"Wild Yams": properties, reviews and price. Reviews of doctors and buyers about the effectiveness of "Wild Yams"

"Wild Yams": properties, reviews and price. Reviews of doctors and buyers about the effectiveness of "Wild Yams"
"Wild Yams": properties, reviews and price. Reviews of doctors and buyers about the effectiveness of "Wild Yams"

More and more gifts of nature find their application in modern medicine. Wild yam is a herbaceous vine widely used in medicine. Especially valuable is the root part of the liana, which contains a large amount of diosgenin - a natural precursor of progesterone, an essential female hormone. The drug "Wild Yams", created on the basis of a plant, thanks to diosgenin, is considered the most effective in the treatment of many purely female he alth problems.

wild yam properties reviews
wild yam properties reviews

Benefits of wild yam

Wild yam, the properties of which have been noted for centuries, and preparations based on it have a number of useful qualities:

  • Reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood - a permanent companion of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Normalization of blood pressure. The drug "Wild Yams" qualitativelycopes with both hypertension and hypotension.
  • Regulation of the work of the female gonads and, as a result, the normalization of the entire hormonal background.
  • Obstruction of atherosclerosis.
  • Mexican women, the first to experience the properties of wild yam, used it as a contraceptive. They did not forget to use it during pregnancy. The plant has been observed to prevent miscarriage.
wild yam properties reviews
wild yam properties reviews

Indications for use

Most of all, the drug "Wild Yams" is indicated for women. Most of the properties of the plant will be useful to the female representatives. How do "Wild Yams" capsules show properties? Reviews of the results of successful treatment relate to many areas of women's he alth. This is:

  • Violation of the menstrual cycle, including failures, all kinds of cramps, pain, swelling.
  • Climacteric syndrome - excessive sweating, pressure surges, feeling unwell.
  • Small corpus luteum. Wild yam preparations cause the corpus luteum to enlarge, thereby increasing the chances of getting pregnant.
  • Severe PMS - nervous breakdowns, changes in appetite, pain and spasms.
  • Mastopathy, uterine fibromyoma.
  • Hypertension, atherosclerosis, vascular disease.
  • Osteoporosis and other changes in connective and cartilage tissue.
wild yam reviews
wild yam reviews

Reviews of doctors about natural medicine

Mexican women were the first to learn about the benefits of the plant. Pharmacistsalso appreciated the useful properties of the capsules "Wild Yams". Reviews about them are mostly positive. Doctors note the beneficial effect of yams on the hormonal background of a woman, which is the basis of reproductive he alth. So, wild yam extract prevents excessive production of estrogen, which helps to avoid endometriosis, tumors of the mammary glands and uterus, compensates for the lack of cortisol and progesterone - the main allies of women's he alth.

Doctors note the ability of capsules to normalize coronary circulation, activate myocardial processes, improve blood microcirculation. That is why preparations that include the plant are becoming more popular and increasingly recommended by leading gynecologists.

Wild Yams Remedy: customer reviews

The drug quickly won the trust of customers and, judging by the positive reviews, for a long time. A lot of this was facilitated by the reviews of those who experienced the power of an amazing plant. And if modern doctors base their conclusions on clinical studies of the drug, then their patients describe a significant improvement in well-being. The drug "Wild Yams", reviews of which are mostly positive, helps to cope with painful premenstrual syndrome and symptoms of menopause, reduces the associated cramps, pain, poor overall he alth.

wild yam properties
wild yam properties

Women who regularly use Wild Yams capsules report a significant improvement in their he alth. Wild yam preparationsnormalize sleep and bring blood pressure to a “working” state. It is no secret that the overall climate in the family depends on how he althy a woman is. Thus, the tool helps to establish not only the physical, but also the psychological state of the female representative.

Cancer Prevention

All foods high in phytoestrogens help to significantly reduce the risk of pancreatic and breast cancer. Active growth of a cancer cell is simply impossible without estrogen. At the same time, the phytoestrogens filling the cell simply leave no room for the estrogen produced by the body.

wild yam reviews of doctors
wild yam reviews of doctors

Capsules "Wild Yams", reviews of doctors about which are more often positive than negative, does not give estrogen a chance to "make friends" with the cell. The tool perfectly copes with the duties assigned to it, not giving cancer a chance to destroy human he alth. It is today, when oncological diseases began to be encountered much more often than several decades ago, that such a drug is most relevant.

Other useful properties of the drug

Capsules "Wild Yams" - an excellent natural remedy for insomnia, bad mood and depression. In addition, the plant and preparations based on it have a pronounced choleretic effect. They are also used for various liver diseases. The number of he alth problems in which the drug "Wild Yams" is indicated is quite large. That is why to recommend the remedy in everyin a separate case, only a specialist can.

Headaches and tinnitus also disappear with regular use of yam preparations. They also relieve the excruciating insomnia that often accompanies a woman. At the same time, the Wild Yams remedy, the price of which is about 1,500 rubles for 120 capsules, is one of the most affordable solutions for improving women's he alth in general today.

wild yam price reviews
wild yam price reviews

Different firms that produce the drug "Wild Yams" (price, reviews may differ depending on the brand of the product), calculate the cost of the product based on the price of not only yams, but also auxiliary components. That is why on the shelves of shops and pharmacies you can find both cheap and relatively expensive medicines. When choosing one or another manufacturer of preparations from wild yam, it is best to trust the experience and recommendations of your doctor.

How to use

Capsules "Wild Yams" are traditionally consumed half an hour before meals three times a day. The course of the drug, usually prescribed by doctors, is 30 days. In some cases, the amount and duration of treatment may vary according to the state of he alth and he alth of the patient. At the same time, it is strongly not recommended to prescribe a course of treatment for yourself. Only an experienced doctor, after a series of consultations and a series of tests, can draw a conclusion about the advisability of using a natural remedy. Taken into account when deciding to prescribe the drug "Wild Yams" properties, reviews, price and indications in each specificcase.

wild yam price
wild yam price


Any drug that ends up in our home first aid kit can both help to cope with a he alth problem and harm. Allergic reactions, intolerances and much more can occur even when drinking the most “harmless” chamomile tea. It is no secret that negative reactions of the body can occur precisely against the background of taking natural remedies. Nature is generous with medicines, but some of them are so strong that they can harm a person who uses the power of plants unwisely.

wild yam extract
wild yam extract

Among the main contraindications to the use of "Wild Yams" capsules are pregnancy, lactation, age up to 12 years, as well as individual intolerance to the product. Before taking any, even natural, means, you need to consult a specialist, and the drug "Wild Yams", reviews of doctors about which can be found in special sources, is no exception. It should not be forgotten that this drug can only be an additional, and not the main form of treatment. Best of all, the "Wild Yams" tool will show its properties, your feedback about it will be positive, and the effectiveness of treatment will be high only if all medical recommendations are followed.
