Women's he alth 2024, October

Cyst of the right ovary endometrioid: symptoms and treatment

Cyst of the right ovary endometrioid: symptoms and treatment

Treatment of reproductive organs occupies a special place in medicine. After all, many diseases can lead not only to disruption of the rhythm of life, but also to the inability to conceive and give birth to offspring. Especially often representatives of the weaker sex turn to the doctor with various complaints. That is why it is so important to visit the gynecologist twice a year for routine examinations. Such preventive measures make it possible to detect this or that pathology at the earliest stage of its development

The structure of the female body, types of labia. Changes in shape and color, how to warn yourself, the reasons for the change

The structure of the female body, types of labia. Changes in shape and color, how to warn yourself, the reasons for the change

How many women - so many and completely different in shape, size and color of the labia. Therefore, do not be ashamed of your natural beauty. But what do you need to know about hygiene and changes to prevent medical interference? Read about this and much more in the article

Signs of urolithiasis in women: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, diet

Signs of urolithiasis in women: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, diet

What are the signs of urolithiasis in women and how to get rid of this pathology? Everything you need to know about stones in the urinary system: causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods, varieties, the most effective methods of treatment and prevention

Uterine chorionepithelioma: causes, symptoms and treatment

Uterine chorionepithelioma: causes, symptoms and treatment

Uterine chorionepithelioma is an oncological disease that affects the reproductive organs of the female body. It accounts for no more than 2% of the total number of malignant neoplasms of the gynecological sphere. Most often, the disease affects women of childbearing age. With the onset of menopause, it is detected extremely rarely

Causes and treatment regimen for ureaplasmosis in women

Causes and treatment regimen for ureaplasmosis in women

Why does ureaplasmosis appear and how to get rid of it? Everything you need to know about pathology: causes, main symptoms, features of therapy, treatment of concomitant diseases and recommendations of gynecologists

Chills before period: causes and treatment. Premenstrual syndrome: symptoms in women

Chills before period: causes and treatment. Premenstrual syndrome: symptoms in women

Feeling chills before your period may indicate that a serious illness is developing. To identify the factor that provoked the appearance of an unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination. Based on the results of the study, the attending physician will prescribe a comprehensive treatment

Hormonal ovarian cyst: symptoms and drug treatment

Hormonal ovarian cyst: symptoms and drug treatment

Diseases of the female reproductive system can be asymptomatic. Therefore, the patient can find out about the pathology when the disease enters an advanced stage. To avoid this, you need to be examined by a gynecologist at least once a year. One of the fairly common pathologies is the so-called hormonal ovarian cyst. Features of the disease, its symptoms and treatment methods will be discussed in the article

Myomectomy: patient reviews, indications and consequences

Myomectomy: patient reviews, indications and consequences

Uterine fibroids (fibroma, fibromyoma, leiomyoma) is a benign formation that develops from the uterine myometrium (muscle layer). A very common pathology, 10-27% of women turn to gynecologists for it. It is considered a hormone-dependent tumor. Today, conservative myomectomy is more often performed, in which the reproductive function is fully preserved

Lactomorphotypes in large numbers: what does it mean, symptoms, treatment options

Lactomorphotypes in large numbers: what does it mean, symptoms, treatment options

The gynecological smear is a simple but very informative test. It is taken not only when any unpleasant symptoms occur, but also as part of preventive examinations. Immediately before taking the biomaterial, a woman must necessarily comply with a number of conditions

Partition in the uterus: causes, diagnosis, symptoms, surgery to cut it

Partition in the uterus: causes, diagnosis, symptoms, surgery to cut it

In the process of ontogenesis, various morphological disorders occur in the reproductive system of a girl. One of them is the septum in the uterus. This is a very serious pathology that can lead to infertility or miscarriage

Why the endometrium does not grow: causes, methods of treatment and prevention

Why the endometrium does not grow: causes, methods of treatment and prevention

The development of the embryo and the bearing of the fetus occurs in the uterus, the inner surface of which is represented by a special layer - the endometrium. Its thickness and physical properties vary with the menstrual cycle. However, it often happens that even in young women there is an underdevelopment of the lining of the uterine cavity. Here a very important question arises as to why the endometrium does not grow and what consequences this can lead to

Inflammatory process in women: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Inflammatory process in women: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

How does the inflammatory process manifest itself in women and how to treat it? Everything you need to know about pathology: causes of development, general and local symptoms, diagnostic features, possible complications, methods of effective therapy

Uterine tuberculosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Uterine tuberculosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

The causative agent of tuberculosis is Koch's bacillus. Once in the body, it may remain inactive for some time. At the same time, nonspecific symptoms appear in the form of increased fatigue and weakness. Often they are attributed to overwork and do not pay due attention. Women learn about the presence of the disease when the first difficulties with conception appear. This is how uterine tuberculosis manifests itself. The first signs and symptoms of the disease will be discussed in today's article

