Ectopia of the cervix. What is it, let's take a closer look

Ectopia of the cervix. What is it, let's take a closer look
Ectopia of the cervix. What is it, let's take a closer look

In Soviet times, gynecologists used the term "erosion" to define cervical ectopia. Today, this term is rarely used by specialists who follow the news in the development of medicine. In fact, ectopia is a pseudo-erosion that may look like inflammation, and sometimes like a tumor, but in reality it is often a variant of the physiological norm.

Signs of ectopia

So, cervical ectopia - what is it?

What is cervical ectopia
What is cervical ectopia

The surface of the vagina is covered with a flat epithelium of pink color, glossy, performing the functions of protecting the cervix and the uterus itself from the penetration of microbes and infectious organisms. The cervical canal is covered by another skin layer, columnar epithelium. It is a brighter red color, with a matte, velvety-looking surface. This is a more delicate fabric that is more susceptible to the spread of germs. Ectopia of the cervix - what is it? This is the arrangement of the columnar epithelium in such a way that it extends beyond the cervix and is lined withvagina. For those who want to see through the eyes of a gynecologist what cervical ectopia is, a photo that clearly demonstrates the location of various skin epithelium can be found in the medical literature.

Ectopia of the cervix photo
Ectopia of the cervix photo

Main causes of occurrence

For those diagnosed with cervical ectopia by a doctor, the causes are not always clear. In most cases, pseudo-erosion is a normal physiological condition and does not require treatment. Pseudo-erosion does not cause pain, burning or itching. The only thing that can cause inconvenience is an increased amount of colorless and odorless discharge, sometimes pain during intercourse and spotting after it. If these symptoms bother you, it is best to see a doctor. To determine the presence of ectopia, the gynecologist will perform a colposcopy and take a smear on the flora. In the case when the infection spread, the ectopia flows into erosion, which already needs to be treated.

What is the root cause of the disease called ectopia cervix? What is it, whether it is possible to be protected from this diagnosis? Ectopia occurs in about half of women, more often under the age of 40.

Ectopia of the cervix causes
Ectopia of the cervix causes

This condition is typical for early childhood, when the physiological characteristics of girls have not yet fully formed, for the period of pregnancy, as well as while taking drugs containing hormones. In such cases, no treatment is required. But if various infections that cause diseases have entered the bodygenital tract, they cause a restructuring of the mucous membrane of the epithelium, inflame and destroy tissues, playing the role of an irritant. With this course of the disease, the doctor may prescribe surgical methods for removing unwanted epithelium using a laser, cryotherapy, electrical and radio radiation, as well as coagulation (thermal, chemical or pharmacological).

I hope you managed to get an answer to the question: "Ectopia of the cervix, what is it?" If you are not worried about discharge, then you should not focus your attention on such a diagnosis. After all, all people have an individual structure of the body externally, why should the internal organization of a person fit the strict norms established many years ago?
