Pregnancy planning is a serious and deliberate decision of a loving couple, and the direct participation of a man in it is no less important, since he must not only morally support the expectant mother, but also properly prepare for conception: pass all the necessary tests and to refuse from bad habits. Taking care of your he alth in advance is a valuable investment in the future of an unborn baby. When planning a pregnancy, you should at least 3 months before conception put your body in order, saturate it with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, switch to a he althy lifestyle, eliminating all bad habits.

Where to start?
How to prepare for pregnancy? In this case, the man is not the last role. A long time agoit is known that the he alth of the unborn child depends not only on the condition of the mother, but also on the father, so the first thing to do is to completely abandon cigarettes and alcohol. Nicotine and alcohol negatively affect the quality of seminal fluid, reducing its fertility. In the period before conception, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, protect yourself from colds, and, if possible, exclude the use of antibiotics and potent drugs.
The diet - for both women and men - should contain fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as the mandatory intake of multivitamins, folic acid, vitamins E and C. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) and vitamin E (tocopherol) reduce the risk formation of pathological spermatozoa. Vitamin C, known for its antioxidant properties, speeds up the process of semen renewal, promotes the development of he althy and motile sperm.

Doctor's consultation
According to statistics, about a quarter of couples in Russia have problems conceiving a child. With all this, in half of the cases there is a reduced female fertility, in the other half - male. Only in 10% of the examinations conducted, the immune incompatibility of partners was established. Based on this, it is clear that for all their reluctance, men still need to go through a training program that involves a series of examinations. Vitamins also play an important role in pregnancy planning. For men, along with women, taking the mentioned beneficial substances will serve as a good strengthening of the body andthe first step closer to the cherished goal - the birth of a he althy child. Planning a pregnancy is recommended not after a series of unsuccessful attempts, but in advance. Such a tactic will help prevent failures with conception and eliminate the negative emotions associated with this, which, by the way, are not good for future parents.
Please note that both partners must be tested before pregnancy. For men, it is important to undergo a series of examinations to identify pathologies by an andrologist or urologist. First of all, the doctor will prescribe a spermogram, judging by the results of which he will be able to assess the mobility and ability of spermatozoa to fertilize a female egg. In addition, you should be tested for the presence of diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature, as well as to determine the blood type of the Rh factor. A urine test will help identify thyroid problems and rule out hormonal problems in the future.
Based on the results, the doctor will be able to draw up a suitable therapy regimen or prescribe an additional examination from other specialists.

Timely delivery of tests is an integral part of planning the birth of a he althy baby. If you do not take into account any, even the most insignificant infection, it can cause inflammatory processes and a difficult course of pregnancy, its fading or miscarriage.
The next issue that I would like to consider in the framework of this article is nutritionmen. When planning a pregnancy, for which, as is already known, both spouses are preparing, it is necessary to make adjustments to the menu. So, a man needs to include pork, liver, beef, fish (salmon is a great option) and various types of cheese in his diet. It will not be superfluous to add mushrooms, nuts, bran and legumes. To normalize the male reproductive system, it is important to take into account the intake of three main substances, such as zinc, L-carnitine and vitamin E.

Zinc promotes the production of testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone, which controls semen production.
L-carnitine has long been used to prevent and treat male infertility; it promotes the maturation of spermatozoa and prevents pathological forms of their development.
Vitamin E reduces the percentage of immature sperm production, increases the chances of conception.
Planning pregnancy: what vitamins to drink?

Undoubtedly, many important micro and macro elements can be obtained from food, but it should be noted that any, even the most calculated diet, will not be able to fully meet the needs of the male body with all the necessary substances. Well, for example. The source of L-carnitine is meat, but to get the required dose of this element, you would have to eat about 1 kg of beef daily. Therefore, for easy use and absorption of nutrients, you should take specially designed vitamin supplements.complexes designed to prepare the body when planning a pregnancy.
One of the most necessary elements for the male body, and the female body too, is folic acid, which is contained in large quantities in the preparation "Folacin". When planning a pregnancy, a man is most often prescribed this particular remedy. The recommended daily dose (for the stronger sex) is 0.4 mg.
However, the drug "Folacin" is not at all a preventive, but a therapeutic agent, and it should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor. One tablet contains 5,000 micrograms (5 mg) of vitamin B9.
Joint survey
To exclude possible transmission of diseases to the unborn child, both partners should be examined for the presence of chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, ureaplasmosis and gonorrhea. These tests are carried out without fail, since sexually transmitted diseases can occur in a latent form, without expressing their presence in any way. Virus detection is carried out in the laboratory, by examining blood or a gynecological smear. If a disease is detected, treatment is carried out in both partners at the same time.

If future parents are over 35 years old, or there were genetic defects in the family, a gynecologist or therapist can refer the couple for a consultation with a geneticist, who, in turn, will give useful recommendations or prescribe an additional examination.
Do I always need vitamins when planning a pregnancy?
For men, to make an effort on themselves and start drinking all sorts of "pills" is, one might say, a heroic deed. And they go to this extremely rarely, and only if they are sure of the need for such actions. Of course, the main goal of the whole event is the birth of a he althy child, but do not forget about maintaining your vitality and he alth, because they will be useful in the future for the birth of a second or even third baby. But they still need to be educated! Therefore, vitamins will obviously not be superfluous. First of all, people who follow a vegetarian diet should start taking multivitamin complexes, not to mention smokers and drink alcohol.

So let's fix the material. Why do you need vitamins when planning a pregnancy? For men, they are prescribed in order to ensure the effective maturation of spermatozoa, because even with a great desire to extract the required amount of useful elements from food is simply impossible. Because it will have to be eaten in large quantities. Women need vitamins to replenish their own body with all the necessary substances, as well as for the normal development of the fetus in the future.
Helpful tips
However, don't rely on vitamins alone. Pregnancy planning for men and women is not limited to taking all kinds of drugs. It is very important to lead a he althy lifestyle. If possible, follow the tips below - it is likely that they will help conception and the birth of a he althy offspring. So, while preparing for conception, you should:
- Move a lot, warm up more often during sedentary work, take a run in the morning (to disperse the blood through the veins and avoid its stagnation in the pelvic area).
- Wear loose underwear made from natural, breathable fabrics.
- Do not exhaust yourself with physical activity.
- Spend less time at the computer.
- No keeping mobile phones in pants pockets.
- Drink vitamins E, C, B9.
- Forget about fast food.
- Build your immune system with moderate exercise and sunbathing.
- Treat chronic diseases in time.

The logical conclusion of preparation for pregnancy
The final stage is, of course, conception itself. Perhaps not everything will work out on the first try … But do not rush to get upset. If pregnancy has not occurred within a year, then there is a reason to contact a specialist who will determine the cause of reproductive dysfunction. All stages complement each other, they are very important for a successful outcome of the case - do not neglect them. After all, a doctor will not be able to prescribe, for example, vitamins when planning a pregnancy for men, relying only on the patient's verbal testimony. Without detailed analyzes, the meaning of taking drugs can be reduced to zero. And even if the pregnancy preparation program takes a long time (six months or a year), it is better to be patient and do everything thatrequired, in the name of the happiness and he alth of the unborn baby.