Iodine is a unique trace element responsible for many processes in our body. With its shortage or excess, serious diseases develop. On the pharmacological market, there are many drugs designed to compensate for the lack of iodine. For many years the leader of sales - "Jodomarin". Instructions, reviews about this drug will help to get a complete picture: is it worth buying and taking it?
The role of iodine in the functioning of the human body
The human body needs vitamins, microelements and amino acids for the normal functioning of all systems. They come with food and then, when digested, they reach every cell with the help of the bloodstream.
About 24-28 mcg of iodine is constantly present in the body. If this amount is reduced, then chronic diseases of the thyroid gland, nervous system, and cardiovascular problems develop. But in the Russian Federation there are entire regions in which the iodine content in drinking water is minimal. For example, in mountainous areas (KChR, KBR, Stavropol) this vital microelement in water is almost completelymissing.
Here are just some of the most important functions of iodine in the body:
- formation of connections between neurons (nerve cells), transmission of impulses and, as a result, he althy strong nerves and a psyche resistant to daily stress;
- cognitive functions of the brain (the ability to memorize and learn new material);
- participation in the synthesis of hormones responsible for the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
- participation in the formation of cells responsible for immunity;
- increased elasticity of vessel walls;
- allows you to normalize the size of the thyroid gland and the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Iodine deficiency and its consequences
In the Russian Federation, iodine deficiency is diagnosed in 35% of the adult population, 25% are at risk. Symptoms of this condition are manifested in increased irritability, mental problems, disruption of the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
But iodine deficiency causes the most severe blow to the metabolism. The development of endemic goiter, imbalance of thyroid-stimulating hormone, triiodothyronine and thyroxine - all these are inevitable consequences of iodine concentration in the thyroid gland below 10 mcg. The disease does not appear immediately, metabolic disorders occur over the years. A person is starving, taking psychostimulants, trying to lose weight, going to psychotherapists, striving to improve his condition … And all that was needed was to make up for an iodine deficiency!
Failure of the thyroid gland and the hormonal system is notwill leave aside any of the systems of the body. The production and outflow of bile, the work of the gastrointestinal tract are also violated. Blood vessels suffer from high blood cholesterol (which the liver can no longer cope with), and the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases.

Pharmacological information about "Iodomarin"
Produced in tablet form. The main active ingredient is iodine in inorganic form (potassium iodide). When digested and absorbed into the blood, it enters the thyroid gland. Already in it it is processed into an elementary form and then participates in metabolic processes.
One tablet contains 100 or 200 mcg of iodine, lactose monohydrate, sodium carboxymethyl starch, gelatin.
Main purpose - correction of iodine deficiency.
Iodine is excreted mainly through the kidneys, so an excess of iodine can cause an overload of the urinary system.
Indications for admission
The daily need for iodine depends on the individual characteristics of the body, gender, he alth status. For example, children and pregnant women need a little more trace element: but an overdose is also harmful. The exact required dosage can only be reported by an endocrinologist after a biochemical blood test and analysis for the content of thyroid-stimulating hormone, triiodothyronine and thyroxine.
The main indications for taking "Iodomarin":
- Prevention of endemic goiter.
- Surgical intervention to remove nodes onthyroid.
- Hyperthyroidism - treatment and prevention.
- Treatment and prevention of diffuse goiter.
- Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit Disorder.
- Mental retardation in children.
- During pregnancy - to prevent fetal malformations in the early and perinatal prenatal periods.
- Improve cognitive function and concentration.

Side effects and overdose
Reviews indicate excellent tolerability of the drug. Diarrhea has rarely occurred in unlucky patients who mixed up dosages and took more than the required dose.
Overdose often occurs due to the fact that iodine in tablets is dosed in micrograms, and people inadvertently think that these are grams. They try to divide the pill into parts, confusion arises, and as a result, an overdose. Diarrhea, weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, tachycardia - these are all manifestations of a possible excess of iodine in the thyroid gland. Be careful and distinguish between micrograms and grams.
"Iodomarin": instructions and patient reviews
According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed for children at 50-100 mcg/day, and for adults - 100-200 mcg/day.
Students and even schoolchildren often share their enthusiastic impressions about this drug. They are constantly in the process of learning and remembering new information and therefore immediately notice an improvement in cognitive functions. It becomes easier to study, it takes less time for homework. The learning process is no longer boring and difficult.
Employees who are forced to do painstaking work that requires increased attention for hours on end also often take Yodomarin courses. In the process of therapy, work goes faster, mood is better, stress resistance and attentiveness increase.
Professional athletes have also been seen using Iodomarin. Reviews of exercising people promise to accelerate fat burning, they take iodine mainly during the so-called drying period, that is, in burning subcutaneous fat to the physically possible minimum. An accelerated metabolism (which is facilitated by increased dosages of iodine) allows you to achieve a beautifully traced relief in the shortest possible time without reducing strength indicators.
Babies with speech delay and mental retardation also need to take additional iodine. Their mothers note an improvement in the development of the articulatory apparatus, an increase in active vocabulary, and an improvement in fine motor skills. Reviews of "Jodomarin" for children are mostly positive. Of course, taking iodine brings the best results when combined with classes, physiotherapy, and the comprehensive development of the child.

