"Omegaferol" (oil): reviews and indications for use. Negative reviews about Omegaferol oil

"Omegaferol" (oil): reviews and indications for use. Negative reviews about Omegaferol oil
"Omegaferol" (oil): reviews and indications for use. Negative reviews about Omegaferol oil

Useful properties of oil "Omegaferol" are that it increases the antitumor defense of the body, restores the walls of blood vessels, improves vision and skin condition. It helps with bronchopulmonary diseases. Restores the liver and hormones "Omegaferol" (oil). Consumer reviews confirm that the product normalizes metabolic processes, helps to reduce excess weight. Rejuvenates the body as a whole, restores the beauty of hair and nails. Improves the condition of the immune and musculoskeletal systems. Who is the manufacturer of such an elixir of he alth? What is the price of this miracle cure?

Cold pressed oil

To improve the body, a product has been created that has no analogues in Russia. This oil "Omegaferol" is a natural, environmentally friendly product made from the seeds of oil crops. It is intended for dietary nutrition and as a preventive measure for various diseases.

omegaferol oil reviews
omegaferol oil reviews

Many vitamins, useful elements contains "Omegaferol" (oil). Reviews of experts confirm that low-temperature spinning with a complete absence of light andoxygen allowed to create a unique product. It surpasses other oils in terms of oleic acid and vitamin E content.

"Omegaferol" contains an extract from flaxseed, he althy fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9. The oil is a natural immunostimulant. It promotes rejuvenation, elasticity of blood vessels, activates the brain, strengthens the structure of bones. Has antiviral and bactericidal action.


The Russian company "OmegaVit" has been processing crops (rapeseed, sunflower, soybeans, flax) for over 18 years.

Hot oil pressing methods destroy the useful properties of raw materials. The output is an impersonal fat - oil, which can be found in the shops of the country. The company's management abandoned the conventional hot pressing of seeds. The method of cold pressing, tissue filtration of raw materials without access to oxygen and light allows you to leave the necessary beneficial properties in the oil. In the photo below, Omegaferol is presented in a 250 ml container.

omegaferol negative reviews
omegaferol negative reviews

Cultivation of raw materials for butter has also undergone a change. Natural irrigation of the soil and regular checking of seeds allows you to grow a quality crop. The absence of mineral fertilizers and chemicals indicates the true naturalness of raw materials.

For about 20 years there has been cooperation with the All-Russian Research Institute of Fats (St. Petersburg) and the All-Russian Research Institute of Oilseeds (Krasnodar). The fruit of the work was the product "Omegaferol". The resulting oil isa synthesis of flax and an elite variety of sunflower. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins, the balance of which allows a beneficial effect on the human body.

Organic oil "Omegaferol" has a quality certificate and a registration number. The patented equipment enables the cold pressing process.

Indications for use

The oil is recommended as a biologically active food supplement that will help fill the lack of polyunsaturated acids in the body. As well as product:

  • Removes toxins from the body.
  • Regulates weight by regulating fat metabolism.
  • Improves the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Relieves thyroid disease.
  • Normalizes the work of the heart, blood vessels.
  • Supports the body's reproductive function.
  • Regenerates the beauty of hair, skin, nails.
  • Improves diabetes.
  • Protects against premature aging.
  • Restores the epidermis in case of skin diseases.
  • Normalizes the state of the respiratory system.
  • Improves the condition of the genitourinary system.
  • Optimizes the digestive tract.
  • Eases the condition of oncological diseases, reduces the risk of metastases.
omegaferol oil
omegaferol oil

Many life support processes are regulated by Omegaferol organic oil. Reviews of doctors confirm that the product improves vascular tone, reduces the development of inflammatory reactions, eliminates general weakness,normalizes lability of nervous processes.


Omegaferol oil is not a drug, but a prophylactic. Contraindications for use - individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation.

In some cases, it is allowed to take "Omegaferol" (oil) during pregnancy. Reviews of expectant mothers indicate that the remedy had a beneficial effect on their overall well-being and the condition of the fetus.

Gynecologists warn that taking dietary supplements or medications during pregnancy should be discussed at a doctor's appointment.

