In the article, we will consider analogues of "Zerkalin" and reviews about the drug.
People often experience acne, which does not depend on age and gender, but most often this problem occurs in adolescents. Because of acne, people are embarrassed by their own reflection in the mirror, because they appear several at a time and cause a lot of inconvenience. You can get rid of acne with folk remedies, but they are not as effective as medicinal ones. These drugs include Zerkalin, which will help remove acne.

Moderate to mild acne can be treated with antibiotics, including clindamycin. Thanks to this substance, the protein is not synthesized in the microbe cell, which causes the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, whose vital activity causes the appearance of acne.
Analogues of "Zerkalin" are described in detail below.
Composition and release form
The preparation contains clindamycin hydrochloride in the amount of 1.14 grams in one hundred milliliters. Available as an alcohol solution of 1%.
Compositionanalogues of "Zerkalin" is exactly the same.
Indications for use and contraindications
The drug is prescribed for the treatment of acne (acne).
It is unacceptable to use the product in the following cases:
- simultaneous use of muscle relaxants;
- pseudomembranous colitis;
- under the age of twelve;
- excessive sensitivity to the active substance;
- lactation period;
- Crohn's disease.
Side effects
Solution "Zerkalin" can cause redness, irritation, peeling, burning, skin dryness at the site of application. The secretion of the skin may increase. With absorption, the possibility of abdominal pain, diarrhea is likely, quite rarely pseudomembranous type enterocolitis develops. If it gets into the eyes, they burn.
Instructions for use
The drug is used externally. Before applying it, the inflamed area must be cleaned and dried. The product is applied in the morning and evening. To get the effect, continue treatment for one and a half to two months, if necessary - six months.

There is a warning in the instructions for use to avoid contact of the acne remedy with the mouth and eyes. Wash hands thoroughly after use. In case of accidental contact of the drug with these areas, wash them with plenty of water.
Analogues cheaper than "Zerkalin" wants to find every patient.
Patients who used "Zerkalin" fromrash, leave positive feedback. According to them, after a few days of treatment, the number of acne is reduced by 50%, inflammation and redness disappear. External treatment usually does not cause systemic side effects and skin hypersensitivity. Everyone notes that this remedy is much more effective than tetracycline-based drugs, for example, tetracycline ointment. The solution is called a real savior, a real effect is noted even after many years of unsuccessful attempts at treatment by other means.
There are reviews on the use of the drug for severe acne. It is noted that treatment in this case only with local application of an antibiotic is not very rational and effective - the solution does not affect all stages of acne pathogenesis. Systemic appointments by a specialist of active antibiotics, hormones and retinoids are necessary. With prolonged local treatment, there is a possibility of the formation of resistance of the pathogenic flora.
There are also negative reviews about "Zerkalin", which say that this is not the best remedy for treating acne. The antibiotic is dissolved in alcohol (96%). It dries the top layer of the skin, while one of the causes of acne under the skin is its drying out, which is why the inflammation cannot come out for a long time.

Analogues of "Zerkalin"
Recommended analogues are drugs with the most similar content and the same medicinal properties. There are both cheap and expensive analogues of the Zerkalin solution.
Its analogues with the same actingsubstance. These are the preparations "Klindovit", "Klenzit-S", "Klindatop", "Dalacin T". Let's describe the most popular.
Clindamycin and preparations based on it
This is the most popular analogue of "Zerkalin" in Russia.
Clindamycin is a bacteriostatic antibiotic, which is a semi-synthetic analogue of the natural antibiotic lincomycin, and therefore it is one of the lincosamides. It functions with the 50S subunit of the ribosome membrane and prevents protein synthesis in bacterial cells. The antibiotic is especially effective against gram-positive bacteria, including propionibacteria and staphylococci. Inhibition of the vital activity of these microorganisms allows you to cure acne and prevent the occurrence of new rashes.
To get rid of acne, clindamycin is used externally, while it can be both the main method of therapy and an addition to the treatment of a systemic nature. Positive results, in particular, can be achieved when the antibiotic is combined with retinoids, zinc (vitamin A derivatives) or benzoyl peroxide. However, it is important to mention that clindamycin is not used at the same time as another antibiotic, such as erythromycin, as they cancel out each other's effects.

