"Neurontin": analogues, indications, composition, instructions for use, manufacturer

"Neurontin": analogues, indications, composition, instructions for use, manufacturer
"Neurontin": analogues, indications, composition, instructions for use, manufacturer

Cramps are an unpleasant state of the body. They can be eliminated by taking special drugs. A good medical remedy is Neurontin. The country of origin of this medicine is Germany, so many patients have high hopes for it.

But not always this medication is suitable for use. In the article, we will consider the instructions for the use of Neurontin. We will also name its analogues that can be used if the described drug is not suitable.

Image "Neurontin" instructions for use
Image "Neurontin" instructions for use

Instructions for use

Neurontin is a medicine prescribed by doctors for leg cramps. In its structure, this agent is similar to the transmitters between the executive cells and aminobutyric acid neurons. Under the action of the drug, the active ingredient comes into contact with the subunitscalcium channels. Such an effect provokes a decrease in the flow of calcium ions, and also helps to reduce the possibility of the formation of a pain sensation of a neuropathic nature.

According to the instructions for the use of "Neurontin", the bioavailability of this drug decreases with the introduction of large doses. So, taking 900 milligrams per day allows the patient to receive sixty percent of the maximum concentration of this drug in the blood. At 1200 milligrams per day, the concentration is reduced to forty-seven percent. The highest plasma level of the active ingredient is recorded three hours after ingestion. The withdrawal period is, on average, about six hours. In the human body, this remedy is practically not subject to any absorption, being excreted from the bloodstream in a natural way through the kidneys.


"Neurontin" is prescribed in such cases:

  • In epilepsy against the background of partial seizures with and without secondary generalization in adult patients and children over the age of twelve.
  • In the presence of partial seizures with secondary generalization in adults as an additional drug.
  • For resistant epilepsy in children older than three.
  • Against the background of neuropathy in patients older than eighteen years.

Are Neurontin and alcohol compatible? Such interaction should be categorically excluded. Also, during the course of treatment with the drug in question, you can not drive a car and other mechanisms.

Image"Neurontin" composition
Image"Neurontin" composition


The drug is prescribed according to the diagnosed disease:

  • For neuropathic pain, 3 doses of 900 milligrams per day are prescribed. On demand, this volume is increased to 3600 milligrams.
  • For partial seizures, initial dosage for adolescents 12 years of age and older and adults begins at 300 milligrams three times a day. Gradually increase the dose to 900 milligrams three times a day. The intervals between injections of this drug should not exceed twelve hours.
  • For partial convulsions in children, a dose of medicine for babies from three to twelve years old is calculated according to the patient's weight. The drug is administered in a volume of 15 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

The following treatment regimen is also possible:

First day - 1 x 300 mg.

Second day - 2 times 300 mg with a break between doses of 12 hours.

Third day - 3 times 300 mg. Break between doses of at least hours.

Following days - the dosage remains unchanged or gradually increases (depending on the condition of the patient). The maximum dose is 3.6 grams per day.

As you can see, the most commonly used dosage of Neurontin is 300 mg.

For kidney failure

Additionally adjust the dosage in the presence of renal failure. For elderly patients, the half-life varies. Children and adolescents do not differ in an extended period of fixation of maximum concentrations in the blood. This drug is prescribed only by the attending physician. Buyit is not freely available in a pharmacy. This is done only by prescription. The dosage is not independently prescribed and not increased. Any manipulation with the amount of input can have an extremely negative impact on the general condition of the patient.

Issue form

"Neurontin" is produced in tablet form and in capsules. Tablets have the shape of an ellipse, covered with a white shell. Each has a black inscription if the tablet contains 600 mg of the main substance, and orange if the main component is 800 mg.

Capsules are different. Those in which 100 mg of the main component are white in color. Capsules "Neurontin" 300 - light yellow, and containing 400 mg of active ingredient - gray-orange. They have the name of the drug written in blue or gray, the amount of the main substance, "PD" tablets are packed in blisters of 10 pieces. Each pack may contain 2 blisters, 5 or 10.

