In the article we will figure out how to choose Omega 3.
The benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids for humans are very high. Regular intake of Omega 3 acids protects the internal resources of the body from diseases, prevents thrombosis and various inflammatory processes. Helps blood vessels, vision, hair, reproductive function, and is also famous for many other useful properties.

How to choose Omega3?
When choosing Omega-3 preparations, it must be remembered that under a beautiful and bright package there may be a remedy that will not be sufficiently absorbed in the human body. To choose the best drug of this nature, you must follow some rules:
- Studying the composition. In the description of a medical product, you need to pay attention to what kind of Omega-3 acid is contained in it (DHA, EPA or ALA). To improve the processes of tissue regeneration and normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to select such means, inwhich contain exactly DHA and EPA.
- Calculation of the amount of Omega-3. The percentage of EPA and DHA in the medication must be at least 60%.
- Checking the authenticity of a pharmacological agent. Such funds have certain safety and quality standards - GMP and GOED. It is not recommended to purchase medicines that do not have this abbreviation on the packages.
- Taking into account the recommendations of doctors. You should choose a drug that is made from the muscles of fish, and not from their liver. Encapsulated products are the most beneficial for the body.
Means based on Omega 3 in capsules are indicated not only for people suffering from various diseases, but also for men in order to prevent prostatitis, for women in order to rejuvenate the skin, for the beauty of nail hair, and also during pregnancy - in order to so that the unborn child receives the necessary nutrition and develops properly.

Main preparations based on Omega-3 acids
On the domestic pharmacological market, you can find the following types of medicines with Omega-3:
- preparations containing eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA / EPA), which is found in fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, tuna) and seafood;
- preparations containing docosahexaenoic acid (DHA / DHA), which is extracted from salmon, salmon, trout and some algae;
- Products containing alpha-linoleic acid (ALA / ALA), which is present in foods of plant origin– flax seeds, spinach, chia, walnuts;
- preparations made from krill oil and seal subcutaneous fat.
Below is an overview of the best Omega 3 formulations.
The cost of pharmacological agents based on Omega-3 from Solgar is approximately 1,300 rubles. These are biological food supplements in three different concentrations - 1300 mg, 950 mg and 700 mg. Fatty acids for such preparations are extracted from fish species such as mackerel and anchovy. The unique technology of processing raw materials allows us to guarantee a high degree of purification from hazardous impurities and good quality. Suggested use is 1 capsule daily with food.
Their quality depends on the manufacturer Omega 3.
Carlson Labs Super Omega
These Omega-3 capsules cost about 1460 rubles and are produced in the form of capsules. This biological supplement made a splash among the regular buyers of fish oil. Its main features are a high dosage (1200 mg), as well as the fact that only deep-sea varieties of fish are used in the manufacture of dietary supplements. Given that this remedy is taken once a day, then a pack of this dietary supplement is enough for a long time.
The formulation contains DHA and EPA. The supplement, unlike many others, does not contain cholesterol, gluten and preservatives.
Doppelhertz Omega-3 Active
What is the composition of Dopel Hertz Omega 3-6-9? The preparation contains such he althy components as: fish oil, linseed and olive oils, gelatin, glycerin, DL-alpha-tocopherol acetate (that is, it is vitamin E), iron oxides.

This pharmacological drug is a favorite among many people who are struggling with chronic neurosis, dry skin and brittle nails. This tool is a natural source of polyunsaturated acids obtained from salmon fish species. The combined effect of vitamin E and fish oil enhances the protective functions of cells against the action of various toxic substances. Regular intake of this complex helps to strengthen the immune system, promotes skin rejuvenation and normalization of the cardiovascular system. It is recommended to take 1 capsule daily with meals only.
How to choose Omega 3, the doctor will tell.

