There are periods in a person's life when the body lacks vitamins from food. Vitamins have been created to help us, which we take additionally. Each person can choose one or another drug that is suitable for price and content. Capsules, tablets, dragees, syrups - all these are forms of vitamin preparations. Each form is well known to us and has its pros and cons when receiving. Moms often buy effervescent vitamins and prefer this particular form of vitamins for children. What is their secret?
The peculiarity of such vitamin tablets is that they dissolve in a glass of water without a trace and form a sweet carbonated drink. One tablet - one glass of vitamin "soda". Flavorings added to effervescent vitamins give the drink a variety of flavors. This form of use is perceived easier and does not resemble the usual medication. An important advantage of such vitamins is that they do not need to be swallowed, because not everyone can swallow a pill or capsule whole.

It was effervescent vitamins for children that won our interest. Usually they are flat tablets, coloredvarious shades, with or without inclusions. Smart manufacturers produce vitamins in the form of a variety of figures of animals or men. It is worth noting that the shape does not affect the quality of the product itself. Effervescent vitamins, the price of which is higher than regular ones (from 100 to 250 rubles), have their advantages and disadvantages.
We have heard that carbonated drink is absorbed into the blood faster than plain water. This happens due to gas bubbles. Effervescent vitamins have the same principle of action. The tablet contains sodium bicarbonate and organic tartaric acid, which, when interacting with water, release gas bubbles. Once in the stomach, they are absorbed almost instantly, thereby reducing the adverse effect on the gastric mucosa. The undoubted advantage of such vitamins is precisely in this quick absorption that does not damage the stomach.
It has long been no secret that fizzy vitamins, like soda, damage enamel. The drink simply leaches useful minerals from the teeth, as a result of which they are destroyed. Since we are talking about fragile children's teeth, we can say that they are dangerous. Even the presence of calcium, which is part of the tablets, does not save the situation.

How are these peculiar vitamins taken? It is necessary to throw a tablet into a glass of warm water, wait for it to dissolve completely and drink the resulting contents to the bottom. Sometimes after dissolution of the drug, a small precipitate appears. This is normal because during a chemical reactionNaCl or ordinary table s alt is released. The frequency of taking the drug is determined by the doctor. To eliminate the undesirable effect of the "pop" on the enamel of the teeth, drink the drink through a straw.
When buying vitamins, remember all of the above nuances, weigh the pros and cons. Do not rely on the integrity of the advertised manufacturer, think first of all about children. Seemingly harmless vitamins, but they can also pose a threat.