Many people care how much the uterus contracts after a caesarean? After this kind of operation, the woman in labor recovers a little more slowly than after natural labor. Since a cesarean is an abdominal operation, which is not natural for the body. During the surgical intervention, the skin, blood vessels and nerve endings are damaged. It takes a certain period of time for the scars to heal on the uterus. If the operation was planned and there was no complication during the surgical intervention, then several months are needed to restore the body. In some situations, the attending physician prescribes medications in order to speed up this process. Hemostatic drugs stop bleeding and have a positive effect on the functioning of blood vessels.
How much does the uterus shrink after a caesarean?

This processunpredictable. Much depends on other factors. The female body needs several years to recover. Immediately after surgery, the girl has severe discomfort in the incision area. A special bandage, diet, medicines will help restore the he alth of a young mother. After the operation, the girl needs time to enter the previous mode of life, so there is no need to lift weights and overwork much. The place where the placenta was located and the incision was made was most damaged. There may still be a blood clot and part of the fetal membrane. A few days after the cesarean, spotting begins to come out. With each passing day, the shade of blood brightens.
How fast is everything happening?
How much does the uterus shrink after a caesarean? During the period of bearing a baby, the uterus increases by 500 times. Immediately after labor, the organ is 900 g, after 7 days 500 g, and after 8 days - 340 g. After 90 days, the organ acquires prenatal size and weight. The uterus will contract most actively in the first few days after labor. In the future, this process will slow down. In the process of contraction of the organ, cramping and pulling pain occurs. Feelings like this shouldn't be cause for concern. In some cases, this feeling causes severe discomfort and interferes with the usual way of life. In such circumstances, it is important to contact your doctor, who will prescribe pain medication. With the help of antispasmodics, you can quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms. In some situations, the uterus contracts slowly. Bythis may cause bleeding or other complications.
What to do if the organ is contracting slowly?

"How much does the uterus shrink after a caesarean?" - a question that interests many, but not everyone knows that a lot depends on the general he alth of the woman in labor and other factors. If the pregnancy was multiple, and the weight of the fetus exceeded the norm, then the contraction process may be delayed, since under such conditions the uterus can stretch more. If the placenta was located low, then the contraction is slower. With a weak labor activity, doctors often perform an unscheduled caesarean section. Under such circumstances, the body will recover much longer. In addition to all this, it is important to take into account the general he alth of the patient and the presence of other concomitant diseases. If there is a strong inflammatory process in the body, then the uterus may not contract at all.
For what reasons will the organ not shrink?
Problems may arise during the recovery of a woman in labor if the birth canal is injured, there is a fibrous formation in the uterus, inflamed appendages, a blood disease is detected and polyhydramnios was present. Under such conditions, the uterus can contract much longer. Only a doctor can determine how fast the uterus is contracting.
Can this process be accelerated?
To stimulate the contraction of the organ, it is necessary to breastfeed the baby. In the process of feeding, a substance is releasedoxytocin. Due to this, the uterus contracts faster. In some situations, after labor, doctors do not recommend breastfeeding the baby, because the new mother takes antibiotics to prevent postoperative infections. How much does the uterus shrink after a caesarean section? The process is quite individual. Due to physical activity, it is possible to reduce the time of uterine contraction. Doctors often recommend that women lie on their stomachs as this helps the organ contract faster. It is equally important to regularly treat the seams and carry out hygiene procedures to prevent the introduction of harmful microorganisms. It is important to empty the bladder in a timely manner, to avoid constipation. If you experience severe pain in the abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor, as serious complications can occur.
What to do if the organ does not contract?
How much does the uterus shrink after a caesarean section? It all depends on many factors: the general he alth of the patient, whether the operation was planned, etc. In some cases, the uterus does not contract at all. In frequent cases, this is due to the fact that there are lochia left, which should come out naturally. If blood clots remain in the uterus, complications may occur. A woman in labor often has a rise in body temperature and severe weakness appears. In this case, it is necessary to carry out cleaning, the so-called scraping. Under such circumstances, the doctor will remove blood clots and residues mechanically. If this is not done, then severe inflammation may occur,which will lead to endometritis or sepsis. It is not enough to know how many days the uterus contracts after a caesarean section, since this process is individual.
Doctors' recommendations
Doctors recommend pre-preparing for the postpartum period, because the muscles have a memory. It is necessary to perform physical exercises on the muscles of the press, pelvis and back. Regular walks in the fresh air and doing homework will help improve the overall condition of the body.
How to spot a hazard?
Many are interested in how much the uterus contracts after a second caesarean? But not everyone knows that this process is unpredictable, since many factors influence it. In the maternity hospital, the medical staff looks after the puerperas every day. After being discharged home, you need to listen to your body. It is important to pay attention to any unpleasant symptoms that cause discomfort, as they can provoke serious complications. It is mandatory to see a doctor if:
- after a few months after the caesarean section, uterine discharge continues;
- after 7 days after the operation, the discharge is also abundant;
- body temperature has risen sharply and he alth has deteriorated.
If bleeding occurs, go to the hospital immediately. The rest of the foreign tissue in the uterus often provokes the development of complications. Hypotension may occur. Under such conditions, the organ does not contract. It is forbidden to solve the problem at home, as this may lead tofatalities.
Many people know how long the uterus contracts after a caesarean section on average. If the process is too painful, then you can take the drug that the doctor will prescribe. "No-shpa", "Ibuprofen", "Ketoprofen", "Lidocaine", "Naproxen" will help eliminate unpleasant and painful sensations. You should know that it is not recommended to systematically take medications, since it is necessary to eliminate the cause that provokes the occurrence of intolerable pain. Self-medication can be harmful and lead to complications.
First Aid
If a woman does not experience spotting in the first few days after childbirth, while there is no soreness and cramping, this is a cause for concern. In this case, it is necessary to prescribe a treatment that will help activate the process of uterine contraction. With the help of the artificial hormone oxytocin, you can speed up the process of organ contraction and prevent the occurrence of severe bleeding. Many people are concerned about how many days the uterus contracts after a cesarean? The most active contraction occurs in the first days after childbirth, if this is not observed, it is necessary to put a dropper.