Enlarged right ovary: causes, symptoms, treatment

Enlarged right ovary: causes, symptoms, treatment

If the right ovary is enlarged, this may indicate that a serious pathology is developing. There are many reasons why such a pathological condition may occur. Only after a thorough medical diagnosis and passing all the necessary tests, the doctor will be able to identify the factor that influenced the increase in one of the ovaries

Harm of panty liners for women: reviews of gynecologists

Harm of panty liners for women: reviews of gynecologists

The task of panty liners is to absorb natural secretions. Thanks to pads, women do not need to change their underwear at the slightest contamination - just change the "daily" is enough. In addition, it is thin and inconspicuous, so it is comfortable

Removal of the intrauterine device: algorithm for the procedure, tips and recommendations from gynecologists

Removal of the intrauterine device: algorithm for the procedure, tips and recommendations from gynecologists

The use of these devices as contraceptives has a number of distinct advantages. However, despite the fact that this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is effective, economical and long-term use, removing the intrauterine device at a certain time is a necessary procedure

Breast fibroadenoma and pregnancy: methods of diagnosis and treatment

Breast fibroadenoma and pregnancy: methods of diagnosis and treatment

If a doctor has detected a breast fibroadenoma in a woman while carrying a baby, it is forbidden to self-medicate. In some cases, the neoplasm begins to grow actively, as the hormonal background of a woman changes during pregnancy. With the help of surgical manipulation, you can get rid of the disease, medical methods are ineffective

Feeling unwell before menstruation: what to do?

Feeling unwell before menstruation: what to do?

Poor he alth before menstruation is noted by many women. Most often it is associated with premenstrual syndrome, but in some cases it may indicate some violations in the body. What are the causes and symptoms of feeling unwell before menstruation?

Stone in the chest: signs, what to do, prevention

Stone in the chest: signs, what to do, prevention

Stone in the breast is a problem for many breastfeeding women today. In another way, this problem is called lactostasis or stagnation of breast milk, which thickens over time if the baby does not suck it out in full. Thus, a kind of “cork” is formed, creating the effect of that very stone

Vitamins for mastopathy: an overview of effective complexes, instructions, reviews

Vitamins for mastopathy: an overview of effective complexes, instructions, reviews

During the treatment of mastopathy, doctors often recommend taking vitamins. Useful elements saturate the body with essential substances, strengthen the immune system and speed up the healing process. Drugs should be prescribed strictly by the attending physician, since self-medication can only harm

Signs of the beginning of menstruation. What happens before menstruation: sensations and symptoms

Signs of the beginning of menstruation. What happens before menstruation: sensations and symptoms

Signs of the beginning of menstruation should be known to every girl in order to accurately determine when her menstrual cycle will occur again in her life. It is worth noting that each of them is characterized by certain periods, in each of which there is a manifestation of certain typical symptoms. Each cycle begins with the formation of a follicle. This happens on the first day of the onset of menstruation

Multicystic ovaries: symptoms, causes, treatment

Multicystic ovaries: symptoms, causes, treatment

Multicystic ovaries is a dangerous pathological condition of the female reproductive organs. The disease makes it difficult to conceive a child. Against the background of trouble, infertility often develops. Pathology is detected in approximately 10% of patients of gynecologists during routine examinations

Hydrotubation of the fallopian tubes: purpose, indications for the procedure and consequences

Hydrotubation of the fallopian tubes: purpose, indications for the procedure and consequences

Hydrotubation of the fallopian tubes is a treatment and diagnostic procedure, the essence of which is the introduction of a special fluid into the oviducts. Thanks to it, it is possible to determine the degree of patency of the fallopian tubes, and, if necessary, in a gentle way to eliminate existing pathologies

Exercising during uterine prolapse: types of exercises, step-by-step instructions and results

Exercising during uterine prolapse: types of exercises, step-by-step instructions and results

In the early stages of the weakening of the muscles that hold the uterus in the proper position, in the treatment of pathology, exercises can be effective when the uterus is lowered. It is also done in order to prevent such a condition. We offer a description of the methods of Kegel, Bubnovsky, Yunusov, Atarbekov

Where does the placenta go after childbirth - features, requirements and interesting facts

Where does the placenta go after childbirth - features, requirements and interesting facts

According to SanPiN standards, the placenta is equated to waste biological material, such as an appendix, an amputated limb or a removed tumor, and therefore must be disposed of. However, there are several options for the development of events where the placenta is put in maternity hospitals

What is the danger of uterine fibroids?

What is the danger of uterine fibroids?

In our rapidly racing time, many diseases are getting younger. Increasingly, women of reproductive age are diagnosed with dangerous sizes of uterine fibroids. Very patients experience shock when the gynecologist informs them of the diagnosis. In this article, we will look at the dangers of nodular fibroids. Are there ways to quickly cure the disease. Is it possible to avoid this disease and what is its treatment in case the inevitable occurs?

