Drugs 2024, October

"Gynecoheel": reviews, price, recommendations for use

"Gynecoheel": reviews, price, recommendations for use

Drops "Gynecochel" is a drug that belongs to homeopathic remedies. A medicine is used to treat inflammatory diseases that develop in the pelvic organs of a woman. These include myometritis, salpingitis, adnexitis, colpitis and others

Drug "Sidnopharm" - instructions for use. Tablets "Sidnopharm": analogues and reviews

Drug "Sidnopharm" - instructions for use. Tablets "Sidnopharm": analogues and reviews

The drug "Sydnopharm" is an active peripheral agent that can expand the lumen of blood vessels and reduce pressure in them. Also, the drug helps to prevent and relieve angina attacks, is used to treat other symptoms of coronary insufficiency

Powder for cleansing the intestines: name, composition, description, effect of the drug, instructions for use, doctor's prescription and dosage

Powder for cleansing the intestines: name, composition, description, effect of the drug, instructions for use, doctor's prescription and dosage

The human body is capable of self-purification, but people often conflict with the natural role. Alcoholic drinks, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition lead to the accumulation of toxins. At the same time, the decay products that settle in the internal organs are not removed in a timely manner and begin to be absorbed back into the blood

"Skin cap" (shampoo): reviews. Aerosol, spray "Skin-cap": instructions, reviews and prices

"Skin cap" (shampoo): reviews. Aerosol, spray "Skin-cap": instructions, reviews and prices

Doctors and cosmetologists are working together on one problem: the invention of a remedy that is effective against psoriasis, dermatitis and itching, but without the content of hormones. It seems that such a product has already been created. These are cosmetic products of the Cheminova Internacional S.A. company, produced under the Skin-cap brand: shampoo, aerosol and cream. Let's talk about them in more detail and listen to feedback from consumers and specialists

Unconventional treatment: hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide: reviews

Unconventional treatment: hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide: reviews

With complex illnesses, we are ready to take anything to ease suffering and recover. Hydrogen peroxide has long been famous for the fact that it can be used to cure almost all diseases. Professor Neumyvakin developed detailed schemes for using peroxide to get rid of diseases

Cortisone acetate: purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Cortisone acetate: purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Cortisone is a very important steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. Glucocorticoid activates the synthesis of carbohydrates from protein, suppresses lymphoid organs, modifies metabolic processes, increases the body's resistance to stress. The pharmaceutical industry has developed an analogue to the human hormone - cortisone acetate. The drug is an effective synthetic corticosteroid

Do I need to prevent deworming in adults. Medicines for worms: tablets and tinctures

Do I need to prevent deworming in adults. Medicines for worms: tablets and tinctures

Just think, in the world there are more than 250 varieties of worms that can parasitize in the human body. And this is only officially registered! All of them are hazardous to he alth and can cause a number of diseases. In order not to be “captured” by parasites and so that your body does not become their “captive”, preventive measures should be taken

Strychnine - what is it? Instructions for use, symptoms of poisoning

Strychnine - what is it? Instructions for use, symptoms of poisoning

Strychnine substance - what is it? This tool has been used in medicine for a long time. Nevertheless, it belongs to especially dangerous toxic substances, so it must be used with extreme caution

The drug "Macmirror": cheaper analogues, release forms

The drug "Macmirror": cheaper analogues, release forms

Macmirror is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. The active component of the drug is active against fungi, worms and bacteria. With low toxicity, this tool is effective. Are there analogues cheaper than McMiror? Consider them in the article

"Mexibel" ("Belmedpreparaty"): reviews, instructions for use, release forms

"Mexibel" ("Belmedpreparaty"): reviews, instructions for use, release forms

"Mexibel" from "Belmedpreparatov" - a drug that has an antihypoxic, antioxidant, nootropic, anticonvulsant, membrane-protective, anxiolytic effect

Dental ointment "Solcoseryl": composition, instructions for use, review of analogues, reviews

Dental ointment "Solcoseryl": composition, instructions for use, review of analogues, reviews

Dental ointment "Solcoseryl" (or paste) is used in the practice of dentists to treat inflammation processes that affect the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. The drug has an angioprotective, cytostatic, regenerative and membrane-stabilizing effect, stimulates local immunity

"Neurontin": analogues, indications, composition, instructions for use, manufacturer

"Neurontin": analogues, indications, composition, instructions for use, manufacturer

Cramps are an unpleasant state of the body. They can be eliminated by taking special drugs. A good medical remedy is Neurontin. The country of origin of this medicine is Germany, so many patients have high hopes for it. But not always this medication is suitable for use. In the article, we will consider the instructions for the use of Neurontin. We will also name its analogues, contraindications, adverse reactions and prices

Proteus bacteriophage: composition, indications, instructions for use

Proteus bacteriophage: composition, indications, instructions for use

Proteus bacteriophage is intended for the treatment and prevention of purulent, enteric inflammatory diseases provoked by P. mirabilis and P. Vulgaris bacteria. The medicine has a specific antibacterial effect. What is the composition of Proteus bacteriophage?