If a woman feels unwell and has no strength after childbirth, then doctors prescribe an Oxytocin dropper. Treatment is carried out with the use of "Hyfotocin", "Demoxytocin", "Dinoprostone", "Ergometrine". The medicine is prescribedthe patient both in the form of tablets and injections. Any of these drugs are prescribed by specialists if the uterus is not contracting well. Some doctors are of the opinion that it is not recommended to inject Oxytocin after childbirth, since such a process (cleansing the uterus and contracting) should start on its own. In some situations, gynecologists prescribe folk remedies.
List of folk remedies

How long does the uterus shrink after cesarean, and how to speed up this process with folk methods? Before using any folk remedy, you should consult a doctor, since home treatment can greatly harm and cause the development of serious complications. You should know that the uterus contracts within two months, but this is an approximate period. Using nettle, you can improve the general condition of a woman after childbirth. To prepare a healing agent, it is necessary to pour the plant with boiling water and leave to infuse for an hour. Drink throughout the day 90 ml. Leaves of white cassava must be poured with warm water in a proportion of 3 tbsp. spoons for 600 ml of water. The remedy should be infused for one day. Strain before use and take several times a day.
Massage treatment

With the help of massage, you can speed up the process of contraction of the uterus. In the first days after childbirth, a doctor comes to the ward and performs a therapeutic massage, during which there is incredibly severe pain, while the procedure is useful and speeds upwoman recovery process. To make the organ shrink faster, homeopathy is used. The main advantage of this treatment is that the preparations do not contain synthetic and chemical elements. With the help of "Tire", "Millefolium", "Paradise", "Sabina" you can accelerate the healing of the uterus and eliminate heavy bleeding.
Therapeutic exercise

Many people are concerned about how long the uterus shrinks after cesarean, but not everyone knows that with the help of special exercises, you can speed up the process of uterine contraction. A useful physical exercise will not require a lot of time and effort from a woman. Timely implementation of a set of exercises will help speed up the recovery process of a woman's body.
- Lying on your back, you need to straighten and connect your legs. Then we bend and unbend them at a slow pace. Do 5-7 sets.
- Squeeze and relax your toes.
- Lie on your back, relax, straighten your legs and pull your socks towards you.
- Sit on the gym ball and perform a circular motion in different directions.
It is important to check with your doctor before you start exercising, as self-medication can aggravate the problem.
He althy food

There are a number of he althy foods that have a positive effect on the functioning of the uterus. How long does the uterus shrink after a caesarean section? This process can take up to 60 days. At the same time, an important role is played byfood. In order for the body to function properly, it is necessary to provide a complete and balanced diet. You need to include the following foods in your diet:
- Avocados are high in folic acid. If you include this fruit in your diet, you can reduce the risk of developing cervical dysplasia.
- Rosehip has a positive effect on the functioning of the body. Due to the fact that the product contains a large amount of vitamin C, the risk of cancer is reduced.
- To improve the functioning of the uterus and fallopian tubes, you need to include mackerel, herring, salmon in your diet.
- Olive oil can improve the functioning of the whole organism. Fats and vitamin E support the he alth of the uterine lining.
- Thanks to seaweed, you can improve the metabolic process in the body, since it contains a large amount of iodine, therefore, the protective function of the uterus increases and the risk of cancer is reduced.
Before changing your diet, you should consult your doctor. During breastfeeding, many foods should not be consumed. How many days after cesarean does the uterus contract? Only the doctor will answer this question after examining the patient. Everything depends on many factors. If there are no uterine complications, then it should shrink within 2 months.