The appearance of various ulcers in the oral cavity indicates an infectious lesion of the mucous membranes. These formations can cause severe discomfort. But before you figure out how the ulcer on the gum is treated, you need to figure out the reason why it appeared.
Possible diseases

Noticing incomprehensible formations in the oral cavity, it is advisable to see a dentist and a therapist. An ulcer on the gum may indicate that a person has:
- aphthous, herpetic or candidal stomatitis;
- common infectious diseases;
- beriberi;
- a certain area of the mucosa is constantly injured.
Depending on the reason for the appearance of an ulcer on the gum, how to treat - in each case, you need to find out separately.
Characteristic symptoms of stomatitis
If you notice ulcerations with a white color on the cheeks or gums, you should consult a doctor. This is how stomatitis can manifest itself.
With aphthous type of disease, the entire oral mucosa becomes inflamed. Ulcers look like round red lesions with a white coating in the center. They cause great discomfort, peoplecomplain of severe pain. Most patients cannot talk, eat, drink normally. This disease can be chronic. Relapses appear after stress, with poor oral hygiene, with the activation of a viral infection or as a result of injuries.
Herpetic infection causes multiple ulcers. Each ulcer on the gum is formed after a vial of liquid is opened. Up to this point, the formations on the mucous membranes are no different from those that appear on the lips or in the nose.
With candidal stomatitis in the mouth, you can see multiple white ulcers on the gums. The causes of their occurrence are the activation of fungi of the genus Candida. A reddened area covered with a dense spot of white purulent plaque is an ulcer on the gum. A photo of the affected mucous membranes makes it possible to imagine how this disease manifests itself.
Common somatic diseases

Some diseases cause damage to the oral mucosa. These include HIV infection, syphilis, pulmonary tuberculosis.
Also, necrotizing gingivostomatitis provokes the appearance of ulcers. With this infectious disease, the cheeks, arches, soft palate, gums, and tonsils are affected. The disease develops against the background of a decrease in the overall resistance of the body. With this type of gingivostomatitis, bad breath appears, body temperature rises, and salivation increases. The gums become swollen and bleed when touched. Each ulcer on the gum is covered with a dirty green coating and has uneven softedges.
When syphilis appears, ulcers are rounded, with even raised edges and a specific cartilaginous infiltrate. The bottom of the ulcer is saturated red, may be covered with a grayish layer of plaque. These manifestations disappear in 3-12 weeks, scarring is possible at their location.
A secondary manifestation of pulmonary tuberculosis is damage to the oral mucosa. But with this disease, the cheeks, tongue and bottom of the cavity are mainly affected. Gums stay clean most of the time.
Other factors that lead to ulceration

With a lack of vitamin C, scurvy occurs. With this disease, ulcers can form in the oral cavity. They are formed from microcracks in the mucosa. Pathogenic microflora penetrates into the damaged integuments of the oral cavity. As a result, an ulcer can form on the gum. The treatment is to take vitamin C.
With permanent damage to the mucosa, traumatic ulcers are formed. Incorrectly installed crowns, dentures, fillings, destroyed teeth lead to their appearance. When the traumatic factor is eliminated, the healing of the ulcer takes place in 2 weeks. Treatment in such situations is not necessary. If the mucosa does not recover, then the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory or antimicrobial drugs. A good effect can be achieved when using an ultrasonic brush. It not only cleans the surface of the teeth, but also has an antibacterial effect.
Problems in children

Sometimes parents notice that an ulcer has appeared on the gums of a child. Self-medication in such a situation is not worth it. It is important to show the baby to the doctor, establish the correct diagnosis and choose the appropriate treatment.
In the smallest patients, ulceration results:
- injuries of the oral cavity;
- infectious lesions;
- burns.
Every child can damage the delicate mucous membrane by taking a hard toy unsuccessfully into his mouth. Also, any falls and bumps can lead to this. When pathogenic microflora is attached, stomatitis may develop against this background.
But often ulceration is formed under the influence of various viruses or bacteria. Against the background of taking antibacterial drugs, the baby may experience candidal stomatitis.
Selection of treatment tactics

It is possible to determine how to alleviate the condition and get rid of ulcers on the mucous membrane only after a full examination. The doctor can choose the most appropriate therapy if he is sure of the diagnosis.
For example, aphthous stomatitis, which occurs without complications, disappears in 7-10 days. In severe cases, the disease can drag on for 4 weeks. To temporarily alleviate the condition, the doctor may advise you to treat the oral cavity with antiseptics. You can use solutions of chlorhexidine, furacilin or hydrogen peroxide. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen general immunity.
For the treatment of herpetic stomatitis, doctors advise using Acyclovir. Alternatively, you can use Foscarnet or"Cidofivir". In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the body receives an increased amount of vitamin C. At the same time, doctors also prescribe antihistamines.
If ulcers on the gums appeared as a result of the progression of common diseases such as syphilis, HIV, then all efforts should be directed to eliminating the underlying problem.
Preventive methods

Mouth ulcers can be prevented by good oral hygiene and strengthening the immune system. Regardless of what kind of disease caused the violation of the integrity of the mucosa, it occurs against the background of a weakening of the body's defenses. Regular intake of vitamin C will not only strengthen the immune system, but can also prevent the development of scurvy.
Special attention should be paid to the prevention of common infectious diseases. You can prevent the entry of HIV or the syphilis virus into the body if you monitor your he alth. To do this, it is necessary to use exclusively barrier methods of contraception and exclude the possibility of the virus entering the blood directly.
Even one white ulcer on the gum should alert. An examination by a doctor will help to identify the problem in time and choose the appropriate treatment. With the right approach, stomatitis can be eliminated in 7 days. And if you go to the doctor too late or do not listen to the recommendations, injure the ulcers, then the treatment may be delayed for a month.
Folk Therapy

Healers and worshipers alternative medicine can advise many methods that allow you to get rid of ulceration on the gums. But even they say that first you need to make a diagnosis.
For almost all diseases that cause ulcers, it is necessary to saturate the body with vitamin C. To do this, you need to adjust the diet. The diet should include black currants, sweet peppers, rosehip broth, kiwi, parsley, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, Brussels sprouts.
Rinse the oral cavity folk healers advise herbal infusions. With aphthous ulcers, they recommend brewing calendula. To do this, a tablespoon of flowers is poured into a thermos and poured with a glass of boiling water. In an hour, the infusion will be ready. They need to rinse their mouths at least 3 times a day. With viral stomatitis, including herpetic, a solution of potassium permanganate should help. To prepare it, you need to take a few crystals (on the tip of a knife) and dissolve them in a glass of water. You can rinse your mouth every 3 hours.
Regardless of the cause of the disease, you can relieve the pain a little by repeatedly rinsing with a mixture of soda and s alt. To prepare the solution in a glass of warm water, it is necessary to dissolve half a teaspoon of s alt and soda. Ulcers can be treated with vitamin B12 solution.