59 minerals, 12 amino acids, 16 vitamins. These are the figures for the full-fledged activity of the human body … And now the most erroneous opinion is that all these necessary substances are in food. No, not all and not always. There are many reasons: they didn’t store it that way, they didn’t cook it that way … And then vitamins from natural ingredients will come to the aid of a person. They will fill our body with useful substances necessary for normal functioning.
Human he alth
The state of he alth, and hence life expectancy, directly depends on our nutrition. By eating food, we supply more than six hundred different nutrients to the body.

A special role in the normal functioning of the body belongs to vitamins, with which it can be saturated in different ways. Three conditions can be named here: beriberi (exhaustion), hypovitaminosis (lack of one or more vitamins), hypervitaminosis (excess of vitamins).
"Omega-3 Solgar" supplies our body with polyunsaturated fatty acids and fights hypovitaminosis. This condition can occur for various reasons, but most often it is an elementary deficiency of vitamins in food.
Omega-3 intake will solve thisproblem. This product is especially indicated in conditions of food restriction (for example, during diets, fasting), the disabled, the elderly, the chronically ill, people living in environmentally unfavorable areas.
Vitamins are low molecular weight organic compounds. For the most part, they enter our body with food, and only some of them are synthesized by it. At the same time, vitamins provide many processes in our body. Therefore, if there is a lack of vitamins, the process either slows down or stops altogether, which leads to various diseases.
Many he alth problems can be avoided by taking enough vitamins. And if they are not enough in food, then it is necessary to supply them artificially to the body. Many companies create such products, one of which is Solgar.

The American company Solgar, whose vitamins are produced without artificial additives, believes that the main advantage of their products is purity, effectiveness and safety, the absence of dyes and fragrances.
The company has been operating since 1947. The research laboratory of this company uses the latest scientific developments in the production of vitamins.
"Omega-3 Solgar" is a dietary supplement produced by this American company and taken on a course. It ensures the normal functioning of the body.
"Omega-3 Solgar" are polyunsaturated fatty acids: eicopentaenoic anddecosahexaenoic. In nature, it can be obtained from plant products (some nuts, sunflower, soy, flax, rapeseed, etc.), as well as from fish and seafood. Vegetable acid is absorbed only by ten percent. Fish and seafood are the best and main source. Especially a lot of omega-3 in cod liver.

"Solgar omega-3 "950"" contains fish oil of sardine, anchovy and mackerel. This supplement actively supports the heart and lowers blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. As a result, cancer and cardiovascular diseases recede, and the fight against depression is more effective.
Properties and benefits
The property of omega-3 acids is that they affect the metabolism of cholesterol and regulate the balance of high and low density lipoproteins. They strengthen the membranes and increase the elasticity of blood vessels.
Especially omega-3 acids are indicated for overweight with all the ensuing consequences (hypertension, diabetes, etc.), as well as for heart problems and skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema).
"Omega-3 Solgar" has a healing effect on the entire body. Here are the main features of this product:
- Cleanses blood vessels from excess cholesterol, preventing cardiovascular disease.
- Strengthens mental activity.
- Has a beneficial effect on the retina.
- This is a powerful remedy for Alzheimer's disease.
- Promotes liver protection.
- Prevents diabetes.
- Strengthens the immune system.
Solgar - vitamins that give people he alth and well-being.

Many consumers after taking "Omega-3 Solgar" leave good reviews about the product, noting many positive points.
Calling this product very effective in the fight against dryness, lethargy, peeling of the skin, consumers note positive changes after a month's course of vitamins. In addition, omega-3 relieves general fatigue and joint pain.
Users also note the cost of vitamins. They are not cheap, but he alth is more expensive. There are no regrets about the amount spent, because the effect of the drug is palpable: a bad mood disappeared, overall activity increased, someone even had a chronic runny nose.
And an omega-3 capsule helps to eliminate the unpleasant smell of fish oil.