Among all the minerals involved in the functioning of the body, there are some of the most important. In addition to calcium and iron, these are selenium and zinc. They are very necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. Zinc, selenium, vitamins and other trace elements are part of many drugs. But it is undesirable to take them without consulting a doctor, since an overdose of these substances can be no less dangerous than a deficiency.
The role of zinc in the body
Zinc is actively involved in many biological processes. Its role is great in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as in the synthesis of nucleic acids. This trace element is concentrated in almost all organs. But zinc is quickly excreted from the body when exposed to various adverse factors. Therefore, a daily intake of 10 mg is required.
Zinc is part of many enzymes and hormones, is involved in the work of the respiratory, circulatory andnervous systems. It is necessary to maintain visual acuity, improve memory. It stimulates the brain, participates in the processes of tissue regeneration, stimulates sexual functions in men. With the help of zinc, the body is quickly freed from toxins and waste, and the digestive system is activated, which contributes to better absorption of nutrients.

The role of selenium
This is one of the most important trace elements for the human body. It is present in almost all tissues and regulates the functioning of many organs. It is considered a longevity vitamin as it is a strong antioxidant. Selenium prevents the formation of free radicals and increases the body's defenses. Without this trace element, vitamin E is poorly absorbed.
Sufficient amount of selenium in the body helps to slow down aging and reduce the risk of vascular damage. This trace element can be used to prevent strokes, heart attacks, arthritis, and even cancerous tumors. Selenium protects the pancreas and liver from damage. It is able to remove many toxins and s alts of heavy metals from the body.
Very high need for selenium in men with active sexual life. This microelement is used in the production of male semen and contributes to the preservation of sexual activity. Therefore, selenium is often used in the treatment of infertility in men. He is also involved in the production of many enzymes and hormones.
Lack of zinc and selenium
Not everyone knows why doctors prescribe vitamins, selenium and zinc. Butthe lack of these trace elements negatively affects the state of he alth. Often, malaise, weakness and deterioration of the hair are associated with this. Men need 70 micrograms of selenium and 11 mg of zinc, while women need 55 micrograms of selenium and 8 mg of zinc every day. Children also need this mineral for normal growth and development. But the problem is that there is often a shortage of these trace elements. They come with food, but are not found in all products. And if you follow diets or if you are selective in food, they may not be enough.
With a lack of vitamins, zinc, selenium and other trace elements, symptoms of hypovitaminosis are observed. This can manifest itself in weakness, depression, dermatitis, deterioration of vision and hair condition. Hair begins to fall out, the skin becomes dry. A person feels nervous, irritable, chronic fatigue appears.

When to take these vitamins
Now these trace elements have become popular, especially among women. Those who know why the body needs vitamins selenium and zinc use them to improve hair condition and slow down aging. Such multivitamin preparations are recommended to be taken with a decrease in immunity, with diseases of the liver or thyroid gland, with increased physical or mental stress. They have the following properties:
- strengthen immunity;
- have an antioxidant effect;
- improve the condition of hair, preventing hair loss and protecting against dandruff;
- normalize the work of the genital organs of men and canbe used to treat infertility.
Various vitamins with selenium and zinc for women are important as a prevention of hair loss and premature skin aging. These trace elements are responsible for hair density, skin elasticity and nail strength.

Varieties of drugs
There are various medicines and dietary supplements containing vitamins, zinc, selenium and other trace elements. It is difficult to choose the right remedy on your own, so it is better to consult a doctor. Among a large number of drugs, there are narrowly focused products containing one or more components, as well as multivitamins and dietary supplements, in which, in addition to vitamins, there are plant extracts.
Preparations containing only one trace element are used according to the doctor's indications when its deficiency is detected. For example, Selenium Active, Complivit Selenium can be taken to replenish the amount of selenium, and Zincteral, Cymed or Zinc Gluconate can be taken if there is a lack of zinc.
But most often complex vitamins with zinc and selenium are used. The names of such drugs may not indicate their content, so it is necessary to study the composition. There are some of the most effective remedies that make up for the lack of these trace elements.
- "Confimilk" with vitamins C, E and A, which enhance the effect of selenium.
- "Antiox +" contains zinc, selenium, ascorbic acid and vitamin E.
- "Selzinc Plus" provides the body with the necessary amount of selenium, zinc, vitamins A, E andS.
- "Complivit Selenium" is a complex of vitamins and minerals, which additionally added selenium.

Selzinc Plus
The main active ingredients of this drug are zinc and selenium. In addition, it contains ascorbic acid, vitamin E and beta-carotene. It is recommended to take this remedy after serious infectious and inflammatory diseases, with pathologies of the digestive organs or while following diets.
This vitamin complex is also prescribed in cases where a person especially needs vitamins and minerals. These are increased physical and mental stress, stress. Recommend taking the drug for alcoholism, reduced immunity, sexual problems in men. This remedy not only compensates for the lack of selenium and zinc, but also has an antioxidant effect, improving overall he alth and eliminating chronic fatigue.

Selenium with Zinc
If you are deficient in these minerals, you can also purchase this multivitamin preparation. In addition to selenium and zinc, it contains ascorbic acid, inulin and excipients. This drug belongs to biologically active additives. But doctors often recommend it to adults and teenagers to make up for the lack of these trace elements.
The drug "Selenium with zinc" strengthens the immune system, improves metabolic processes and digestion. It is used to improve memory and mental activity, with chronic fatigue syndrome or impaired attention.
Arnebia Multivitamin
This drug is also intended for the prevention of deficiency of essential trace elements. It contains selenium, zinc and ascorbic acid. The drug is produced in the form of effervescent tablets, so many people like it. Often multivitamins "Arnebia" are bought by women with various problems of hair and scalp. After all, their regular intake improves the condition of the hair.

Blagomax vitamin complex
This preparation contains all trace elements necessary for normal life. Each tablet provides your daily requirement of zinc, selenium, other minerals, vitamins A, E, C and B6.
In addition, you can also purchase the Blagomax vitamin complex with rutin. This drug actively affects the immune system, so it is most often used as an antioxidant and to protect against colds.

Complivit Selenium
This complex multivitamin remedy is used for beriberi, to strengthen immunity and normalize metabolic processes. The preparation contains all B vitamins, as well as E, C and PP. In addition, it contains zinc, selenium, manganese and copper. It is effective in supporting immunity, improving circulation and increasing performance.
Reviews about such drugs
If vitamins are taken as a preventive measure, you can choose any remedy. Very popular drugs "Complivit", "Vitrum", "Alphabet", containingplenty of vitamins and minerals. But sometimes it is necessary to take selenium, zinc. Reviews of vitamins containing these components note that they effectively help to cope with chronic fatigue, hair loss, decreased immunity and sexual activity. The drugs Selzinc Plus, Arnebia and Blagomax are very popular. If taken correctly, they quickly make up for the lack of selenium and zinc.