Carotenoids are plant pigments that give fruits and vegetables their red, orange and yellow color. Sources of carotenoids. Vitamin carotene

Carotenoids are plant pigments that give fruits and vegetables their red, orange and yellow color. Sources of carotenoids. Vitamin carotene
Carotenoids are plant pigments that give fruits and vegetables their red, orange and yellow color. Sources of carotenoids. Vitamin carotene

Almost from childhood, we hear that there should be more vegetables and fruits on our table. They contain vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for our body to function properly. This also includes carotenoids. What it is? What role do these substances play in the body? Consider further.

What are carotenoids

These are the same substances that make vegetables and fruits yellow, orange. Plants need carotenoids to absorb solar energy. It should be noted that color pigments are present in absolutely every representative of the kingdom of living organisms.

carotenoids are
carotenoids are

Among all known pigments, they are the most common and are presented in a wide variety.

Properties of carotenoids

Different groups of these compounds have different ability to absorb sunlight. But there are some properties that unite them:

  • Carotenoids do not dissolve inwater.
  • Have good solubility in organic solvents: benzene, hexane, chloroform.
  • Able to be selectively absorbed on mineral absorbents, this property is used to separate them by chromatography.
  • In its pure form, carotenoids are highly labile: they respond well to sunlight, are sensitive to oxygen, and do not withstand strong heat, exposure to acids and alkalis. Under the influence of these negative factors, the carotene dye is destroyed.
  • As part of protein complexes, carotenoids become more stable.

Varieties of carotenoids

Despite the fact that all substances belong to the same group and have a similar structure, they are classified depending on color pigmentation into 2 groups:

  1. Carotenes. These are orange hydrocarbons. There are no oxygen atoms in the structure.
  2. Xanthophylls - painted in various colors, ranging from yellow to red.

Carotenoids are:

Alpha-carotene. It is found in large quantities in orange-colored vegetables. Once in the body, it is able to turn into vitamin A. A lack of alpha-carotene leads to the development of cardiovascular pathologies

what is carotene
what is carotene
  • Beta-carotene. Found in yellow fruits and vegetables. Protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. It is a powerful antioxidant that can be called a protector of the immune system.
  • Lutein. It guards the he alth of the retina, protecting it from harmfulultraviolet exposure. With regular use, it reduces the risk of developing cataracts by 25%. A lot of lutein is found in spinach, cabbage, zucchini and carrots.
  • Beta-cryptoxanthin. Reduces the risk of developing inflammatory pathologies, especially rheumatoid arthritis and other joint diseases. It is found in large quantities in citrus fruits, pumpkin, sweet peppers.
  • Lycopene. It is directly involved in the normalization of cholesterol metabolism. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, helps to fight excess weight. Suppresses the development of pathogenic intestinal microflora. The source of lycopene are tomatoes, tomato paste, watermelons.
yellow fruit
yellow fruit

All types of carotenoids play an important role in the life of living organisms.

The role of carotenoids

Consider the meaning of these pigments for humans:

  • Carotenoids are substances that are provitamins of vitamin A. It is not produced in the body, but is needed for normal life.
  • Have an impact on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Carotenoids perform an antioxidant function.
  • Have an immunostimulatory effect.
  • Prevent chromosomal mutations.
  • Participate in genetic programs to destroy cancer cells.
  • Have an inhibitory effect on the process of cell division.
  • Suppress oncogenes.
  • Inhibit the development of inflammatory processes that lead to degenerative diseases.
  • Support the he alth of the organs of vision.
carotene vitamin
carotene vitamin
  • Activate enzymes that destroy harmful substances.
  • Affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle in women.
  • Help maintain water balance.
  • Promote the transport of calcium across the cell membrane.
  • In the human body, carotenoids are substances that are also used as a supply of oxygen in the neuronal respiratory chain.

The list shows that carotenoids play an important role in the body, and since they cannot be synthesized, they must come from outside.

Natural sources of coloring pigments

All yellow fruits and vegetables contain carotenoids. These substances were also found in greenery, just because of the green chlorophyll they are invisible, and in the autumn period it is they who give the leaves a bright color.

Among the main sources of carotenoids are:

  • Palm oil. It is considered the leader in the content of coenzyme Q10, vitamin E and carotenoids.
  • Carrot.
  • Rowan fruits.
  • Orange pepper.
  • Corn.
  • All citrus fruits.
  • Persimmon.
  • Apricots.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Rosehip.
  • Peaches.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Sea buckthorn.
sources of carotenoids
sources of carotenoids

Pigments were also found in flowers, for example, calendula petals are rich in carotenoids, plant pollen. They are found in egg yolk, and in some varieties of fish.

The process of assimilation of pigments in the human body

AfterWhen these substances enter the body, the assimilation process begins in the small intestine with the participation of a certain group of enzymes. But in the process of research, it has been established that the absorption of carotenoids occurs better if finely chopped and heat-treated foods are consumed.