Is it possible to get pregnant after ovulation in a day, three days, a week?

Is it possible to get pregnant after ovulation in a day, three days, a week?

Is it possible to get pregnant after ovulation? Every woman should understand this issue. The issue is especially relevant for ladies who decide to become a mother in the near future. In this case, it is important to know how to plan a pregnancy. That is, on what days you can make love without problems, without being protected and without fear for a successful conception

Monthly after scraping: when do they start, how do they go?

Monthly after scraping: when do they start, how do they go?

Whatever curettage is, whether it is diagnostic or abortive, this factor still negatively affects the female body. Even if the doctor did everything correctly, you should still listen to the most insignificant alarm signals, since certain complications can often appear

What is the basal temperature before menstruation?

What is the basal temperature before menstruation?

Basal temperature is an important vital indicator. How to measure it? How much should a woman have?

Late ovulation: symptoms when to take a pregnancy test

Late ovulation: symptoms when to take a pregnancy test

Ovulation occurs around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. These are average data. In fact, the egg can be ready for fertilization both earlier than this period and later. Much depends on the individual duration of the cycle. Normally, it can last from 21 to 35 days. So, the statement that ovulation occurs on average on the 14th day is true for a normal 28-day cycle

Hemorrhoids during childbirth: causes, symptoms of the disease, treatment and preventive measures

Hemorrhoids during childbirth: causes, symptoms of the disease, treatment and preventive measures

About half of pregnant women in varying degrees for the first time encounter manifestations of hemorrhoids during childbearing. This unpleasant disease is not a contraindication to natural delivery, although it can cause many problems both during pregnancy and the delivery process

What to do if your chest hurts?

What to do if your chest hurts?

Few women know that if the chest hurts, then this can indicate serious illnesses. Depending on the nature of the sensations, their duration and accompanying symptoms, one can approximately draw up a picture of the disease. But this should not be a substitute for a full and qualified examination by a doctor. Consider the main causes of chest pain and how to eliminate them

Is it possible to give birth in lenses? Ophthalmologist's consultation

Is it possible to give birth in lenses? Ophthalmologist's consultation

Sight is something that any person should follow. Especially when it comes to a future woman in labor. Many women wonder if it is possible to give birth in lenses. What can be said about this?

What to do when toxicosis began?

What to do when toxicosis began?

A huge number of pregnant women suffer from toxicosis in the first months. Sometimes they feel like it will never go away. In fact, this is a physiological process, and it is difficult to cope with it. But there is an opportunity to alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman with the help of some means when toxicosis has begun. How to do it, read on

Thrush after ovulation: causes and treatments. "Flucostat": instructions for use for thrush

Thrush after ovulation: causes and treatments. "Flucostat": instructions for use for thrush

Vaginal candidiasis, or thrush, is a fungal disease that affects women and young children more often than men. It is caused by fungi from the genus Candida, which are opportunistic human flora and in small quantities are constantly on the skin and mucous membranes

Reduced hemoglobin in women: possible causes, symptoms, necessary diagnostics, treatment methods, advice from therapists

Reduced hemoglobin in women: possible causes, symptoms, necessary diagnostics, treatment methods, advice from therapists

General practitioners note that in recent years the number of patients complaining of low hemoglobin, as well as the complications that it provokes, has significantly increased. Such statistics are very depressing, especially considering the fact that low hemoglobin provokes the development of many serious diseases, including infertility, heart disease and diabetes. That is why you always need to know what low hemoglobin in women means, and how to prevent this dangerous condition

Implantation bleeding or periods: how to tell the difference?

Implantation bleeding or periods: how to tell the difference?

Implantation bleeding is a discharge that occurs due to the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall. This first manifestation of pregnancy often goes unnoticed due to its insignificance and similarity to menstruation

What does the ovulation basal temperature chart look like? Measurement of basal body temperature during ovulation

What does the ovulation basal temperature chart look like? Measurement of basal body temperature during ovulation

Measurement of basal body temperature is the official method for determining fertility, recognized by WHO. With it, you can calculate the days of ovulation, identify early pregnancy and find out if there are abnormalities in the work of the sex glands

What are the signs of thrush in women?

What are the signs of thrush in women?

At least once in a lifetime, every woman is faced with thrush. The scientific name for the disease is candidiasis. It happens not only in the fair sex, but also in men, and even in newborn children

Frequent urination before menstruation: causes, symptoms, structure of female organs and reviews of gynecologists

Frequent urination before menstruation: causes, symptoms, structure of female organs and reviews of gynecologists

During menstruation, women experience many difficulties. This is due not only to psychological, but also physical discomfort. Such an important process for the body can become a significant obstacle to an active life. It is no secret that the approach of these days is often felt in various ways. And one of them is frequent urination