Fighting overweight involves following certain dietary rules and doing regular exercise. To enhance the effect and burn fat faster, you can use the drug "Ideal" for weight loss. Reviews of this dietary supplement indicate that it really reduces appetite and promotes weight loss. In addition, dietary supplement removes toxins and breaks down fat deposits. The product is based on substances of plant origin. Externally, the tablets resemble activated charcoal. Packed in jars of 60 pcs.

Food supplement is designed to activate the process of burning fat, cleansing the body. In reviews of the drug "Ideal" it is mentioned that it prevents constipation and lowers blood sugar levels. Under the influence of the drug, metabolism is normalized. Effective body shaping is provided by bowel cleansing anddifficulty digesting fats.
It is worth noting that the results of studies of the drug are quite contradictory. Some scientists claim that the pills have an effect only when a person has a severe degree of obesity. Others, on the contrary, say that anyone can get rid of excess weight with the help of pills.
The manufacturer promises that taking Ideal tablets will lead to the following results:
- weight will decrease by 2-8 kg;
- there will be a decrease in volume by 5-6 cm;
- skin will remain firm and toned;
- normalizes the work of the digestive tract;
- lower cholesterol levels.
In reviews of the drug "Ideal" also says that against the background of its use, the condition of the skin and hair improves.
Another property of tablets is the activation of the body's adaptation processes. In other words, even with long journeys and constant change of time zones, a person taking dietary supplements will not lose their ability to work and will feel great.

As part of the preparation "Ideal" there are natural ingredients that contribute to natural weight loss. This list includes:
- Flap-shaped rhubarb. Its main property is a mild laxative effect. Due to this component, you can quickly normalize the stool and start the process of losing weight. Flap-shaped rhubarb is considered a source of tannins and oxymetalanthraquinones. It normalizes metabolism. Wraps around the wallsintestines with useful substances, thereby preventing the absorption of fats that come with food. Provides bactericidal and anti-inflammatory action. Tames the feeling of hunger.
- Velm-leaved Guatsuma. Due to the huge amount of tannins, it has a positive effect on metabolic processes. Tones, energizes. Most useful for people who exercise frequently and adhere to the principles of dietary nutrition. The leaves of this plant contain mucous substances that envelop the walls of the stomach and prevent the absorption of fats. Prevents constipation and lowers blood sugar levels.
- Areca pericarp (Dixon palm). It cleanses the body of toxins, improves tone, improves overall well-being. Suppresses appetite, increases working capacity, improves endurance during physical exertion.
The auxiliary components of the drug include: talc, lactose, starch.
How to take

To achieve a positive result with Ideal, it must be used according to certain recommendations.
- If the goal is to lose weight, take 2-3 tablets with meals. The course must last at least 2 months.
- For the purpose of maintenance therapy, when the main course is completed, it is necessary to take 1-2 tablets at bedtime for 1-2 months.
In the reviews of the Ideal tablets for weight loss, as well as in the instructions for the drug, it is said that the break between the main andmaintenance course should be at least a week. A course for the purpose of prevention can be carried out twice a year.
Side effects

A negative reaction against the background of taking the dietary supplement "Ideal" can be observed with a deviation from the dosage. Side effects are extremely rare, since the drug is based on components of plant origin. In isolated cases, there may be:
- allergic to ingredients;
- malfunctions in the digestive tract;
- stool disorder.
In any case, the drug should be used with extreme caution. This is due to the fact that it has a laxative effect. In reviews of the "Ideal" for weight loss, patients say that against the background of his intake, the stool becomes more frequent. Artificial stimulation of the intestine does not allow it to work independently in the same mode, which is why after the end of the intake, the risk of deterioration of peristalsis and poisoning of the body increases due to delayed cleansing.
Moreover, the laxative effect accompanies dehydration. Together with toxins and toxins, the drug removes fluid from the body, which leads to an imbalance of s alts and water. As a result, a person develops apathy, insomnia, and exacerbation of chronic ailments is possible.
If you take into account the reviews about the "Ideal" for weight loss, then they mention that during the reception pain in the lower abdomen, nausea that occurs in the morning, headaches can disturb. Some responses say that the drug does not reduceappetite, but rather helps to increase it.
Despite the natural composition and the minimal risk of side effects, the drug has a certain list of contraindications. It is forbidden to take it at:
- hypersensitivity to substances with a laxative effect;
- chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
- enterocolitis;
- hypertension;
- lactose intolerance;
- cholecystitis;
- enterocolitis.
Ideal pills are prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, adolescents under 18 and the elderly.
Drug interactions
Due to the fact that the drug "Ideal" contains natural ingredients, it can be combined with taking medications. As for alcoholic beverages, at the time of the course with the participation of dietary supplements, it should be abandoned.
Storage conditions
In the reviews of the Ideal capsules for weight loss, there is information that their effectiveness and safety depend on proper storage conditions. The manufacturer recommends keeping the tablets in their original packaging and tightly closing the lid. It is important that moisture does not get into the container. The packaging should also be protected from direct sunlight. The best temperature for storing the product should be about 22 degrees.
How to keep the weight off

After the completed course, it is imperative to follow certain recommendations that will help consolidate the result and prevent fatdeposits back into place:
- The menu should be dominated by fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs.
- Make sure your daily diet contains protein-rich foods: lean poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes.
- Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
- Physical activity should be given special attention. If you can’t go to a fitness club, you can go jogging, cycling, going to the pool or mastering home workouts. In reviews of the "Ideal" for weight loss, it is indicated that against the background of regular exercise, the process of weight loss is accelerated. When active exercise is contraindicated, walk as much as possible.
- All bad habits should be strictly prohibited. This applies to drinking and smoking.
- Sweets, flour products, canned food, smoked meats, carbonated drinks should be removed from the menu.
"Ideal" for weight loss: reviews of doctors

According to nutritionists, the drug "Ideal" is not a panacea for weight loss. Excessive enthusiasm for this tool can lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the digestive tract and provoke dehydration, which also entails a number of he alth problems. However, if you adhere to proper nutrition and do not exceed the duration of the course of taking this dietary supplement, you can decently lose weight.