"Iodomarin": reviews of doctors
Very often gynecologists prescribe this drug to their pregnant patients. Of course, the dosage is set on the basis of the analyzes of a particular patient. It is undesirable to prescribe even vitamins from the ceiling.
A special article occupies"Iodomarin" in the practice of endocrinologists. Since iodine accumulates in the thyroid gland, its deficiency most strongly affects the metabolism. Patients with obesity, alopecia, diffuse and endemic goiter must receive a prescription for "Iodomarin". Reviews, instructions for use, analogues of the drug - all this information will be best explained to you by an experienced endocrinologist. They have to observe the consequences of iodine deficiency in their practice for decades.
Is it possible harm from "Jodomarin"? Most of the reviews are positive, but this does not mean that you can arbitrarily prescribe this drug to yourself. Possible harm - in an allergic reaction to the components, diarrhea, staining of mucous membranes in a dark yellow color, and abdominal pain are possible. If any of these symptoms appear, use should be stopped immediately.

The effect of iodine on fat burning
Obesity and iodine deficiency are very closely related. Metabolism slows down, the body begins to "lazy" and accumulate fat for a rainy day. Very often, patients try to sit on the strictest diets, which kill their metabolism completely. And only then they turn to a doctor for help, finally realizing that in their case obesity is not laziness and overeating, but a real illness.
Reviews of "Jodomarine" for weight loss are not very enthusiastic. Metabolism recovers slowly. Therefore, super-fast weight loss is not worth waiting for. And overweight girls dream of a magic pill, which in three monthswill provide a slim figure. In reality, the process of returning to a he althy weight can take years.
Iodine as an antioxidant
With iodine deficiency, the saturation of the cells of the whole organism with oxygen worsens. As a result, the skin ages faster, loses elasticity, and becomes prone to the formation of stretch marks. The condition of the hair also worsens: they become brittle, dull. Alopecia may begin (increased hair loss, subsequently leading to baldness).
Dietary supplements with chitosan and iodine ("Yodchitosan") have an effect on free radicals, stimulate the production of somatotropin growth hormone, contributing to the rejuvenation of the whole organism. You can take "Chitosan" and "Iodomarin" separately - the effect will be the same. In parallel, it is desirable to drink a high-quality vitamin and mineral complex. Many girls, in an attempt to improve the condition of the skin and hair, rush to one drug, then to another. You can’t do this: the course of taking any dietary supplements and vitamins should be at least three months in duration, this is the only way you can notice the result.
The effect of iodine on the liver and gallbladder
The relationship here is very simple - due to iodine deficiency, the thyroid gland does not work well, so what kind of he althy functioning of the gallbladder can we talk about? The outflow of bile is disturbed, this leads to the formation of sediment first, and then stones. As a result, if you let the situation take its course, everything ends with a resection (removal) of the gallbladder.
Problems with the outflow of bile, in turn, disrupt the workliver. In the human body, everything is interconnected, and with a lack of one element, the entire "ecosystem" suffers.

How to eat with an iodine deficiency?
Before you grab the pills, you can try to improve your diet by including foods rich in iodine:
- Seaweed and algae are iodine-rich foods. No wonder the Japanese, who often eat dishes with the addition of kelp, practically do not suffer from thyroid diseases. You can buy dry powdered kelp (sold at any pharmacy) and add it to your diet daily.
- You should buy mineral water enriched with potassium and iodine - it is from the liquid that trace elements are most easily absorbed.
- 1 liter of cow's milk contains 28 mcg of iodine, the daily requirement for an adult male. Drink at least half a liter of milk every day (if there are no problems with its absorption) - and iodine deficiency will bypass you.
- Walnuts and peanuts - also contain 50% of the daily value of magnesium and selenium (per 100 g).
- Cauliflower, carrots, spinach, broccoli, radishes, potatoes, radishes are also rich in iodine, but due to their water content, you will have to eat a lot of them to fully satisfy the need.
Compatibility of drugs with iodine intake
In the treatment of hyperthyroidism with thyreostatic drugs, an increased content of iodine in the body can block their action. So when taking Euthyrox or Levothyroxine, it is better to exclude the intake of iodine from the outside.
In turn,thyreostatics prevent the transformation of iodine into an organic compound in the thyroid gland. And this can lead to the development of endemic goiter. How to avoid such consequences during treatment, an experienced endocrinologist will tell you, based on the analysis of thyroid-stimulating hormone, triiodtryonine and thyroxine.
It is highly undesirable to combine the intake of "Iodomarin" and preparations containing lithium s alts.

Analogues and substitutes for the drug
Among the means of domestic manufacturers, we can recommend the following full-fledged substitutes for "Iodomarin":
- potassium iodide "Reneval";
- "Microiodide";
- "Polyoxidine".
In Ukraine, such iodine preparations as "Antistrumin Micro", "Iodine Normil" are popular.
Foreign manufacturers also produce analogues of "Jodomarin". Reviews about them are no worse. True, many patients are confused by the rather high price. "Yodilife", "Yodtiroks", "Vitrum Iodine". The principle of action for all these drugs is common.