Is it possible to put a spiral on nulliparous girls: possible consequences, features of application

Is it possible to put a spiral on nulliparous girls: possible consequences, features of application
Is it possible to put a spiral on nulliparous girls: possible consequences, features of application

Today, people know many methods of protection against unwanted conception. One of the most popular ways are pills and an intrauterine device. Some women should not take drugs containing hormones due to contraindications. Such representatives of the weaker sex are offered the Navy. But is it possible to put a spiral on nulliparous girls? This issue is controversial.

IUD is an effective method of contraception

This tool is considered one of the most reliable. It protects against unplanned conception by 95%. In addition, the presence of the IUD is not felt by the woman and does not cause discomfort. In addition, this method works for a long time. However, before using this method of contraception, many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to put a spiral on nulliparous girls and whether there are contraindications to the installationdevices. It is known that the IUD is used mainly by women who already have children. However, some of the fairer sex, who have not yet experienced the happiness of motherhood, consider such a remedy as a way to protect against an unplanned pregnancy.

Features of action

The intrauterine device is a small device made of silver, gold or copper.

spiral appearance
spiral appearance

He is placed in the uterine cavity. The tool prevents the passage of sperm into this organ. If conception did occur, the IUD does not allow the fetal egg to attach, and during critical days it is rejected along with menstrual blood.

Before installing this device, you must undergo a gynecological examination and laboratory tests. These studies will help to exclude various pathologies. If infections are detected, a woman should first undergo therapy, and then use this method of contraception. Typically, the IUD uses the following categories of patients:

  1. Highly fertile girls
  2. Women who are not ready to conceive in a certain period of time.
  3. Women with pathologies in which pregnancy is contraindicated.
  4. The partner has diseases that are potentially dangerous for the fetus.

Is it possible to put a spiral on nulliparous girls? Is the absence of children a contraindication to the use of the remedy?

When should the IUD not be used?

This method of contraception is undesirable in the presence of the followingstates:

  1. Presence of symptoms suggestive of pregnancy.
  2. positive pregnancy test
    positive pregnancy test
  3. Suspicious for cancerous pathologies or benign tumors of the reproductive organs.
  4. Bleeding of unclear origin.
  5. Tubal pregnancy.
  6. Pathological processes in the uterus and other organs of the reproductive system.
  7. Severe anemia.
  8. Individual intolerance to metals.
  9. Birth defects of the uterus.
  10. Pathologies of the cervical canal.

The absence of children is not a contraindication to the use of the IUD. Nevertheless, experts do not give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether it is possible to put a spiral on nulliparous girls. Today, many doctors do not recommend this method of contraception for this category of patients.

Main reasons

Why is it undesirable for girls who do not have children to use IUDs as a way to protect against unwanted conception? Firstly, such patients have a high probability of developing complications, for example, damage to the uterine cavity or its cervix.

inflammation in the uterus
inflammation in the uterus

This consequence often leads to infertility. In addition, there is a risk of body rejection of the device.

Other complications

On the question of whether it is possible to put an intrauterine device in nulliparous girls, many experts give a negative answer. The IUD is used only when most of the methods of protection against unwanted conceptionnot suitable for the patient. The likelihood of complications is higher in women who have an irregular cycle or chronic pathologies of the reproductive system. This device may adversely affect the reproductive he alth of the fairer sex. In the case of using a spiral for nulliparous, the consequences are as follows:

  1. Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  2. Bleeding of varying intensity.
  3. heavy bleeding
    heavy bleeding
  4. Inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system. Such ailments can become chronic.
  5. High risk of tubal pregnancy.
  6. Thinning of the inner layer of the uterus.
  7. Inability to conceive and bear a fetus.

Based on this information, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to put a spiral on nulliparous women is more negative than positive. Of course, every girl has the right to independently choose a method of protection against an unplanned pregnancy. However, today there is a large selection of methods of contraception.

types of contraceptives
types of contraceptives

Many of them do not lead to such serious complications.

Expert opinions

Is it possible to put a spiral on nulliparous girls?

spiral installation
spiral installation

Reviews of gynecologists on this issue are quite contradictory. Some doctors believe that for this category of patients, the use of the IUD is absolutely unacceptable. Other experts believe that the spiral will not harm the body of the nulliparousgirls in the event that before installing the device she undergoes all the necessary examinations (laboratory analyzes of biomaterials, ultrasound of the reproductive organs). This contraceptive is used only in the absence of infectious processes, inflammation and numerous abortions in the past. In addition, sometimes women who do not have children have thinned uterine tissues. Such patients are at risk of damage to the organ cavity during the installation of the IUD.

Even for those women who do not experience serious he alth problems, the use of this method of contraception can cause serious consequences. Complications often lead to prolonged inflammatory processes. Such pathologies are undesirable for a girl if she is going to become a mother in the future. However, in medical practice, there are many cases when the IUD was installed in nulliparous women, and the body of the patients normally tolerated this remedy. But still, the question of whether it is possible to put a spiral on nulliparous girls cannot be answered positively. After all, a woman who uses this method of protection against unwanted conception runs the risk of infertility.
