Recently, representatives of alternative medicine offer their patients the drug "Resveratrol" as a rejuvenating agent. What it is? What is the composition of this remedy? How does it affect the human body? Read more about this below!
Resveratrol - what is it?

This substance belongs to the group of polyphenols. The latter play the role of antioxidants in the body. They prevent the development of the so-called oxidative stress, during which the formation of free radicals is carried out, which destroy cell membranes. In addition, they are the main cause of aging of the body and contribute to the onset of cancer. Antioxidants have a unique ability: they destroy the above radicals, thereby contributing to the rejuvenation of the human body, including strengthening its he alth and prolonging youth.
Resveratrol - what is it? Experts note that many studies have been conducted on the above substance. resultsthey were the following conclusions of scientists:
- this substance is highly effective in resisting cancer;
- it reliably performs a hepatoprotective function in the body;
- resveratrol reduces inflammation;
- this substance helps to lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
So, resveratrol - what is it? This substance is a natural phytoalexin, which is secreted by some plants to protect against fungi, bacteria and parasites. Resveratrol is a dietary supplement that plays an excellent role as an antioxidant in the body. Representatives of alternative medicine claim that rejuvenation and weight loss of a person are the main tasks of the above substance.
Properties of resveratrol

Scientists have done many experiments on rats to learn in detail the ability of this substance. Based on their results, experts claim that resveratrol has the following properties:
- anticancer;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antibacterial;
- anti-aging.
Where is the above substance found?

Specialists have discovered that resveratrol is found in foods such as:
- red wine;
- grape skin;
- cocoa beans;
- peanuts;
- some berries.
Proponents of alternative medicine insist that resveratrol is contained inproducts and more. Pine bark contains a lot of this substance.
Pharmacological action
The instruction characterizes the drug "Resveratrol" as an active biological additive.

Specialists note that the above dietary supplement has the following effect on the patient's body:
- normalizes lipid levels, including blood cholesterol;
- is an antioxidant, therefore it helps to remove free radicals from the body;
- delays the growth of cancer cells, that is, it has an anti-cancer effect;
- helps reduce blood viscosity;
- provides free blood flow in the vessels;
- contributes to the normal functional ability of platelets;
- maintains the elasticity of vascular cells;
- has an antibacterial effect;
- produces anti-inflammatory effect;
- carries out the process of restoration and stimulation of the growth of collagen fibers;
- rejuvenates tired skin;
- prevents premature aging of the skin;
- reduces blood sugar levels;
- increases visual acuity;
- improves the body's resistance to stressful situations;
- has a beneficial effect on human memory.
One capsule of Resveratrol Forte contains the following beneficial substances:
- red wine extract;
- resveratrol;
- green tea extract;
- silica;
- grape extractpitted;
- magnesium stearate.
The drug is available in jars containing 60 capsules. This dietary supplement is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.
In addition, as noted by experts, resveratrol promotes weight loss. Representatives of alternative medicine insist that this substance fights extra pounds and has the following effect on the body:
- speeds up metabolic processes;
- breaks down fats;
- lowers the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
- slows down the aging process.
Therefore, the above substance will help not only prolong a person's youth, but also perfectly correct his figure. Just do not forget also about proper nutrition and sports. Only the combination of these three components will help to achieve the desired result. For example, the French eat mostly fatty and heavy foods all their lives, but they drink a sufficient amount of wine (red). This helps them keep their figure in shape.
Indications for the use of the drug "Resveratrol"

Instructions for use advises people with the following he alth problems to use the above substance:
- hypertension, stroke, atherosclerosis, heart attack and other problems in the cardiovascular system;
- with radio and chemotherapy, for the treatment, including the prevention of oncology;
- varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
- diabetic retinopathy;
- allergic reactions of various origins(including bronchial asthma).
Also, experts insist that the above substance should be used for the following therapeutic purposes:
- to improve blood microcirculation in tissues and organs;
- to increase stress tolerance;
- to eliminate the effects of a stressful condition.
In addition, for people who live in ecologically unfavorable areas, in conditions of radiation, as well as for those who work in hazardous enterprises, the use of the drug "Resveratrol" will not be superfluous.
How to take the above remedy?

These pills are taken orally. The drug "Resveratrol" instructions for use advises using one capsule per day.
It should be noted that this substance should be taken with food. The course of therapy is about 4 weeks.
Specialists insist that the above drug does not contribute to the appearance of side effects during its administration. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the "Resveratrol" tool.
But still, before starting a course of treatment, it is very important to consult an experienced doctor about its use. Self-administration of the above drug is not recommended.
Store it at room temperature, but not higher than 25 degrees Celsius. The drug is valid for 24 months from the date of its production.
Dietary supplement "Resveratrol": reviews

Satisfied consumers leave a lot of positive feedback about this drug. So, women claim that they took it as a rejuvenating agent. The result was not long in coming: the skin began to look younger and fresher, its elasticity and firmness increased. In addition, the skin began to differ in a pleasant shade, a noticeable blush appeared. Also, the skin became less flaky and cracked.
Many patients noticed that they began to lose extra pounds while taking the drug "Resveratrol". Their reviews claim that literally in one course of taking women regained their harmony and corrected their figure quite well.
Although there are negative reviews. But experts warn that, of course, it will not be able to help the Resveratrol drug to become slim if you do not go to gyms and do not limit yourself to specific types of food. Also, the above dietary supplement will not return youth to elderly patients. The drug "Resveratrol", experts say, only slows down the aging process, and then in combination with a balanced diet, regular workouts. It is also very important to avoid stressful situations. Therefore, there is no need to rely on him as an elixir of eternal youth and beauty.
Resveratrol is an excellent tool for maintaining he alth and beauty. You need to take it strictly according to the instructions and only after consulting with an experienced specialist.