Is it possible to "Strepsils" when breastfeeding: instructions for use and reviews

Is it possible to "Strepsils" when breastfeeding: instructions for use and reviews

Women during lactation often suffer from various diseases of a cold and viral origin. The most common are ENT pathologies. Their main manifestations are discomfort in the oral cavity, soreness when swallowing, perspiration, a feeling of dryness. In search of a solution to the problem that has arisen, nursing mothers often wonder if Strepsils is acceptable while breastfeeding

"Fukortsin" is an antiseptic for external use: composition, analogues, reviews

"Fukortsin" is an antiseptic for external use: composition, analogues, reviews

"Fukortsin" is a remedy that is also often called Castellani liquid. This solution has a rich dark red color, a specific smell that is easily recognizable. By the manufacturer, the medicinal solution is packaged in bottles made of tinted glass and equipped with shaving plugs or droppers for convenience

"Panangin" in ampoules: indications, instructions for use, reviews of cardiologists

"Panangin" in ampoules: indications, instructions for use, reviews of cardiologists

"Panangin" in ampoules is a drug that can affect the metabolism in tissues and contains magnesium and potassium. The drug is recommended for patients in the treatment of pathologies in the cardiovascular system, accompanied by impaired metabolism in the myocardium. The drug is contraindicated in childhood, during pregnancy, in patients suffering from hypermagnesemia (increased blood levels of magnesium) and hyperkalemia (increased blood levels of potassium)

"Ingavirin" antiviral: description, reviews of doctors

"Ingavirin" antiviral: description, reviews of doctors

The antiviral drug "Ingavirin" refers to innovative drugs that have an effective therapeutic effect. Due to the unique formula, the mechanism of action on viral particles, the absence of side effects and a wide range of antiviral activity, this remedy, if used in a timely manner, can significantly reduce the severity of the symptoms of diseases of viral etiology, preventing the development of severe complications

Hydrogen peroxide: shelf life after opening the vial, storage conditions, indications for use

Hydrogen peroxide: shelf life after opening the vial, storage conditions, indications for use

The chemical composition of peroxide contains 2 atoms of oxygen and hydrogen. It is commercially available in the form of an aqueous solution with concentrations of the active element of 3 or 5%. It is a colorless, odorless liquid. Peroxide is characterized by an unstable formula; in the light it decomposes with the release of oxygen. Other concentrated forms are hydroperite in the form of tablets and perhydrol - used as a hair lightener or for disinfection of premises

"Tamoxifen-Ebewe": indications for use, side effects, reviews

"Tamoxifen-Ebewe": indications for use, side effects, reviews

Tamoxifen Ebewe is an immunomodulatory and antineoplastic drug. It is used in hormonal therapy of oncological neoplasms. Belongs to the group of androgenic drugs. Produced "Tamoxifen Ebewe" in Austria

"Diclosan forte", cream: instructions for use

"Diclosan forte", cream: instructions for use

Cream "Diclosan Forte" is a bioactive supplement designed for joint therapy. The composition of the drug contains components of plant and synthetic origin. Often, the cream is recommended as part of the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis. Against the background of the use of a medicinal cream, restoration of cartilaginous, bone, soft tissues affected by the disease is observed

Kabiven peripheral: composition, instructions for use

Kabiven peripheral: composition, instructions for use

There are many different diseases that lead to extremely serious consequences and require long-term inpatient treatment. Some patients cannot eat food on their own, there is a need for the use of drugs that are reassigned for parenteral nutrition

"Ciprobay": analogues, active substance, instructions for use

"Ciprobay": analogues, active substance, instructions for use

The considered pharmacological agent is active against a variety of gram-negative and gram-positive pathogens. The bactericidal property of the active substance is due to the process of suppression of bacterial topoisomerases of type II (topoisomerase IV and topoisomerase II), without which the process of replication, transcription, repair and recombination of bacterial DNA is impossible

"Gexaliz": analogues, composition, application, reviews

"Gexaliz": analogues, composition, application, reviews

The drug effectively affects the human body due to the components in its composition: enoxolone, baclotimol, lysozyme. The medicine is suitable for the treatment of chronic forms of diseases of the oral cavity, larynx, pharynx. The toxic effect of the drug is insignificant, and therefore it can be prescribed in childhood

Capsules "Proctosedil": composition, application, result, reviews

Capsules "Proctosedil": composition, application, result, reviews

The drug is a remedy for hemorrhoids, which in a few minutes can relieve pain and itching in the anus. These capsules relieve swelling of the hemorrhoids along with muscle spasms in the rectal canal. Due to the composition, Proctosedil capsules replace several drugs intended for topical use in hemorrhoids at once. After all, it is always much cheaper and more convenient to cure the disease with one drug than using several

"Ciprofloxacin-Akos": instructions for use

"Ciprofloxacin-Akos": instructions for use

One milliliter contains three milligrams of ciprofloxacin (as hydrochloride). The following substances act as auxiliary substances: disodium s alt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, water for injection, mannitol or mannitol, benzalkonium chloride, acetic glacial acid, sodium acetate trihydrate or anhydrous

"Zerkalin": analogues, composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

"Zerkalin": analogues, composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

People often experience acne, which does not depend on age and gender, but most often this problem occurs in adolescents. Because of acne, people are embarrassed by their own reflection in the mirror, because they appear several at a time and cause a lot of inconvenience

Cheap analogue of "Perindopril". "Perindopril": analogues, synonyms and replacement, instructions for use

Cheap analogue of "Perindopril". "Perindopril": analogues, synonyms and replacement, instructions for use

High blood pressure is a common diagnosis in today's society. ACE inhibitors help prevent strokes and heart attacks. The article will describe in detail the drug from this group - "Perindopril" and its cheap analogues and substitutes

Which is better: "Persen" or "Novopassit"?

