Bioacoustic correction of the brain: description of the procedure, effectiveness and reviews

Bioacoustic correction of the brain: description of the procedure, effectiveness and reviews
Bioacoustic correction of the brain: description of the procedure, effectiveness and reviews

In recent decades, medicine has gone far ahead. Achievements are available practically in all branches of medical business. This applies to both new methods of diagnosis and treatment, and scientific developments necessary to study the development and causes of diseases. Numerous chromosomal and genetic pathologies have been identified.

Such a science as neurology also does not stand still. Scientific research is being carried out on Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cerebral palsy. One of the innovations in this area is the bioacoustic correction of the brain. The method refers to therapeutic measures. Its main advantage is that it is applicable for both adults and young children. Despite the fact that such a procedure has appeared recently, its effectiveness has already been confirmed. This treatment method is applicable to many diseases of the nervous system.

bioacoustic correction of the brain
bioacoustic correction of the brain

Bioacoustic correction of the brain:procedure description

Probably everyone loves to listen to music. As you know, it affects the mood and has calming properties. Therefore, listening to classical melodies is recommended for pregnant women. The effect of sound signals on the body has been studied for over a century. In the last century, music therapy has been used to treat certain mental pathologies, tuberculosis and stomach ulcers. At present, the positive effect of sound on some organs (brain, heart) has been proven.

Thanks to the invention of the EEG apparatus and the study of nerve impulses, a new method of treatment and diagnosis has been created. It is bioacoustic correction of the brain. This procedure is based on the conversion of nerve impulses into sound. This process occurs simultaneously, so a person can hear the signals of his brain. The coincidence of sound waves with nerve impulses has a fruitful effect on he alth. Bioacoustic correction of the brain (BAC) is carried out using an EEG apparatus. This device collects electrical signals from the surface of the head. Thanks to a special program, these impulses are converted into sound. In fact, a person hears how his brain works.

bioacoustic brain correction reviews
bioacoustic brain correction reviews

Indications for bioacoustic correction

It is believed that the therapeutic effect of bioacoustic correction is due to the restoration of phylogenetic connections in the brain, laid down in antiquity. As you know, the central nervous system coordinates allprocesses in the body. Therefore, bioacoustic correction is useful not only for brain diseases, but also for other somatic pathologies. To a greater extent, this applies to mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system and heart. Bioacoustic correction can be applied at all ages. Indications for this treatment in adults are:

  1. Neuroses. This group of diseases is often found in psychiatric practice. Neuroses are characterized by such conditions as depression and mania. Human behavior often changes due to fluctuations in mood. Such conditions can be caused by stress, exposure to adverse factors.
  2. Headache. This refers to a functional impairment, the cause of which cannot be established. This group includes tension headache, migraine.
  3. Movement disorders. It is often characterized by the development of increased excitability of muscle tissue in a certain area (leg twitching, tick in the eye area). In most cases, these symptoms occur in people exposed to stressful situations, characterized by lability of the emotional background.
  4. Neurasthenia and insomnia.
  5. Post-traumatic brain disease. Patients often have a convulsive syndrome, a change in mental reactions, and a headache. Thanks to bioacoustic correction, the nervous system is gradually restored.
  6. About acute cerebrovascular accident.

It is worth remembering that this method of treatment has not yet been widelydistribution. Therefore, not everyone can afford such treatment. A referral for the procedure is issued only for confirmed brain diseases.

bioacoustic correction of the brain for children
bioacoustic correction of the brain for children

Contraindications for bioacoustic correction

Despite the positive effect of bioacoustic correction, it is not always carried out. The following contraindications are distinguished:

  • Acute cerebrovascular accident. Despite the fact that the procedure is effective in the treatment of stroke complications, it is prohibited during the period of ischemia and vascular thrombosis.
  • Hypertensive crisis. It should be noted that in case of arterial hypertension, bioacoustic correction of the brain has a positive effect if it is part of complex therapy. However, with the development of symptoms of complications and an increase in systolic blood pressure to 180 mm. rt. Art. the procedure cannot be performed.
  • Acute pathologies of the heart. These include attacks of rhythm disturbance (paroxysmal conditions), myocardial infarction and unstable angina.
  • Inflammation of the substance and membranes of the brain or spinal cord (meningitis, encephalitis).
  • Head injuries.
  • Acute bleeding, regardless of location (gastrointestinal, uterine, nasal).

