Now I can’t even believe that a century ago, humanity only guessed about vitamins. Modern people learn about them in childhood and face this concept throughout their lives. These are such unique substances, the value of which is simply colossal. At the same time, they are not part of the cells and do not have nutritional value in themselves, but proper metabolism is impossible without them. The daily dosage of vitamins is not at all large, but for the most part they are not synthesized by the body, and therefore it is necessary to ensure their intake from the outside.

However, at present, the naturalness of food products is often questionable. And the pace and conditions of human existence are now such that the use of synthetic multivitamin complexes by him is quite justified. The choice of such drugs in pharmacies is wide: for any needs and opportunities. Let's talk about one of them - Makrovit vitamins from the Slovenian manufacturer KRKA.

Who needs vitamins
What justifies the additional intake of multivitamin complexes, including such asMacrovit? Instructions for use of this drug says that it should be taken with an increased need for vitamins. And such a need may arise under the following circumstances:
- unbalanced, irregular or poor-quality nutrition, including diets, during a seasonal deficiency of natural sources of vitamins;
- increased loads of both physical and mental and emotional nature:
- during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- against the background of alcohol and nicotine addictions.

If you have one of the above circumstances in your life, you can safely buy Macrovit vitamins, the price of which is very affordable and does not exceed 180 rubles. per pack.
Composition of vitamins "Macrovit", form
The "Macrovit" complex is a multivitamin, that is, it contains not one biologically active substance, but several. It is difficult to say which of these organic compounds can be considered more necessary for the human body, and which less. Each of these substances has its own role strictly defined by nature. Vitamins work like musicians in an orchestra. Each performs an individual part, but any wrong note will immediately affect the composition as a whole. Consider the composition of the "musicians" in such a preparation as "Makrovit". Instructions for use states that there are vitamins A, C, E, group B (B1, B2, B3 (PP) B5, B6, B12), D3. We will pay attention to the role of each of them below.
Vitamin release form"Macrovit" - round convex tablets in a shell of a cheerful orange color. Sometimes they are called pastilles. The fact is that these tablets do not need to be swallowed immediately. They need to be absorbed, hence the name. Pastilles taste sweet, so children love Makrovit, reviews of adults' vitamins are also very positive.

The meaning and effect of each vitamin in the Macrovit complex: vitamins A, C and E
Let's start with the first vitamin in the alphabet - A. By the way, it was not named by the first letter of the alphabet by chance. The fact is that it was opened one of the first, in 1913. In addition to the well-known fact of the importance of vitamin A for the visual apparatus, do not forget how great the role of this organic compound in the body as an antioxidant.
Ascorbic acid should generally be consumed daily, because its overdose is impossible. At the same time, along with vitamins A and E, it has pronounced antioxidant properties, strengthens connective tissues, blood vessels, and gives vigor. Vitamin C protects its counterparts - A and E - from oxidation. It is also part of the Makrovit complex. Instructions for use says that each tablet contains 80 mg.
Vitamin E, in addition to the already noted antioxidant role, is responsible for reproductive function, protects cells from deformation, aging and the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.
B vitamins and vitamin D
All B vitamins are active participants in metabolism. Six of them are presented in the Makrovit complex. Instructions for use list them as follows: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), nicotinic acid (B3, or PP), pantothenic acid (B5), pyriodoxin (B6), cyanocobalamin (B12). The importance of these substances can be devoted to a separate article. All of them are direct participants in metabolism. Vitamins B6 and B12 are extremely important for the nervous system, and D is involved in the absorption of calcium and plays an important role in mineral metabolism. In the preparation "Macrovit" it is represented by vitamin D3.
How to take Macrovit vitamins
After eating, you need to dissolve or chew the lozenge. For younger students aged 6-10, this can be done 1 or 2 times a day, and for those who are older, repeat the reception 2-3 times. These norms cover the daily requirement for essential vitamins. You can continue taking these tasty pills for up to 30 days, after which you should take a break for 1-3 months. There are 30 lozenges in the package, but the regular purchase of these vitamins will not hit the family budget, because, as already mentioned, the price of the Makrovit drug pleases with its affordability. An overdose of "Macrovit" is unlikely, but you should not take risks and take more lozenges than recommended, as well as combine them with other vitamins.

Like any other pharmacological drug, the macrovit vitamin complex has contraindications. Do not use this complex for children under 6 years of age, with hypervitaminosis A and D and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. It should be borne in mind notonly active substances, but also auxiliary substances, without which the production of medicines is indispensable: lactose, dextrose, sucrose, sorbitol, glycerol, flavors and dyes. The manufacturer honestly indicates all these substances in the instructions for the drug.
Side effects
In general, consumers leave positive reviews about the Makrovit vitamin complex. But if used in excess, this drug can cause headaches and indigestion.