although every girl wondered why the periods go longer than usual. Let's find out.

What is a normal menstrual cycle?

periods are longer than usual
periods are longer than usual

How many days should my period last? This is all individual and depends on heredity, type of climate, woman's complexion and other factors. Most often, the question of why menstruation lasts longer than usual is asked by overweight women. In general, the duration of 5-7 days is considered normal, no more and no less. However, with menopausal changes or after the onset of menstruation, the duration can vary and up to ten days. If the cycle is settled and 5-6 years have passed since the beginning of the first menstruation, then long or too short periods should alert the woman. Any change in the cycle may indicate pathology, hormonal failure or inflammatory processes.

Why do periods take longer than usual?

If a woman notices that her periods are taking a long time, then it is best to contact the antenatal clinic in this case. Only a doctor can make a clear diagnosis and say whatreason for the change. In the meantime, below are the main causes of loop failure.

why do periods take longer
why do periods take longer

The first is hormonal changes. Hormones are responsible for everything in our body. In particular, progesterone is responsible for blood clotting and the duration of menstruation. If there is a lack of it in the body, then the bleeding will go longer than usual. In addition, this hormone is important for the onset of ovulation. If the periods go longer than usual and in recent days there is only spotting, then this is a sure sign that ovulation has not occurred. And this means that conception becomes impossible.

The second reason why periods go longer than usual is the dysfunction of the reproductive system (disturbance in the functioning of the ovaries). In particular, this is indicated by long and heavy menstruation. In this case, you should definitely see a doctor, since a possible cause of the problem is cystic formations, in other words, an ovarian cyst. This is quite serious, since a cyst is a benign growth that will not go away without medical intervention.

The third reason is sexually transmitted diseases. To completely exclude this factor, it is necessary to pass the appropriate tests.

Finally, the fourth reason is emotional overstrain. It is known that women are sensitive to the moral climate, which means that emotional overstrain can change the normal cycle of menstruation. How many days there will be a delay or how long the bleeding will be, it is impossible to say in this case.

Clinical picture, or how to determine the cause of the failure beforegoing to the doctor

Different clinical picture of prolonged periods may indicate the cause of the problem. So, a painful, profuse discharge with mucus and clots that lasts more than a week can signal an ectopic pregnancy.

normal cycle of menstruation how many days
normal cycle of menstruation how many days

Long periods may indicate the onset of cervical erosion. Please note that with poor blood clotting or anemia, it will be very difficult to stop bleeding.

Thyroid dysfunction (production of more hormones) can also be the cause, and the normal cycle of menstruation is altered. How many days menstruation will go depends on this small gland. It should be noted that prolonged bleeding can provoke adenomyosis, or inflammation of the uterus, namely its muscle layer.

Contraceptives play an important role. The intrauterine device can cause prolonged bleeding, but in this case it should be immediately discarded so as not to aggravate the situation. Hormonal pills can also cause disruptions, as they change the balance of hormones in a woman's body.

Prolonged bleeding is a serious symptom that may indicate the development of benign and malignant tumors. Yes, you need to ask yourself the question of why menstruation takes longer than usual. But this is not enough. Only timely and correct treatment will help save life and he alth.

How to solve the problem?

When periods go longer than usual, the main thing is to determine the cause. The best thing to do isgynecologist. Many women are afraid to go to the doctor and postpone the visit until the last. Meanwhile, the violation of the cycle and the causes that cause it do not go away by themselves. Here you need specialist advice and, in some cases, treatment.

long periods go what to do
long periods go what to do

If the cause of the failure is emotional overstrain, the surest way is to rest, relax, and also minimize the effects of stressors, if possible.

Folk remedies for long periods

There are folk remedies that help if menstruation is long. What to do in this case? At least reduce bleeding. For example, you can make nettle tea or rosehip tea. However, it will only eliminate the consequence of the problem, and not the pathology or stress itself. It is better not to risk your he alth, but to seek advice from a gynecologist. But in any case, in order for the body to function normally, it is necessary to give up bad habits and establish a balanced diet.
