22 cycle day: what phase, progesterone rate, description by day and doctors' reviews

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22 cycle day: what phase, progesterone rate, description by day and doctors' reviews
22 cycle day: what phase, progesterone rate, description by day and doctors' reviews

Video: 22 cycle day: what phase, progesterone rate, description by day and doctors' reviews

Video: 22 cycle day: what phase, progesterone rate, description by day and doctors' reviews
Video: What to do about Teeth Grinding 2024, December

In the article, we will consider what phase is on the 22nd day of the cycle.

The menstrual cycle is the time interval that passes between adjacent menstruation. This segment is divided into phases, which are characterized by their own specifics, which determine the state of the woman's body. If a woman navigates the phases of her cycle, she will be able to understand herself well, explain changes in well-being, mood swings and other features.

day 22 of the cycle
day 22 of the cycle

Often ladies ask the doctor - on the 22nd day of the cycle, what phase?

Menstrual cycle description

The menstrual cycle is understood as a time period, the beginning of which is the first day of the appearance of menstruation, and the end is the day before the next menstruation. This process is repeated every month in all women with normal he alth, excluding breastfeeding and pregnant women.

Monthly, nature prepares a woman for the possible conception of a child and does everything toso that the child finds himself in favorable and comfortable conditions in which he can develop and grow harmoniously.

When a girl is born, there are many eggs in her ovaries (about two million), but by puberty there are a maximum of four hundred thousand. As a rule, one egg is spent during one cycle.

The regular cycle of menstruation is impossible to imagine without the participation of hormones and structures of the brain of the head. The sequence of phenomena that are observed during the normal cycle is explained by the close relationship between the functioning of the endometrium, hypothalamus, ovaries and anterior pituitary lobe. Its average duration is 28 days. However, a cycle that lasts between 21-35 days is also normal. On the 22nd day of the menstrual cycle, what phase, we will tell below.

22nd day of the menstrual cycle which phase
22nd day of the menstrual cycle which phase

Follicular phase

The beginning of bleeding, that is, the first day, means the onset of the follicular stage. It covers a period of time of 14-15 days, ending with the arrival of ovulation. The body of a woman at this stage is cleared of an excessive amount, the uterine cavity is freed from the old endometrium, and a follicle matures in the ovary. The necessary conditions are created for the growth of the embryo, the new endometrium grows and thickens.

What is the phase on the 21st and 22nd day of the cycle, every woman should know.

Features of the ovulatory phase

The second phase of the menstruation cycle is understood as the onset of the period of ovulation, which is due to the concentration in the female bodyluteinizing hormone. This circumstance causes the destruction of the follicle, as a result of which the finished egg enters directly into the uterine tube. It is this period of time that is most successful in order to conceive a child. The duration of the ovulation phase is set individually, it can last from 16 to 32 hours.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen, emotional instability - many women are forced to face such symptoms on the first or second day. It is also possible that a headache will appear.

Which phase is the fifth day of the cycle?

This is still the same follicular stage, however, the woman's well-being gradually returns to normal, along with it her mood improves, irritability goes away.

From the seventh to the eleventh day, almost all women have an excellent mood. This period is characterized by satisfaction, big plans for the future, high efficiency.

So, let's figure it out, on the 22nd and 23rd day of the cycle, what phase?

22 day cycle phase
22 day cycle phase

Luteal phase - what you need to know about it

Periods of the cycle of menstruation and hormones are closely interrelated, so that the next phase stands out. Ovulation ends and is replaced by the luteal stage. The duration of this period is an average of two weeks, it ends when the next menstruation comes. The preparation of a woman's body for pregnancy does not stop, so it can still come.

The girl in the first three or four days of this phase enjoys excellent he alth,distinguished by efficiency and vivacity.

Which phase falls on the 21st day of the cycle?

This is the same luteal period, however, the state of the woman's body begins to deteriorate sharply, which is due to natural processes in the body and should not be surprising.

In the absence of fertilization of the egg, the high concentration of progesterone and estrogen stops. The female body is gradually preparing for the onset of the next menstruation. Premenstrual syndrome, which has gained notorious popularity, is rightfully considered the most negative period in the life of all women.

22 cycle day - what phase?

He enters the second half of the luteal period, when such manifestations as emotional instability (sudden improvements or deterioration in mood), depressive mood are noted. There are also external symptoms, many women note lumbar pain, increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, swelling affecting the face and limbs. By the 28th day of the cycle, all unpleasant phenomena disappear.

Approximately on the 22nd day of the cycle, the maximum content of progesterone is observed. During this period, the endometrium thickens even more, only due to the formation of a secret by the uterine glands and an increase in cell sizes (the third stage of secretion). At the end of the luteal phase, its thickness can be from 12 to 14 millimeters.

If conception does not occur, the concentration of hormones (LH, FSH, progesterone, estrogen) begins to gradually decrease. Their minimum amount starts menstruation, and the next cycle begins. This process is subject to changedue to bad habits, stress and past illnesses. What phase is on the 22nd and 24th day of the cycle, now it’s clear.

21 22 cycle day what phase
21 22 cycle day what phase

Period diary: why is it needed?