Image"Neurontin" reviews
Image"Neurontin" reviews

Composition of Neurontin

The drug in question contains the active ingredient gabapentin. It can be in one pill 600 or 800 mg.

In addition, the composition includes:

  • Talc.
  • Corn starch.
  • Magnesium stearate.
  • Copovidone.
  • Polishing wax.
  • Hypolase.
  • Poloxamer 407.
  • Opadry White.

Each capsule also contains gabapentin, but in quantities of 100mg, 300mg or 400mg. Among the excipients are present: talc, corn starch, hypolase.

Who can'ttake Neurontin

There are few contraindications for this drug:

  • Children under 3.
  • Intolerance to any substance that is part of the drug.
  • Kidney failure.

Adverse reactions

"Neurontin" can cause many negative responses of the body to its reception. Among them:

  • Problems with the digestive tract (flatulence, diarrhea or constipation, vomiting, nausea, changes in appetite, abdominal pain).
  • Deterioration of general condition (lethargy, fatigue, weight gain, weakness, all flu symptoms, swelling, decreased immunity).
  • Violation of the nervous system (insomnia, unstable mood, depression, drowsiness, impaired memory, thinking, speech, gait).
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Irregular heart rhythms.
  • Increase in pressure.
  • Leukopenia.
  • Bruising.
Image "Neurontin" readings
Image "Neurontin" readings


Price for this drug varies depending on the format. So, dragees with a dosage of 400 milligrams are sold for eight hundred and seventy rubles. A dosage of 600 milligrams is sold for two hundred and fifty rubles. The cost of capsules in a dosage of 300 milligrams for fifty pieces will be 900 rubles. If for some reason this medicine cannot be used, there are many other medicines in the pharmacy network that have the same therapeutic effect. Consider the analogues of Neurontin.


It is worth noting that the cost of thismedication is high enough. Not every patient can buy this drug for such a price. Therefore, if replacement is necessary, you can pick up drugs with a similar principle of action.

Analogues of Neurontin are produced by domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies. Some funds have not only a similar principle of action, but also the composition. Others may have a different active substance, but are designed to perform the same function as the original remedy.

Each drug has an impressive list of side effects.

Image "Neurontin" analogues in tablets
Image "Neurontin" analogues in tablets

Cheap Russian substitutes

Among the analogues of "Neurontin" are drugs that are manufactured in our country. It is worth saying that these drugs are not inferior in effectiveness to the German remedy. These include the following drugs: Gabapentin, Konvalis, Benzonal, Lamictal, Topamax, Pagrufecat and Phenobarbital.

Among these medications, there are drugs that also contain gabapentin. It is contained in Lepsitin and Gabapentin. Other medicines include different ingredients in the list of their components. For example, Benzonal has benzobarbital, Lamictal has lamotrigine, Phenobarbital has phenobarbital, and Topamak has topiramate.

The cheapest analogues of "Neurontin" in tablets are "Pagryufekat", the cost of which is ninety rubles, and "Benzonal", which costs two hundred rubles. At the same level in terms of cost is "Gabapentin" with "Convalis". The price of these drugskeeps around five hundred rubles. Expensive funds are Lamictal (its price is one thousand rubles) and Topamax (it costs two thousand rubles).

You should take into account the existing contraindications before purchasing Neurontin analogues. Drugs that are allowed to be administered to children from two years old are analogues in the form of Benzonal, Phenobarbital, Lamictal and Topamax. From the age of three, it is possible to use Gabapentin and Pagryufekat. Prohibited until adolescence "Konvalis".

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use with caution funds in the form of Topamax, Lamictal and Convalis. It is forbidden to carry out treatment with Gabapentin and Benzonal analogues, as well as Pagrufecat during the first trimester.