Composition of "Omegaferol"

  1. Cold-pressed linseed oil.
  2. Cold-pressed sunflower oil (high oleic).

The product contains vitamins E, K, A, F, polyunsaturated acids Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9.

Instructions for use

Instruction "Omegaferol" recommends taking two tablespoons 2 times a day for general strengthening of the body.

As a massage agent, add 1 teaspoon to the cream. For baths of hands, feet - a few drops in water.

omegaferol contraindication
omegaferol contraindication

For a general rejuvenating bath, add one teaspoon of Omegaferol oil. How to take it? Can oil be used for culinary purposes? The product is recommended for adding to the first, second courses, salads.

For preventive purposes, it is advised to use one tablespoon a day. This will make up fordaily intake of tocopherol (vitamin E) and polyunsaturated acids.

Product action

  • Promotes blood thinning, prevents blood clots.
  • Improves the general condition of blood vessels.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Improves blood composition.
  • Activates the work of the pancreas, stomach, small intestine.
  • Delays the development of varicose veins.
  • Has an antioxidant effect on the body.
  • Promotes the conception of a he althy baby.
  • Improves sugar metabolism.
  • Acts as a cancer prevention.

Despite the fact that the product is declared as a dietary supplement, before taking Omegaferol organic oil (contraindications we gave above), you must first consult with a therapist and narrow specialists (cardiologist, surgeon, gynecologist).

Polyunsaturated acids: their effect on the body

Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 are polyunsaturated acids, whose balance in the body is essential. A person cannot get them in full from food. Therefore, dietary supplements are a great way to replenish the necessary components in the human body.

Omega-3 has a positive effect on brain function. Helps reduce blood viscosity, which reduces the risk of blood clots. Helps to restore the overall hormonal background. Improves eyesight.

Omega-6 helps maintain youth, reduces allergic reactions. Due to the bactericidal action reducessusceptibility to inflammatory processes. Normalizes metabolism.

Omega-9 protects the body from cardiovascular diseases, significantly reduces blood cholesterol levels. Improves the condition of the gastric mucosa, reduces inflammation of the connective tissues. Prevents the development of the oncological process in the mammary gland.

Vitamin E, which is contained in the oil "Omegaferol", promotes overall rejuvenation, improves hormonal levels. Helps to strengthen the walls of capillaries. Prevents the appearance of age-related pigmentation, cataracts.

Reviews from satisfied customers

Customers love the handy dispenser that Omegaferol (oil) has. Reviews confirm that by using the product a tablespoon a day, you can get rid of constipation, abdominal pain. The complexion improves significantly while taking this dietary supplement. Benign tumors are reduced, vision is restored.

omegaferol oil negative reviews
omegaferol oil negative reviews

Consumers say that oil is an elixir of he alth and youth. After baths with it, corns disappear. Rubbing it into the scalp improves the condition of the hair, helps to eliminate itching. In some cases, it talks about losing weight without a diet while taking Omegaferol oil. Edema decreases, herpes blisters on the lips disappear during the period of exacerbation.

Reviews of satisfied buyers of the oil say that taking it alleviates the condition of varicose veins: there is lightness in the legs, the bulge of the veins on the extremities disappears. Decreases in size of stonesgallbladder, psoriasis is cured, headaches recede. The condition of nails after baths for hands becomes better: brittleness, delamination disappear. Nails become strong, strong, he althy.

Omegaferol: negative reviews

Consumer reviews indicate the high cost of the product. A bottle of oil (250 ml) costs from 500 to 700 rubles, depending on the region. Given that it can be fried, added to salads (used as regular oil), the total amount for the month will be impressive. Cold-pressed sunflower and linseed oil is several times cheaper than the Omegaferol product (oil). Negative reviews prove that fish oil also contains all the necessary polyunsaturated acids.

"Omegaferol" is not a universal dietary supplement, fatty acids alone are not enough for the normal functioning of the body. This means that you will have to replenish the balance with other preventive measures.

organic oil omegaferol contraindications
organic oil omegaferol contraindications

When heated, "Omegaferol" (oil) quickly oxidizes. Negative customer reviews indicate that a large number of free radicals are formed during the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They negatively affect the body as a whole: they reduce mental abilities, destroy cells of the nervous system, and contribute to the oncological processes.