Gynecologists advise all women to keep a diary of their menstrual cycle. Currently, you do not need to start a special notebook for this. Now you can simply install the application on your phone and do not forget to enter the necessary information there. This diary is needed in order to know the average time of one cycle. It will also help control the level of progesterone. What is the phase on the 22nd day of the cycle, we explained.

Progesterone norm by day of the menstrual cycle

The norm of progesterone in women is set depending on the time of the menstrual cycle. Each phase will have its own meaning. In the luteal phase, progesterone reaches its maximum levels - this indicates the beginning of ovulation and uterine preparation for egg implantation.

With a low level of the hormone at this time and the onset of fertilization, a spontaneous miscarriage will occur. Women who are planning a pregnancy, which is why they should control the content of progesterone during the second phase of the cycle.

The doctor prescribes a blood test on the 22-23rd day of the cycle, however, for a more detailed picture, it is recommended to take it several times in a row to monitor the dynamics. So, what level of the hormone is normal? It must be said that women taking hormonal contraceptives will have significant differences in performance. For each stage of the cycle there aretheir normative values:

  • From day 1 to 15 - from 0.97 to 4.73 nmol/L.
  • From the 17th to the 22nd day of the cycle - from 2.39 to 9.55.
  • From 22 to 29 days - from 16, 2 to 85, 9.

But not all women will have them like that.

Normal indicator for those taking hormonal contraceptives:

  • from 1 to 15 days - up to 3.6 nmol/l.
  • from 17 to 22 days of the cycle in the luteal phase - from 1.52 to 5.45.
  • from 22 to 29 days - from 3, 01 to 66.

A postmenopausal woman's hormonal levels should be between 0.32-2.51.

If pregnancy occurs, the hormone rises rapidly, and a pregnant woman will have the following indicators:

  • from 1 to 13 weeks of pregnancy - from 14.9 to 107.9;
  • from 14 to 27 - from 61, 7 to 159;
  • from 28 to 41 - from 17, 3 to 509, 1.

The hormone level suddenly drops two days before delivery, reaching a value of 2, 3. This is necessary so that the uterus is able to contract and thereby stimulate labor activity. However, the amount of progesterone will still be high, as it is involved in stimulating milk production.

22 23 cycle day what phase
22 23 cycle day what phase

High and low progesterone levels: what does it affect?

Deficiency in the content of the hormone affects primarily the female reproductive system. If the progesterone rate is reduced in the luteal phase, the fertilized egg is not able to attach to the uterine walls, dies and naturally exits simultaneously withendometrium, and menstruation occurs.

With a reduced amount of the hormone in the first trimester, a miscarriage occurs, as the uterus shrinks sharply, the endometrium is not ready enough to hold the amniotic egg. However, with a problem that is only in progesterone, it can be solved with special means that are prescribed by a gynecologist.

Hormone content is reduced due to the presence of the following disorders in the body:

  • lack of ovulation;
  • chronic ovarian inflammation;
  • irregular menses;
  • impaired functioning of the corpus luteum;
  • adrenal diseases.

When the progesterone level decreases, the level of estrogen also changes - it rises, and as a result, the woman notes:

  • convulsions;
  • sweating;
  • puffiness;
  • sleep disorder;
  • weight gain.

Estrogen should normally be in the range of 11-191 pg/ml. During menopause in women, its content is 5-90 pg / ml.

If the level of progesterone in the female body is elevated, the following conditions may be the reasons:

  • pregnancy;
  • adrenal disease;
  • bleeding from uterus;
  • cyst formation in the corpus luteum;
  • disturbances in the formation of the placenta;
  • amenorrhea.
  • 22 24 cycle day what phase
    22 24 cycle day what phase

Progesterone testing: doctors' reviews and recommendations

Doctors say that progesterone is the most important hormone for a woman. If there are problems withpregnancy and conception, tests for its content in the blood are given first. If necessary, synthetic substances are prescribed that replace the hormone or stimulate its production.

To determine the content of progesterone, it is necessary to take a blood test. However, before giving up, you should consult with a gynecologist who will tell you the right choice of day. Often doctors prescribe a study on the twentieth day, but this is not entirely correct, since the following factors must be taken into account:

  • The onset of the ovulatory phase. With a normal menstrual cycle, it comes on day 15, counting from the first day of critical days, with an unstable cycle, base temperature measurements should be taken. Its value in the rectum is recorded daily, and if there is a sudden decline and increase the next day, this indicates that ovulation has come.
  • You can take a test four days after ovulation.
  • It is advisable to follow the dynamics of changes in values - to take an analysis for several days from the fifteenth to the twenty-third. Only in this way is the phase growth of hormone production fixed, the results are compared with the norm.
  • To take in the morning, on an empty stomach, it is advisable not to eat at all twelve hours before the approximate time for the delivery of the biomaterial.
  • cycle day 22 what phase is progesterone
    cycle day 22 what phase is progesterone

It must be remembered that when observing during the period of blood donation, ailments, as well as treatment with certain drugs, you can get unreliable results. In this case, they are retaken in a month.or at the end of therapy.

We looked at what phase is on day 22 of the cycle.