Cheap foreign analogues

Production of substitutes for the drug "Neurontin" is carried out by foreign pharmaceutical companies. Analogues of the original product can be purchased from the following producing countries:

  • Germany supplies Gabagamma with Finlepsin and Lyrica.
  • Iceland produces Gapenek with Convulsan.
  • Croatia produces Katena with Lepsitin and Algerica.
  • Belgium produces Keppra.
  • Hungary produces Tebantin along with Egipentin and Lamolep.
  • Ukraine produces Levitsitam.
  • Macedonia produces Seizar.
  • India produces Valparin with Eplirontin.
  • US produces Gabitril.
  • Portugal releases analogue of "Egipentine".

Some foreignanalogues of Neurontin include the active substance gabapentin in their composition. These drugs include Gapentek, Gabagamma, Katena, Lepsitin, Tebantin, Eplirontin and Egipentin. Other analogues in the composition include the following active ingredients:

  • The substance lamotrigine is part of Convulsan, Lamolep, Seizar.
  • The pregabalin component is present in Lyrica and Algerica.
  • The substance tiagabine is found in Gibitril.
  • The levetiracetam component is found in Keppra and Levicitam.
  • The substance carbamazepine is contained in Finlepsin.
  • Valproic acid is found in Valparin.
Image "Neurontin" and alcohol
Image "Neurontin" and alcohol

Anticonvulsant and antiepileptic analogues

Anticonvulsant qualities are possessed by Gabagamma, Gapentek, Katena, Tebantin, Valparin, Gabitril, Seizar and Lyrica. Epileptic seizures are eliminated by such analogues of Neurontin: Eplirontin, Egipentin, Lepsitina, Lamolep, Levitsitam, Finlepsin and Algerica. At the same time, Keppra and Gibitril are used for convulsions and the presence of epilepsy.

Almost all of these substitutes are available in the form of capsules and tablets. In the form of capsules at a dosage of 400 milligrams, Gabagamma, Gapentek, Catena, Tebantin, Algerica, Lyrica and Eplirontin are sold. The latter drug is also produced in tablet format. In addition, in tablets you can buy Egipentin, Konvulsan, Lamolep, Gabitril, Seizar, Levitsitam and Philepsin. You can also buy Keppra in pills. In addition, it is sold in the form of syrup and infusion solutions. An analogue of Valparin is produced in a liquid consistency.

Analogues during pregnancy

It is strictly forbidden to recommend Algerica and Gabagamma for therapy during pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, you can use Katena, Lepsitin, Gapentek, Eplirontin, Konvulsan, Seizar, Levitsitam, Keppra and Finlepsin, as well as Lyrica for treatment.

It is forbidden to use "Tebantin" during lactation, and "Valparin" in the first trimester of pregnancy. With great care, under the supervision of a doctor, Egipentin, Gabitril and Lamolep are used at this time.

Let's figure out which is better, Gabapentin or Neurontin.

Comparison with Gabapentin

Despite similar pharmacokinetic and pharmacological properties, there are differences between Neurontin and Gabapentin. So, the first drug has a more predictable pharmacokinetics, the action has a greater similarity with the receptors, as well as a higher activity.

Image "Gabapentin" or "Neurontin" which is better
Image "Gabapentin" or "Neurontin" which is better

Several studies have found Neurontin to have fewer side effects. It may also be more effective than gabapentin for neuropathic pain. Some studies have found that the dosing ratio of Gabapentin and Neurontin is approximately six to one as part of the transition from one drug to another. In addition, a quick transition from Gabapentin toNeurontin is easily tolerated by patients.

Let's consider reviews of Neurontin from patients and doctors.

Opinions of patients and doctors

Reviews about Neurontin are mixed. This drug is often used in medical practice. Patients and doctors find these remedies effective. Most often they are used against the background of epilepsy. "Gabapentin" and "Neurontin" well eliminate neuropathic pain. According to reviews, the last drug works a little better.

Cheap analogs and patients, and doctors remain dissatisfied, because they are less effective, cause a lot of side effects. Doctors advise not to save on he alth and purchase a quality drug.

Also, patients are dissatisfied with the high cost of Neurontin and its foreign analogues.

Among the negative reviews about Neuronin, one can find statements that this drug also has a lot of adverse reactions, as well as a too long period of adaptation after stopping the course of treatment.