In any case, you need to remember that over time, in relation to any antibiotics, bacteria develop resistance (resistance), therefore, with a repeated treatment course, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve complete cleansing of the skin from acne.
That is why the cure must be achieved from the firstcourse of use of the funds. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to take a skin scraping from a dermatologist to identify the flora (to detect the type of pathogen), and then start using the drug. Otherwise, you can start the pathological process and develop resistance to therapy in bacteria. Then you will have to diligently and for a long time select the medicine, and it is not a fact that it will be possible to eliminate acne forever. The antibiotic is not available in a standalone dosage form that would be intended to get rid of acne, but it is the active ingredient in several products that can be used in this area.
An analogue of "Zerkalin", "Dalacin" has a wide range of influence, as it contains clindamycin. The tool is very effective in the fight against acne, boils and pimples. It can be used alone or in combination with other drugs. Treatment with this medicine in any case can only be prescribed by a dermatologist.

Like any other drug containing an antibiotic, Dalacin gel can gradually become addictive. It can be recognized in the absence of effect and acne remaining on the face. In this case, you need to choose another drug or cosmetic product against acne. In general, this medicine is very effective, but until a certain time. For some, addiction begins in just a few months, while for others it may appear after a year of continuous use. Each organism has its own characteristics. After reading reviewspatients, in any case, we can conclude that the drug really helps to fight acne, both with small pimples and with severe forms of acne.
The gel is only used topically in the treatment of acne. It may be given at the same time as other rash remedies. Regarding the dosage, it must be said that the gel is applied two to three times a day on the inflamed areas of the skin. It is contraindicated in patients with allergic reactions to the composition.
What other analogues does Zerkalin have?
Produced in tubes of 30 ml and costs from 200 to 300 rubles. The active ingredient is clindamycin phosphate, the concentration of which per gram of the product is ten milligrams. The drug must be kept in the refrigerator to preserve all its healing properties.

The gel is applied to problem skin areas in a thin layer two to three times a day. In parallel, you can use other medicines, for example, the therapeutic course with Effezel becomes the best choice.
Duration of use of the drug averages from 6 to 8 weeks, but can last up to six months. This treatment allows you to destroy the bacteria that cause acne, under the influence of clindamycin phosphate in the ducts of the sebaceous glands. This will additionally cause a reduction in dermal fatty acids from fourteen percent to two.
Analogues of the Zerkalin solution can be purchased at any pharmacy.
Klenzit gel is produced in tubes of 30 and 15 grams, costs 500-800rubles, depending on the volume of the container. This is a combined remedy, since it has two active ingredients - clindamycin phosphate and adapalene, their content per gram of gel is ten and one milligram, respectively.
Clindamycin is intended for antibacterial effect, adapalene is a retinoid metabolite with the following features:
- has comedonolytic activity - acts on closed and open comedones;
- stabilizes the processes of cellular keratinization;
- helps normalize the differentiation of follicular epithelial cells, so the formation of microcomedones occurs in a smaller amount.
"Klenzit-S", thus, acts in a complex, actively fighting inflamed acne. The gel is applied to cleansed and dried skin once a day with a thin layer, and it is better to do this at night. It is necessary to avoid the area near the lips and eyes when applying.

The effect of use is observed already in the first week, but the total duration of the course on average ranges from 2 to 4 weeks. If the case is complex, the dermatologist may suggest that the patient apply the gel for three months.
This confirms the instructions for use for the analogue of "Zerkalin".
Means with antibacterial effect for the treatment of acne. Colorless transparent and thick gel for external use. Contains 10 milligrams of clindamycin as phosphate.
Indicated for moderate to mild rashes. usedexternal.
Apply a thin layer on the inflamed area of cleansed and dried skin two to three times a day. It may take up to twelve weeks for the rash to show a therapeutic effect.
We reviewed cheaper analogues of Zerkalin.