For example, fish and other seafood contain useful and active substances. Therefore, it cannot be argued that Omegaferol is a panacea for a he althy lifestyle. Negative reviews indicate that the abilityproduct to prevent most known diseases is absurd.

Opponents of dietary supplements say that the disappearance of metastases, tumors, the cure for diabetes mellitus should in no case be mistaken for the action of Omegaferol oil. Negative reviews claim that if the product had a tangible effect, then it would be used as a medicine in medical institutions.

Reviews of doctors

Reviews of experts confirm that the product is able to normalize sleep, reduce headaches, optimize the digestive tract. Blood pressure returns to normal, swelling in the legs decreases.

In preparation for oncological surgery (1 month of oil use), metastases completely disappear (not in all cases). With cardiac problems, shortness of breath after taking the product.

Recommended for diabetes, overweight "Omegaferol". Contraindication is allergy to the components of the product.

Medical testing to ensure that the product contributes to the fight against pathogens. It enhances immunity, improves overall well-being of a person. Normalizes the functioning of various body systems:

  • immune;
  • endocrine;
  • lymphatic;
  • musculoskeletal;
  • urogenital;
  • digestive.

A convenient prophylactic is Omegaferol. A contraindication to admission is children's age (up to 7 years). Only with the permission of the attending pediatrician, the use of the product by a child of preschool age is possible.

Imbalancepolyunsaturated acids - the basis of most diseases. Therefore, the balanced composition of the product has a powerful preventive effect on the body.

Omegaferol with garlic

This is a new development of the company. The action of garlic oil is equivalent to the action of antibiotics. It not only allows you to strengthen the body's resistance to colds, but also has a beneficial effect on the body with tuberculosis. Garlic oil thins and removes phlegm.

organic oil omegaferol reviews
organic oil omegaferol reviews

It has an antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiviral effect. Allows you to regulate blood sugar levels, promotes the healing of purulent wounds, ulcers. The oil regenerates body tissues.

Garlic oil has the ability to stop the growth of benign and malignant tumors, acts as an analgesic. It has a diuretic effect, reduces blood pressure, improves blood microcirculation.

"Omegaferol" with phospholipids

Phospholipids are found in the membranes of living cells. They are involved in the transport of cholesterol and fats in the body. Phospholipids can be found in small amounts in foods (liver, egg yolk, brains). They are completely absent from refined oils.

Therefore, "Omegaferol" with phospholipids will help restore their required amount in the body. The structural integrity of the cell and its functions depend on them. Phospholipid molecules are capable of being destroyed under the influence of negative factors. Their mission is to keep activecell work. They affect the process of maturation of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, help optimize the activity of the nervous system, liver, kidneys.


The program "He althy nutrition - the he alth of the nation" allows you to coordinate the work of organizational structures in the field of nutrition. It was developed by the Center for He alth Nutrition and Psychophysiological Rehabilitation. The main objective of the program is to create a unified system for correcting the nutrition of people from different population groups. The program is being implemented in several directions:

  1. Studying the nutritional status of the area.
  2. Development of guidelines for each region, taking into account the improvement in the quality of nutrition of the population.
  3. Bringing the idea of proper nutrition to the population, medical institutions, market operators.
  4. Sale of dietary supplements and special food products as a means of general he alth improvement.
  5. Monitoring the quality of nutrition and public awareness.
organic oil omegaferol
organic oil omegaferol

The program was created to introduce a unified system for the implementation of national priorities. Biologically active food supplements, including "Omegaferol", will improve the human diet. This will help bring the Russian Federation closer to global standards. Optimizing your daily diet will reduce the risk of developing diseases. Early prevention will reduce the widespread use of potent drugs, the number of unscheduled surgical interventions.

There is a site "zdorovenation.rf". "Omegaferol"described on this resource as a useful natural product. The presentation and video will help to understand the effect of polyunsaturated acids on the human body. In the conditions of modern life, the deficiency and imbalance of the necessary components negatively affect the state of he alth. Biologically active additives will help to saturate the body with useful elements. Oil "Omegaferol" will help make up for the lack of components necessary for he alth.