Which is better: "Persen" or "Novopassit"?

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide variety of different sedatives. But which one to choose if necessary? For example, which is better - "Persen" or "Novopassit"?

Drops for oral administration "Valocordin-Doxylamine". "Valocordin-Doxylamin": instructions for use and reviews

Drops for oral administration "Valocordin-Doxylamine". "Valocordin-Doxylamin": instructions for use and reviews

The modern pharmacological market offers a huge amount of antihistamines. By the way, most of these drugs are not only allergic, but also have a sedative effect. One of them is a drug called "Valocordin-Doxylamine"

"Persen night": reviews, instructions, composition, indications for use

"Persen night": reviews, instructions, composition, indications for use

Why is Persen Night needed? Reviews about this drug, its composition, form of release and indications for admission will be discussed a little further. We will also provide detailed instructions for use, tell you what contraindications and side effects this drug has, what will happen in case of an overdose, etc

Does the sedative "Valocordin" lower or increase blood pressure?

Does the sedative "Valocordin" lower or increase blood pressure?

"Valocordin" is a combined type of drug, because it contains several active ingredients. The drug has a sedative effect, dilates blood vessels, relieves their spasm, in addition, it has a slight hypnotic effect. But something else is interesting: does Valocordin increase or decrease blood pressure?

Phosphorus preparations: application, daily intake for humans

Phosphorus preparations: application, daily intake for humans

Today we invite you to talk about the variety of phosphorus preparations and why our body needs it at all. Let's start with the fact that this macronutrient is vital, since it is he who takes part in many biological processes in our body. It is important to know that each of our cells contains phosphorus, but the largest amount is found in bones and teeth

What is the available analogue of "Bepanthen"?

What is the available analogue of "Bepanthen"?

Ointment "Bepanthen" - a remedy for external use. The active substance is provitamin B5 (dexpanthenol). The component undergoes rapid absorption in the cells of the skin

Cytisine - what is this substance? Reviews, instructions for use

Cytisine - what is this substance? Reviews, instructions for use

Cytisine - what is this substance and in what situations is it used? This is an organic compound containing in such preparations as "Cytisine", "Tabex", "Cipirkuten". These medicines are created with one goal - to rid a person of nicotine addiction. Today we will consider how to properly use drugs with the active ingredient cytisine

"Gerimax Energy": reviews and analogues

"Gerimax Energy": reviews and analogues

Regular deficiency of nutrients is one of the causes of chronic fatigue, as well as insomnia and metabolic disorders. Thus, this factor leads to various malfunctions in the body. To help solve this problem in men and women, the drug "Gerimaks Energy" was developed

Retinoids for acne: pills, ointments, creams

Retinoids for acne: pills, ointments, creams

Many people in the world - and this applies not only to women, but also to men - suffer from acne. In some, it is not very pronounced, while in others, not only the entire face, but also the back, neck and chest can be affected. There is an opinion that retinoids are great for acne, but is it really so? And which ones are the best to use?

Pills "9 months Folic acid": instructions, composition, indications for use, side effects, manufacturer

Pills "9 months Folic acid": instructions, composition, indications for use, side effects, manufacturer

Necessary for normal maturation of megaloblasts and formation of normoblasts. Stimulates erythropoiesis, participates in the synthesis of amino acids (including glycine, methionine), nucleic acids, purines, pyrimidines, in the metabolism of choline, histidine. In other words, it is used in different industries

Ointment "Doctor Mom": instructions for use, indications, reviews

Ointment "Doctor Mom": instructions for use, indications, reviews

Drugs prescribed for babies occupy a separate niche in pharmacology. The child's body is still very sensitive, so not all the drugs that are prescribed to adults are suitable for him. Children need reliable and effective drugs. These include the "Doctor Mom" ointment, which is prescribed for external use

"Genferon Light": instructions for use, composition and reviews

"Genferon Light": instructions for use, composition and reviews

There are many drugs that affect the child's defense system, but Genferon Light is considered the most popular among them. It is produced in the form of suppositories and effectively strengthens the child's immunity. It is used both for treatment and as a prophylactic

Foot cream for diabetics: an overview of the best drugs, composition, effectiveness, reviews

Foot cream for diabetics: an overview of the best drugs, composition, effectiveness, reviews

The main diseases in human diabetes and common symptoms of the lesion. Features of caring for sore feet and the use of effective and therapeutic creams with urea in the composition. Effective topical preparations and their application