Review of nutritional supplements and components for joints and ligaments: sports nutrition

Review of nutritional supplements and components for joints and ligaments: sports nutrition
Review of nutritional supplements and components for joints and ligaments: sports nutrition

Millions of people in the world suffer from diseases of the joints, especially individuals involved in sports. In particular, such ailments are manifested in those who have a genetic predisposition, overweight. Our skeleton is made up of over 200 bones. But mostly the knee and hip area suffers. To maintain their mobility and functionality, it is important to take care of this part of the body and take all the necessary supplements and vitamins. Non-pharmaceutical approaches can help improve bone he alth and strengthen ligaments. In addition, they are able to prevent the disease in predisposed individuals.

for joints and ligaments sports nutrition
for joints and ligaments sports nutrition

It is necessary to take not only drugs prescribed by a doctor for joints and ligaments. Sports nutrition, which includes useful vitamins and components, is also good for the body.

Gelastin Sport drink

Gelastin Sport - drink for joints and ligaments. Sports nutrition designed specifically for people who want to keep the pleasure of movement. With regular physical activity, these parts of the body are not adequately supplied with the nutrients they need for their he alth, strength and endurance. The sports drink is the optimal dietary supplement. With the help of one Gelastin Sport, your joints will receive all the necessary elements.

Vitamin D and calcium

Nutritional substances are needed to build and maintain bone mass. It is also important to take vitamins and minerals. They play a primary role in strengthening the joints. In adults, bone loss occurs with age. In some cases, this leads to excessive losses of essential substances, which can limit mobility. To prevent this, it is recommended to purchase sports nutrition for joints and ligaments. The best remedy is one that contains all the necessary components, including vitamin D and calcium.

for joints and ligaments sports nutrition is the best
for joints and ligaments sports nutrition is the best

Doctor Bem® - a complex of supplements

To keep cartilage joints functional, they need nutrients. Glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen, hyaluronic acid and sulfur are included in this complex for joints and ligaments. Sports nutrition should be taken by those people who have problems with the bone apparatus. The use of such additives is welcomed in medicine. In addition, "Doctor Bem®" is ideal for allergy sufferers, as it does not causenegative reactions.

for joints and ligaments sports nutrition rating
for joints and ligaments sports nutrition rating

The product is of very high quality. It is only sold in pharmacies. The scheme of application of the drug is as follows: the first two weeks should be taken one tablet three times a day. Then you need to take 1 capsule per day.

New, improved joint product

Move Free is designed for sports personalities who want to have a beautiful and he althy body. Product Benefits:

  1. Improves synovial fluid and joint cartilage.
  2. Strengthens them.
  3. Depresses pain.

Glucosamine and chondroitin, which are part of the tablets, provide support and strengthen the structure of surrounding tissues. In addition, they preserve the integrity of the cartilaginous membranes.

sports nutrition for joints and ligaments reviews
sports nutrition for joints and ligaments reviews

In the fight against bone diseases, a drug called Gelenks, intended for joints and ligaments, also showed a positive effect. Sports nutrition, whose rating is not the very first position, is not a new product. It is given more preference, since it contains many useful trace elements, selenium and magnesium, as well as vitamins. As for the top ten drugs, it looks like this:

  1. ATP Plus Glucosamine (Unisex).
  2. Collagen Liquid.
  3. Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM Maxler.
  4. Animal Flex.
  5. Elasti Joint.
  6. Jointment Sport by Universal Nutrition.
  7. Glucosamine Plus CSA Super Strength.
  8. Move Free.
  9. Dr. Behm®.
  10. Joint Support from Power System.

Additional support

The body uses glucosamine and chondroitin to produce synovial fluid. Therefore, it is also recommended for people with joint problems. Laboratory studies have shown that a highly concentrated amino sugar stimulates its production. Chondroitin provides shock absorption and smooth movement of the joint. Due to its high water-binding capacity, it protects the cartilage from drying out. And thus contributes to their elasticity. In addition, chondroitin inhibits some destructive enzymes. These substances are found in large quantities in MaxiLIFE. Therefore, it is also recommended for people with joint problems.

complex for joints and ligaments sports nutrition
complex for joints and ligaments sports nutrition

Recently, American sociologists conducted a study aimed at studying these components. They concluded that these elements play an important role in proper treatment. The drugs used of medical origin did not have the best effect on the joints and ligaments. Sports nutrition has taken more than 212 people with various bone diseases. As a result, it was found that external manifestations when taking glucosamine and chondroitin decreased by 20-25% per month. While people taking conventional drugs did not feel any improvement.

He althy eating

The best recipe for good functionality is lots of movement combined with he althy food for joints andligaments. Sports nutrition combined with a lean, balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables can counteract inflammation. In addition, it improves the function of the entire skeletal system and helps to reduce pain.

for joints and ligaments sports nutrition
for joints and ligaments sports nutrition

So, five important tips for a he althy diet:

  1. Fish and seafood are not only delicious, they contain many valuable ingredients. For example, omega-3 fatty acids. A large amount of this element is found in salmon and herring.
  2. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Whole grain breads and freshly made cereals provide a he althy start to the day. In addition, they perfectly saturate the body.
  3. It is recommended to give preference to lean meat: chicken breast, rabbit meat.
  4. Fresh fruits and vegetables are full of beneficial vitamins and nutrients. Biologically active components are found in apples, carrots and broccoli.
  5. Still mineral water, herbal teas are good thirst quenchers.

To keep bones he althy, do not forget to take sports nutrition for joints and ligaments. Feedback from people about the above products is only positive. They indicate their effectiveness. Rarely there are cases of individual intolerance to any nutritional supplement.