Important for complete absorption and the presence of fat. For example, if only about 1% of carotenoids are absorbed from raw carrots, then after adding oil, the percentage will increase to 25.

Vitamin A in ampoules

If an insufficient amount of carotenoids enters the body with food, then this problem can be solved by taking synthetic multivitamins containing these substances. Manufacturers issue funds in the form:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • gel.
  • vitamin A in ampoules
    vitamin A in ampoules

The composition may contain, in addition to vitamin A, other components:

  • B vitamins.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Folic acid.
  • Nicotinamide.
  • Biotin.
  • Pantothenic acid.
  • Calcium.
  • Vitamin K.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Yodine.
  • Magnesium and iron.
  • Silicon and vanadium.
  • Molybdenum and selenium.

Vitamin A in ampoules should be taken only after consulting a doctor, so as not to provoke an overdose.

Carotenoid dosage

If the food contains little carotene (what it is, we have already considered), then you need to take synthetic drugs.

Dose per day should be at least 25,000 IUvitamin A. In the presence of some pathologies, it will be necessary to adjust the dose, reducing or increasing it.

For better assimilation, it is necessary to divide the daily intake into two doses. The dosage also depends on whether you are taking a vitamin complex or a supplement containing only one type of carotene: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene.

It should be borne in mind that vitamin carotene should be supplied to the body of an adult in the amount of 2-6 mg per day. For example, one carrot contains 8 mg, but do not forget that not all of the amount will be absorbed by the body.

Who should take carotenoids

Synthetic carotenoids are especially recommended in the following cases:

  • To reduce the risk of developing oncological pathologies of the prostate gland, lungs.
  • To protect the heart muscle from diseases.
  • In order to reduce the rate of development of age-related changes in the retina.
  • To strengthen the immune system.

The main effect of their use is due to the fact that carotenoids are natural antioxidants. Molecules are able to neutralize unstable free radicals. But it should be noted that, despite the similarity among themselves, each group of carotenoids has its own effect on a certain type of tissue in the human body.

Not all types of carotenoids are equally successful in converting into vitamin A, beta-carotene does it best, but alpha-carotene and cryptoxanthin are capable of such metamorphoses, but to a lesser extent.

Contraindications toapplication

It is not recommended to take additional synthetic carotenoids during pregnancy. High doses of these substances can be harmful to the developing fetus.

You should also not combine the intake of vitamins with therapy with other drugs. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor.

Side effects

If you eat enough foods containing carotene (what it is, you already know), and synthetic vitamins are taken in addition, there is a risk of overdose and side effects. The first sign will be orange staining of the skin on the hands and feet. This does not pose a danger, with a decrease in dosage, everything returns to normal.

If there is a simultaneous intake of different groups of carotenoids, they interfere with the absorption of each other, and in some cases can harm the body.

Before using such substances, especially in the presence of chronic pathologies, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Carotenoids in disease prevention

If these substances are supplied to the body constantly and in sufficient quantities, they can play a preventive role in the prevention of certain pathologies:

  1. Protect against many types of cancer. For example, lycopene inhibits the development of cancer cells in the prostate gland. Studies have found that regular consumption of foods containing tomatoes, which are rich in lycopene, reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer by 45%. Capable of thiscarotenoid and protect against cancer of the stomach and digestive tract.
  2. Alpha-carotene reduces the risk of cervical cancer, while lutein and zeaxanthin will protect against lung cancer.
  3. Consumption of carotenoids reduces the risk of developing heart disease. The constant presence of these substances in food reduces the risk of heart attack by 75%.
  4. All carotenoids are great for bad cholesterol.
  5. Reduces the risk of macular degeneration on the retina, which causes blindness in old age.
  6. Carotenoids prevent damage to the lens.
  7. Reduces the risk of cataracts.

Carotenoid Tips

You can give some facts and give useful recommendations for the use of this group of substances.

  1. It should be taken into account that in women who are protected from unwanted pregnancy by taking oral contraceptives, the amount of carotenoids in the body decreases.
  2. During menopause, the same trend is observed, which indicates the need for synthetic drugs.
  3. Cooked tomatoes contain much more lycopene than fresh fruits. And the presence of oil in sauces improves its absorption.
  4. carotenoid deficiency
    carotenoid deficiency
  5. Lycopene helps prevent myocardial infarction, especially in non-smoking men. But large doses of carotenoids are dangerous for smokers, there is a risk of developing lung cancer.
  6. Green vegetables also contain carotenoids.
  7. It must be remembered that with a longWhen stored, carotenoids break down, the same thing happens when exposed to light. Therefore, we can say that carrots from the supermarket already contain practically no these nutrients.

It would seem that with such an abundance of products, a modern person cannot experience a deficiency of carotenoids, but, as experts say, almost 40-60% of the adult population receive less of these substances with food. That is why the diet should be varied and rich in vegetables and fruits.

If not, you need to buy synthetic vitamins and dietary supplements to ensure the full functioning of the body.
