Crust on the nipples of the breast: causes of appearance

Crust on the nipples of the breast: causes of appearance
Crust on the nipples of the breast: causes of appearance

Many women notice crusts on their nipples. A similar symptom may be a sign of a certain disease. Often it manifests itself during pregnancy and the lactation process. For the most accurate determination of the causes of the development of this pathological phenomenon, it is necessary to diagnose not only the mammary glands, but the whole organism.

yellow crusts on the nipples
yellow crusts on the nipples

Reason for development

Crusts on the nipples can form for various reasons. Their presence is often accompanied by peeling and itching of the skin, discharge from the chest. The main reasons are:

  • pregnancy - during this period, a serious restructuring of the body occurs, during which the mammary glands increase in size, milk begins to appear, the skin stretches - all this contributes to the development of dry nipples and the appearance of crusts;
  • lactation process in which crusts develop as a result of suckling by an infant;
  • hormonal imbalance - often accompanied bymultiple unpleasant symptoms, including breast areola disorders;
  • interaction of the skin of the nipple with chemicals - as a result, itching, swelling, and crusts often develop;
  • allergic reaction - in this case, a crust may form after severe itching and scratching of the nipple;
  • eczema is a skin pathology;
  • insufficient volume of fluid in the body, which is accompanied by severe dryness of the skin, especially the outer mucous membranes, manifested by cracks, peeling, sometimes crusts form;
  • diseases of the mammary glands, which are accompanied by discharge from the nipples.

To establish the exact cause of the appearance of crusts on the nipples, it is necessary to conduct a high-quality diagnosis of the mammary glands, study the hormonal background of the patient. Before a medical examination, it is necessary to exclude the presence of pregnancy: such a type of examination of the glands as mammography is prohibited at this time due to the detrimental effect on the development of the unborn child.

crusts on the nipples during pregnancy
crusts on the nipples during pregnancy

Yellow crusts on nipples

Such crusts are formed due to purulent discharge from the nipple. In most cases, this occurs during the inflammatory process in the breast tissues. The color of the crusts can vary from yellowish to greenish. They are extremely difficult to separate from the surface of the skin. When squeezing the mammary gland, fresh pus is released.

Why else can there be crusts on the nipples of the breast?


Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast tissue. The pathological phenomenon may be bilateral or affect only one mammary gland.

The most common cause of this pathology is an infection that penetrates the structure of the gland - E. coli, staphylococcus, etc. Often mastitis occurs as a result of milk stagnation during breastfeeding.

Symptoms of this disease are:

crust on nipples during pregnancy
crust on nipples during pregnancy
  • nipple crusts;
  • chest pain and discomfort;
  • breast seals;
  • redness of the skin in the painful focus;
  • increase in local temperature;
  • purulent discharge from the nipples;
  • increase in overall body temperature (with prolonged or acute course).

Mammologist deals with mastitis therapy. After instrumental diagnostics: mammography, ultrasound and biopsy, an individual treatment is prescribed. For this, antibacterial drugs are used, and in more advanced cases, surgery is prescribed.

Purulent eruptions

If a woman's immune system is weakened, a pustular rash may occur. This phenomenon is called furunculosis, which often affects the mammary glands. Dried pustules leave behind slightly yellowish crusts.

Therapy of the disease can be carried out independently. To do this, it is necessary to treat this area with antiseptic drying In the nipple area, such medicines should be used very carefully, avoiding overdrying of the skin, after which crusts form. To increase immunity and speed up the recovery process, it is recommended that the patient take a course of multivitamins.

a crust appeared on the nipple
a crust appeared on the nipple

White crusts

Such white crusts may be formed due to the release of milk. This is most often observed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Their formation in other cases may signal an ongoing pathology.

Nipple crusts during pregnancy

Excretion of breast milk can occur as early as the first trimester of pregnancy. In this case, white crusts form, this is not considered a disease. They are very thin, easily removed from the surface of the skin, may have a yellowish or white tint. This phenomenon is often accompanied by mild soreness in the chest, which is the norm when carrying a child. Itching or other discomfort is usually absent.

a crust appeared
a crust appeared

You can prevent the formation of such crusts on the nipples during pregnancy with regular breast hygiene or by wearing special breast pads. With a strong leakage of milk, it is necessary to clean the nipples as often as possible; to prevent overdrying, special creams for expectant mothers should be used. Regular cream should not be used - it may contain medicinal substances harmful to the unborn child.

Hormonal imbalance

Milk, which is excreted outside the period of pregnancy, speaks of hormonal changes occurring in the body. This is primarily due to excessive production of the hormone prolactin, which is necessary to regulate lactation processes. If crusts on the nipples are present for a long period and their occurrence is not associated with changes in the hormonal background due to the menstrual cycle, then it is urgent to consult a specialist.

Hormonal diseases that are accompanied by the formation of white crusts on the nipples:

  • hormone-dependent tumors on the ovaries;
  • thyroid disorder;
  • formation of pathological tumors in the pituitary gland.

All these pathologies are treated with hormone therapy. The crusts disappear on their own after complete recovery; in such a case, it is possible to prevent their appearance only through regular hygiene procedures. Medications are prescribed only after a laboratory study of the patient's hormone levels, the identification of possible pathologies in the gynecological field, in the field of mammology and endocrinology.

Sometimes nipple leakage is possible when taking certain hormonal drugs, such as oral contraceptives. In this case, it is recommended to stop taking them or replace the drug.

Sometimes patients complain that a brown crust has appeared on the nipple. What could this mean?

Brown crusts

The occurrence of brown crusts may bea sign of skin diseases, as well as breast cancer. Their occurrence requires immediate consultation with a specialist.

crust on breast nipples
crust on breast nipples

Reddish or brown discharge that forms crusts is a manifestation of necrotic changes in the tissues. When pressing on the gland, the contents are not always released, which may be due to its small volume. The crusts are dark in color, hard to separate and do not cause pronounced discomfort.

Patients in the early stages of oncological pathology can observe a seal in the glands, a change in the shape of the nipples, wrinkling of the skin on the chest. Drowsiness, weakness, fever may be present. Discharge from the nipples and crusts usually occur already in the later stages of this dangerous disease.