This treatment is not recommended for patients with epilepsy. Since the electrical activity of the brain at the same time differs from the impulses of a he althy person. Therefore, this therapeutic measure may not be effective.

bioacoustic correction of the brain in St. Petersburg
bioacoustic correction of the brain in St. Petersburg

Bioacoustic brain correction in children

Bioacoustic correction (BAC) is considered a new method in neurology, which is not dangerous for children. This procedure is not accompanied by radiation exposure to the body and is painless. With congenital pathologies of the nervous system, many types of treatment do not bring any effect. An exception is the bioacoustic correction of the brain. This procedure is just as beneficial for children as it is for adults. In diseases of the nervous system, BAC is used in combination with other therapeutic measures. Indications for children are:

  1. Neurotic states. These include obsessions, phobias, panic attacks.
  2. Movement disorder (tics). LHC is also used in children with congenital cerebral palsy.
  3. Speech disorder. This group includes: dysarthria, stuttering, alalia.
  4. Post-traumatic brain disease.
  5. Consequences of previous hypoxia.

In addition, the indications in children include various mental disorders. Among them are mental retardation, autism, depressive states, hyperactivity disorder and attention deficit disorder. It should be noted that this method does not lead to a complete cure of congenital CNS pathologies, but improves the prognosis of the disease. In some cases, the BAC is used as a preventive procedure. It is prescribed for weakening immunity, preparing for exams, enuresis, memory impairment, adaptation to new conditions (when moving to another school, problemsfamily).

How is bioacoustic brain correction performed?

Bioacoustic correction of the brain is based on the reverse action of sound waves on neurons. At the same time, the EEG is taken, the process of reading it and converting it into music. As a result, it turns out, as it were, "the reverse flow of sound into the brain." The procedure takes about 20 minutes. Sensors are connected to the patient's head, which read electrical impulses from the entire surface of the brain. In this case, the patient puts on stereo headphones. The course of treatment should be at least 7 procedures (up to 15).

bioacoustic correction of the brain in Moscow
bioacoustic correction of the brain in Moscow

Benefits of Bioacoustic Brain Correction

Compared to other brain treatments, LHC has a number of advantages. The following advantages of this procedure are distinguished:

  • Non-invasive. When performing bioacoustic correction, there is no need for incisions in the skin and underlying tissues, the introduction of medications.
  • Painless.
  • Possibility of use in childhood.
  • No side effects.
  • Ability to use as a complex therapy.
  • Not addictive.
  • Ability to check the effectiveness of the procedure. After the LHC, there are improvements on the EEG.
bioacoustic brain correction tank
bioacoustic brain correction tank

Efficiency of bioacoustic brain correction

BAC is an innovative method of prevention and treatment of many pathologies. Among them are notonly diseases of the brain, but also psychosomatic disorders of internal organs. The effectiveness of this procedure has been confirmed by scientists from leading clinics. The tests were carried out at the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Sklifosovsky Research Institute. Information about this procedure is also available in foreign sources.

Bioacoustic correction of the brain for children: doctors' reviews

Despite the fact that the BAC is one of the components of the complex treatment of pathologies, it makes a significant contribution to the patient's recovery. What do doctors think about such a method as bioacoustic brain correction? Reviews of leading neuropathologists in Moscow and St. Petersburg are positive. Doctors note that BAC improves the prognosis for some pathologies by 85%. Also, the main advantage of the method is the use in children.

bioacoustic correction of the brain for children reviews
bioacoustic correction of the brain for children reviews

Performing bioacoustic brain correction in Moscow

Where is bioacoustic brain correction performed in Moscow? Given that the procedure is not yet widespread enough, not all clinics are equipped with the necessary equipment. This method of treatment is carried out at the Sklifosovsky Institute and other advanced medical centers. The cost of a session is about 10-15 thousand rubles.

Which clinics in St. Petersburg perform bioacoustic correction?

There are many studies that analyze what bioacoustic brain correction is in medicine. St. Petersburg has a large number of scientific medical centers,involved in the study of this method of treatment. The city even has a specialized hospital, which is called the Bioacoustic Correction Clinic. In addition, research work is carried out on the basis of the institutes. Anyone who has certain indications can take a course of bioacoustic correction.