Country Life Omega-3
The cost of this tool is about 1000 rubles per pack. This is a dietary supplement that is made from cold-loving varieties of fish. The main advantage of such a tool is the unique methods of cleaning fat from s alts of heavy metals, for example, molecular distillation. One capsule contains 180 mg of EPA and 120 mg of DHA. However, this is a very low figure when compared with other Omega-3 preparations. Method of application - 1 capsule per day.
Considered one of the best Omega 3s.
Vitrum Cardio
The cost of this medicine is approximately 1330 rubles. This is a high-quality American remedy, which, in addition to DHA, contains vegetable fats. ALA-based drugs are not as effective as drugs based on animal fats, so Vitrum Cardio is significantly inferior to many of its counterparts. This tool helps in the fight against atherosclerosis and angina pectoris. The dietary supplement is recommended to be taken 2 times a day, 1 capsule.
Evalar Omega 3-6-9
This remedy is a biological food supplement, which is an additional source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The combined composition of the supplement includes three types of acids: Omega-9, Omega-6 and Omega-3. The composition contains fish oil - a source of eicosapentaenoic, alpha-linolenic and docosahexaenoic acids, which are necessary to maintain the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Prophylactic administration is indicated to strengthen the immune system, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, thrombosis and cerebrovascular accidents. Cedar oil from the composition of this product is considered an additional source of vitamin E and PUFA, and has analgesic, antiseptic, diuretic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Omega 3 from Evalar normalizes blood circulation, relieves stress, removes toxins from the body, normalizes hormonal balance, restores the body at high loads or during illness, increases physical and mental activity. Fatty acids lower blood cholesterol concentrations, normalize blood pressure, have a beneficial effect on the structureskin and hair. The use of this balanced complex is aimed at improving the functioning of the heart, organs of vision, joints, brain, restoring hair, skin and general he alth. The cost of this drug is approximately 750 rubles, the recommended dosage is 3 capsules per day.
Moller Tupla
Finnish pharmaceutical company Moller Tupla manufactures the following Omega-3 based dietary supplements:
- fish oil for joints, 76 capsules (from 1300 rubles);
- fish oil for immunity, 100 capsules (from 1050 rubles);
- fish oil for the heart, 76 capsules (from 1320 rubles).
Each product is uniquely formulated with fish oil, vitamins D, A and E, and other supportive ingredients. To ensure the daily requirement of Omega-3 for men and women in the body, it is recommended to take 3 capsules of this remedy per day.
Aquamarine Omega-3
The price of this medication is approximately 650 rubles. This drug belongs to the category of dietary supplements of the Premium level and occupies a leading position in the ranking of products based on Omega-3. This is due to the fact that the drug, in addition to purified fatty acids, also contains cod liver oil. In addition, the manufacturer has enhanced the quality of the product with vitamin E, which allows it to exhibit antioxidant properties. You need to take capsules 2 times a day.
Norvesol Omega-3
The price of this drug is about 880 rubles. It has proven to be a quality tool. Norwegian production, and contains all three acids that are needed - DHA, EPA and ALA. The raw material for the production of this product is extracted from the tissue of marine mammals and goes through several stages of purification. It is recommended to take 4 capsules per day (after meals).
The best Omega 3 everyone wants to find.
Jointace Omega-3
Price - from 620 rubles. This is a unique drug with a combined composition, which contains the following substances:
- fatty acids;
- glucosamine sulfate;
- cod liver oil;
- copper;
- vitamins E, D3.
The combination of the above components allows not only to influence the system of the heart and blood vessels and immunity, but also helps in the restoration of bone tissue. Duration of admission - 30 days, 1 capsule per day.
Omega 3 for women during pregnancy are indispensable.

Madre Labs Omega-3
This medicine costs 410 rubles and is a biological supplement that contains EPA and DHA, as well as tocopherol. Fatty acids are extracted from anchovies, sardines and mackerel, soy derivatives are also present in the complex. The production of this medical product includes a molecular distillation stage, which has a beneficial effect on the digestibility and quality of fats.
Omacor Omega-3
The price of this tool ranges from 1500 to 1550 rubles. This is a lipid preparation that contains fats in the ratio of 45% to 39% (EPA:DHA). The composition of this dietary supplement is also enriched with tocopherol. It is recommended to take the remedy for myocardial infarction, heart failure, as well as during diet therapy, however, this drug is strictly contraindicated for use during pregnancy.
The cost of this tool is approximately 450 rubles. This is a domestic drug, which is not inferior in quality to imported analogues. Trimegavital contains lipids from deep-sea fish, as well as fats obtained from Siberian flax. For the best assimilation of this product, the manufacturer added vitamin E to its composition. The main distinguishing feature of the dietary supplement is that it is produced using the Less Fish Smell technology (lack of smell and taste of fish oil). Take 2-3 capsules per day.
Why take Omega 3 during pregnancy? Fatty acids not only help to avoid he alth problems in the baby, but also significantly reduce the risk of premature birth and miscarriage.
English doctors have been observing pregnant women for 15 years, assessing various indicators of the development of their children. Similar studies were carried out in the USA and Canada. In all, it was found that children whose mothers received sufficient amounts of omega 3 during pregnancy show high levels of: mental development; fine motor skills; coordination of movements; sociability; language ability.
At the same time, children whose mothers, when pregnant, did not receive enough of these fatty acids, had difficulties in communicating. Later, this leads to asocial person. The relationship between the lack of these acids and the development ofhypertension in adulthood.
It is advisable to start taking omega 3 when planning a pregnancy or in the first months. Substances accumulate in the body for a very long time. After embryo implantation, their consumption increases, reaching a peak in the third trimester. It is then that the baby's brain is actively developing.

In pharmacies you can find a lot of drugs containing Omega-3, but consumers do not prefer all means. The most popular dietary supplements are "Evalar" and "Doppelhertz", and reviews of such drugs are mostly positive. Patients say that the effectiveness of these supplements is very high, and the effect can be seen already in the first stages of taking.
There are negative reviews about Vitrum Cardio and Solgar medicines, because their price is quite high, and the acid content is low.
We looked at how to choose Omega 3.