The main source of beauty and he alth is vitamin B2, or riboflavin. With its lack, people face such a problem as early aging not only of the skin, but of the whole organism. This is not the only consequence of a lack of an amazing vitamin. Its deficiency threatens with disorders of the nervous system, digestion, the occurrence of various skin diseases. In addition, people who lack riboflavin are very likely to be depressed.

Vitamin properties
Practically all processes occurring in the body, whether it is the absorption of food, muscle contraction, tissue growth, cardiac and brain activity, require the presence of riboflavin. In addition, vitamin B2 is a component of many enzymes responsible for additional functions in the body. This is the production of hemoglobin, the neutralization of harmful substances, etc.
To fullyto understand why vitamin B2 is needed, you should consider its properties. Riboflavin performs the following functions:
- Participates in metabolic processes.
- Strengthens the immune system, increases the protective functions of the body.
- Improves vision, relieves eye fatigue.
- Takes part in hematopoiesis. It prolongs the life of red bodies and promotes the creation of new ones.
- Strengthens the nervous system, relieves the body of ailments associated with it.
- Normalizes the activity of the digestive tract.
- Regulates thyroid function.
- Strengthens and stabilizes the condition of the mucosa (in the intestines, in the mouth).
- Stimulates and improves brain function.
- Promotes the healing of damaged tissues (various cuts, wounds).
- Reduces exposure to harmful toxins in the lungs and airways.
- Prevents skin diseases (rashes and dermatitis).
Many vitamins without riboflavin (such as vitamin K and folic acid) are not properly absorbed by the body.

B2 - a vitamin that is widely used in cosmetology. It contributes to the prolongation of physical beauty: it relieves skin flaking, slows down the aging process, helps strengthen and grow hair and nails, and prevents wrinkles and cracks in the corners of the mouth.
Fight against diseases
The above properties clearly show how useful vitamin B2 is for the body. Riboflavin is used to treat a large number of diseases:
- Diseases of the nervous system. Vitamin normalizes the mental state. Useful for nervous breakdowns, depression.
- Eye disease. It has a beneficial effect on keratitis, conjunctivitis. Prevents the development of cataracts.
- Physical exhaustion. After emotional stress or prolonged physical activity, the vitamin helps to restore the body.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Improves the patient's condition with myocardial dystrophy, ischemia, postinfarction cardiosclerosis.
In addition, the use of vitamin B2 is necessary for the following ailments and conditions:
- hypovitaminosis, beriberi;
- gastritis and ulcer;
- long-lasting cuts and wounds;
- candidiasis;
- flu, frequent colds;
- delayed development and growth in children;
- hepatitis (viral, chronic), cirrhosis of the liver;
- seborrhea;
- disruption of the digestive tract;
- zaeda, or angular stomatitis.

Daily doses
It should not be forgotten that everything is good in moderation. In order for the body to function properly, very little vitamin B2 is needed. Moreover, this indicator depends on many factors, such as:
- body condition;
- gender;
- age;
- presence of various ailments.
The daily value of vitamin B2 is:
- For children up to a year - from 0.5 to 1 mg.
- Children aged 1 to 18 should take 1 to 1.8 mg.
- Women from 19 to 59 mustconsider 1.5 mg as your daily allowance.
- For older women (60-75 years) the dose is reduced to 1.3mg.
- Men aged 19-59 should consume 1.6 mg daily.
- At an older age (60-75 years) - the required rate is reduced to 1.4 mg.
It should be understood that in some of the diseases or conditions mentioned above, the dose of the vitamin should be increased. However, only a doctor can recommend the required amount. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences are possible.
Oversupply or shortage

Vitamin B2 deficiency leads to unpleasant clinical manifestations:
- weight loss;
- Feels weak;
- appetite decreases;
- skin burns;
- appears pain in the eyes, impaired twilight vision;
- feels a headache;
- angular stomatitis occurs;
- diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis of the labial folds and nose;
- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue;
- hair loss and skin dermatitis observed;
- Children are stunted;
- mental performance decreases;
- diagnosed with conjunctivitis, blepharitis.
The question arises as to how hypervitaminosis of vitamin B2 makes itself felt. Doctors claim that the human body is not able to accumulate riboflavin. Excess of this substance is always excreted in the urine. The only factor that indicates excess is the shade of the givenliquids. With hypervitaminosis, urine becomes bright yellow.
Who is prone to vitamin deficiency?
Initially, it should be noted that such states are rare. Vitamin deficiency can be felt by people suffering from alcoholism, patients with malignant tumors, hyperthyroidism. Older people often fall into this category.
In addition, the B2 vitamin in the body decreases (more precisely, its level) for the following reasons:
- excessive exercise;
- stress;
- Sharp temperature fluctuations;
- disruption of the thyroid gland;
- taking oral contraceptives.

Natural Sources
There is no doubt about the benefits of vitamin B2. Where is this source of beauty and he alth found? The real storehouse of vitamin are dairy and meat products. If you enrich your daily diet with sour milk or cottage cheese and cheese (50-100 grams), then the body will receive the daily rate of riboflavin.
Let's dwell on the main sources of the vitamin.
Plant Products:
- fruits, leafy vegetables;
- yeast;
- cereals (especially buckwheat and oatmeal);
- peas;
- rice;
- nuts;
- crops;
- baked goods.
Animal sources of vitamin:
- cheese;
- dairy products;
- meat;
- offal (heart, liver, kidney);
- eggs (protein).
Recommendations for use and storage
It is very important to keep vitamin B2 in the food you eat. Foods that are rich in useful substances, if not cooked or stored correctly, can lose it very quickly.
It should be remembered that riboflavin tolerates high temperatures very well. At the same time, she absolutely does not like water, light, a long-term frozen state.

Thus, in order to preserve the beneficial vitamin B2, you should follow a few tips:
- Vegetable dishes and milk should not be stored with the lid open.
- Don't wash vegetables in too much water.
- Frozen food cannot be defrosted. They should be immediately put in boiling water.
- Food should not be reheated multiple times.
- It is not recommended to store foods containing a useful vitamin in the freezer for more than 3 days.
It helps to "burn" fats, stimulates the flow of energy processes in the body. In the presence of trace elements in combination with phosphoric acid and proteins creates enzymes. The latter are simply necessary for the transport of oxygen and metabolism. Vitamin is involved in the formation of blood cells in the bone marrow, promotes the absorption of iron by the body. And this is not a complete list of useful functions that riboflavin performs. No wonder it is considered one of the most important vitamins, allowing you to maintain good he alth and improve overall well-being for a long time.