One of the most important trace elements in the human body is calcium. It is part of the bones, teeth, hair, nails. The trace element is involved in the process of blood clotting, is responsible for the performance of the cardiovascular system. To compensate for the lack of this substance, various medicines, vitamin complexes and dietary supplements are used. The latter include Sea Calcium, produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Ecomir.
General description of the product
Lack of such an element as calcium in the body leads to the development of serious consequences: deterioration of he alth, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, disruption of the nervous system. You can judge the deficiency of a microelement by the condition of nails and hair.

Many drugs that promise to fix the problem don't do the job at all. Therefore, when it comes to dietary supplements, not everyone believes in the effectiveness of such “drugs”. A lot of positive recommendations deserved food supplementsdomestic production "Marine Calcium". The source of the trace element is the shells of sea mollusks, which have long been used in medical practice.
The manufacturer offers several varieties of vitamin and mineral supplements. The main differences can be seen in the composition of preparations with calcium. Calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium are the components of one of the dietary supplements designed to eliminate the deficiency in the body of these trace elements. The manufacturer positions it as an effective remedy for the prevention of calcium deficiency.

Children's "Sea Calcium" with vitamins is designed specifically for the treatment of a pathological condition in children. The complex preparation is enriched with vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, D3, B12, E, folic acid, biotin. Also available is Sea Calcium (Children's) with iodine, magnesium, iron, taurine and selenium. Each supplement has its own indications for use.
For adult patients with a lack of calcium and iodine, the preparation "Sea Calcium" containing precisely these substances can be prescribed. Especially often dietary supplements are recommended for pregnant women.
"Sea Calcium" in combination with vitamin C will be effective when taken with vitamin D3. Ascorbic acid promotes the absorption of vitamins of group D in the body.
"Sea calcium biobalance" with selenium, zinc and magnesium
The main indications for the use of dietary supplements are pathological conditions caused by calcium deficiency in the system. The remedy will benefit patients who often suffer from colds and have a history of atopic dermatitis. Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc are necessary for strengthening the skeletal system and are involved in the conduction of nerve impulses. Magnesium is essential for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Its tablets contain at least 21 mg/pcs.

To strengthen the protective functions of the body, selenium, zinc, vitamin C are needed. The dietary supplement contains 12 mcg, 1.6 mg and 15 mg of these substances, respectively. Selenium is considered a powerful antioxidant that significantly improves metabolic processes in the body. A trace element such as zinc is essential for wound healing. It is also a component of insulin and enzymes.
Indications for use
Complex vitamin-mineral remedy "Marine Calcium" should be used in pathologies associated with a deficiency of magnesium, calcium, zinc and selenium in the body. The following factors can cause this condition:
- injuries, fractures;
- bronchial asthma;
- frequent viral, catarrhal pathologies;
- prone to allergic reactions, diathesis;
- prolonged physical activity, professional sports;
- pregnancy, lactation period;
- osteoporosis;
- period of active growth in children and adolescents.
How to take?
"Marine calcium biobalance" containing selenium, zinc and magnesium, can be administered to children over 12 years of age and adult patients, provided there is no increasedsensitivity to active substances in the composition. Take 1-2 tablets of the dietary supplement up to three times daily. The tablets are small in size and have a pleasant taste. According to the instructions, they should be washed down with sour juice for better absorption of calcium.

The recommended duration of therapy is 1 month. Positive results of treatment usually become noticeable after 2 weeks. Patients note that the condition of the hair improves, the nails become stronger. The cost of the vitamin-mineral complex ranges from 95-120 rubles per package (100 tablets).
Sea calcium for children
Tablets (600 mg) are intended for use in pediatric practice. Dietary supplement can be prescribed to babies older than four years. The main active ingredient in each variety of the drug contains at least 120 mg. The food supplement is a good source of calcium, vitamins and trace elements for a growing body.

During the period of active growth, it is important for a child to receive the necessary amount of nutrients. The complex remedy contains the necessary components (12 essential trace elements and vitamins) for the proper development and growth of the child. Calcium carbonate is well absorbed by the body due to the presence of citrate acid in the product.
Many parents note the positive impact of nutritional supplements on the general condition of the child. It is recommended to select a suitable remedy depending on the age and individual needs of the child. It is undesirable to combine dietary supplements with other drugs and mineral complexes in order to prevent an overdose.