Women's he alth in the he althcare system is always one of the most important topics. So, very often there are problems with menstrual irregularities. The reasons can be very diverse. These are endocrine diseases, neoplasms in the female genital organs, stress, taking certain medications, physical overwork.
To regulate the menstrual cycle, specialists often prescribe herbal preparations with phytohormones and vitamins to their patients. BAA "Time-Factor" instructions for use calls a complex of extracts of medicinal plants and vitamins. This drug has a fairly simple scheme of application.
Drug "Time Factor": a brief description

The above vitamins are an excellent tool for strengthening a woman's body, which is a set of 4 different blisters. BAA "Time Factor" instructions for use characterizes as a drug for the normalization of the menstrual cycle in all of itsstages. It should be noted that it is also a fairly good source of valuable and beneficial substances for the female body.
The Time Factor tool (the instruction contains such information) is intended for specific phases of the menstrual cycle. After all, the four blisters mentioned above differ in their composition. The mitigation of PMS symptoms can be felt throughout the period.
Composition of the drug
Various substances each individual blister of Time Factor vitamins contains. The instruction indicates the following composition:
- One pink capsule contains 250 mg of folic acid, 18 mg of iron, as well as ginger extract, glutamic acid, rutin.
- One yellow pill contains 500 mg of folic acid, 50 mg of nicotinamide, as well as broccoli extract and glutamic acid.
- One orange capsule contains 250 mg of ascorbic acid, 25 mg of vitamin E (tocopherol acetate), and angelica root extract.
- One beige pill contains 15.5mg zinc, 77.5mg magnesium, Ginkgo biloba extract and sacred vitex extract.
Pharmacological action

Properties of vitamins "Time Factor" instruction determines depending on the specific composition. Experts note the fact that the above dietary supplement is much more beneficial for a woman's body than conventional hormone therapy.
So, the pharmacological action of pink capsules from blister 1 consists in the following possibilities:
- During your perioda woman's body loses a lot of iron. Folic acid and magnesium compensate for the deficiency of the above trace elements.
- Glutamic acid and folic acid are traditional components of cyclic vitamin therapy.
- Rutin is responsible for the normalization of vascular permeability. In addition, it significantly strengthens their walls.
- Ginger extract is a wonderful anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and immunostimulating substance. In addition, it well eliminates nausea during menstruation and suppresses uterine muscle contractions, which are often accompanied by painful sensations.
Pharmacological action of yellow pills that are packaged in blister 2:
- Nicotinamide is actively involved in the biosynthesis of hormones such as cortisone, insulin, testosterone, progesterone, estradiol. In addition, this substance is called the "calm vitamin."
- Broccoli extract helps to suppress the aggressive effects of estrogen, which is actively manifested during this period of the menstrual cycle.
- Folic acid and glutamic acid are mandatory in cyclic vitamin therapy.
Pharmacological action of orange-colored capsules from blister No. 3, which is part of the Time Factor vitamins, instructions for use characterize as follows:
- Angelica root extract contributes to the normalization of progesterone secretion. In addition, this substance significantly relieves pain during critical days and reduces muscle spasms.
- Tocopherol acetate preventsformation of the process of destruction of progesterone.
- Ascorbinka is an active participant in the synthesis of steroid hormones. In addition, vitamin C contributes to a significant increase in the sensitivity of endometrial tissues to progesterone.
The effect on the body of a woman of beige capsules from blister No. 4 is manifested as follows:
- Saint Vitex extract helps relieve pain during PMS.
- Ginkgo extract in the microcirculation zone facilitates blood circulation, provides good antioxidant protection and reduces inflammation.
Indications for use

Tables "Time Factor" instructions for use advise women to use:
- as an additional source of niacin, acids (folic, glutamic, ascorbic), tocopherol acetate, iron, zinc, magnesium;
- in order to normalize menstruation in reproductive age;
- during premenstrual syndrome to maintain hormonal balance.
Vitamins "Time Factor" when planning pregnancy

The above preparation is especially useful for the female body when planning pregnancy. After all, he is able to maintain a vitamin balance in it. Also, this supplement perfectly complements the diet, which often does not contain enough useful substances.
Natural micronutrients and antioxidants that are part of the above preparation,normalize all phases of the menstrual cycle, normalize the hormonal background of a woman, eliminate pain.
Vitamins "Time Factor" have the following effect on a woman's body when planning a pregnancy:
- create favorable conditions for ovulation;
- reduce the risk of infertility;
- prevent ovarian stress;
- minimize, thanks to folic acid, the risk of developing heart defects (congenital) in an unborn baby.
Specialists note that the above drug is a fairly good method of preparing a woman for pregnancy. In addition, it is recognized as completely safe and natural. But with the onset of pregnancy, this supplement should be discontinued.
Vitamins "Time Factor": instructions, reviews

This drug is used according to the following scheme:
- From the first day of menstruation, a woman should take 2 capsules from blister 1 for 5 days.
- Then you should use pills from blister 2, 1 pc. within 9 days.
- Further, the woman should take 1 capsule from blister 3 for the next 9 days.
- Then you need to use pills from blister 4, 2 pcs. within 5 days.
The course of therapy is 3 months.
Many women who have used the above drug to normalize their periods leave positive feedback. They claim that this dietary supplement relieves sensations so wellpain during critical days, that there is even no need to take painkillers. Also, many patients have become calmer, and the manifestations of mood swings are generally a thing of the past.
In addition, satisfied women also note that after taking these capsules, their skin condition and color have noticeably improved.
Also, many patients claim that they have successfully become pregnant with the help of Time Factor vitamins. Instructions, reviews about the drug, its composition are most of all interested in women who have problems with the menstrual cycle.

Pills "Time Factor" experts do not recommend using in the following situations:
- individual intolerance to the components of the above drug;
- while breastfeeding;
- during pregnancy.
Medication form

These vitamins are available in capsules. One package contains four blisters containing 38 pills.
It should be noted that in pharmacies you can find this drug under several different names: Estrovel Time Factor vitamins (400 mg capsules), Time Factor (38 capsules).
Buy without a prescription at the pharmacy allows vitamins "Time Factor" instruction.
Drug price and special instructions
The maximum shelf life of this supplement is 2 years. Among the specific instructions,It is important to note that it is important to consult a he althcare professional before taking these vitamins.
Keep out of the reach of children and at room temperature (but not higher than 25 degrees Celsius) recommends vitamins "Time Factor" instructions. The price of this drug is about 360 rubles.
Vitamins "Time Factor" - an excellent source of nutrients for a woman's body. They not only replenish the supply of vital macro- and microelements, vitamins, but also normalize the menstrual cycle, alleviate pain.