Psychosomatics of epilepsy: causes, symptoms, treatment

Psychosomatics of epilepsy: causes, symptoms, treatment
Psychosomatics of epilepsy: causes, symptoms, treatment

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological pathologies. It is a chronic disease characterized by recurrent seizures. Moreover, convulsions can be not only generalized, seizures are sometimes almost invisible externally, they are manifested only by a slight muscle twitching or a short-term loss of consciousness. It is believed that this disease appears due to a violation of the conduction of impulses in the brain. But the causes of many cases of illness can only be explained by psychosomatics. Epilepsy is one of those pathologies that often begins after severe stress or psychological distress.

General characteristics of pathology

Epilepsy, according to many, is a terrible and dangerous disease. And it really is. Pathology causes the appearance of convulsive seizures, which lead to the patient's consciousness turning off and can be fatal. The attack itself is a convulsive contraction of individual groups or muscles of the whole body. The patient does not feel pain and usually then does not remember what happened to him.happened. From the outside, a generalized attack looks pretty scary. After all, the patient can arch, foam can come out of his mouth. Epilepsy is a fairly common disease. Nearly 40 million people worldwide suffer from it. Moreover, more than half of the patients are children and adolescents.

Epileptic symptoms

The disease itself can occur in different forms. A mild course of epilepsy may be imperceptible from the outside. An attack is a short-term shutdown of the patient's consciousness, he just freezes for a few seconds, loses touch with reality. This may be accompanied by slight twitching of the eyelids, facial muscles. Such an attack often goes unnoticed not only for others, but also for the patient himself.

A more serious form of the disease is epileptic seizures. Many associate pathology with them. The attack is a convulsive contraction of almost all muscles, often the patient's body arches. It is especially dangerous when such attacks pass one after another. In this case, there is a risk of stopping breathing due to spasm. Epileptic seizures usually occur unexpectedly. It is difficult to understand what can provoke them.

Sometimes epilepsy affects the mental abilities of the patient and his psychological state. This can be expressed in the occurrence of hallucinations, delusions, neuroses. Sometimes they take the form of an affective disorder. Patients often become more aggressive, irritable, and may also develop dementia.

epilepsy attack
epilepsy attack

How does an attack go

According to the theory of psychosomatics, epilepsy is an internal conflict, a person's protest against violence. But this can be taken into account for the prevention of seizures. If the seizure has already happened, the patient himself cannot do anything, since he loses contact with the outside world, his consciousness turns off, and then he does not remember what happened to him. Therefore, it is very important that those who are close to the patient during an attack understand what needs to be done. There are some tips that will help the patient to more easily survive the consequences of an attack:

  • you can not forcibly restrain the convulsive movements of the patient, try to unclench his teeth;
  • no need for artificial respiration or cardiac massage;
  • do not move or lift the patient until the attack is over;
  • you need to try to put something soft under his head;
  • preferably turn his head to one side;
  • it is necessary to ensure peace and safety for the patient, often after an attack for 10-30 minutes he cannot get up.
  • what to do when attacked
    what to do when attacked

Causes of epilepsy

Psychosomatics often explains in more detail why this disease develops. According to doctors, an epileptic seizure occurs due to the fact that some part of the brain is exposed to excitation. This can happen when all neurons in that area fire synchronously. This condition can be caused by various reasons:

  • stroke, prolonged cerebrovascular accident;
  • head injury;
  • meningitis or encephalitis;
  • tumorsbrain, cysts or swelling;
  • chronic infection;
  • diphtheria, parotitis, typhus;
  • acute metabolic disorder;
  • alcoholism;
  • birth trauma.
what is epilepsy
what is epilepsy

Why does disease occur?

Psychosomatics explains epilepsy with psychological causes. Experts in this area of psychology believe that the essence of epilepsy is that the patient has a strong internal conflict. He literally tears a person apart with contradictions. On a physical level, this manifests itself in epileptic seizures. Psychosomatics explains that they can be provoked by violence, strong psychological stress, fear or conflict with the outside world. This condition develops for a long time, during which the patient must constantly suppress his desires, experience discomfort in communicating with people.

Especially often for these reasons, epilepsy develops in a child. Psychosomatics in this case explains that the disease appears in those children who often experience despair and anger, who are suppressed at home, forced to do something against their desire, who are limited, they try to break and crush their personality.

what causes epilepsy
what causes epilepsy

Psychosomatics of epilepsy in adults

What to change in their behavior, the patient can advise a psychologist. Especially often such violations are observed if epilepsy develops after 25 years. It is at this age that certain mental reactions accumulate and the patient's behavior style is developed. Oftenthe disease develops due to various phobias, fears that arose in childhood. This leads to constant mental stress, due to which the electrical activity of the brain gradually changes. People who suffer from severe psychological trauma in childhood, feel the need for solitude or do not have sufficient social adaptation get sick with epilepsy.

psychosomatic causes
psychosomatic causes

How to treat the disease

Now epilepsy is being treated with medication by a neurologist. In most cases, with the right medications, you can get rid of attacks and keep the disease under control. Modern medicines help to fully recover in 70% of cases. They are prescribed by a neurologist after an examination. All drugs are aimed at preventing new attacks and alleviating the patient's condition.

Anticonvulsants are usually prescribed. They are sold by prescription only. These are "Carbamazepine", "Phenytoin", "Difenin" and others. We also need nootropics that improve blood circulation in the brain. But only a doctor can prescribe them. The most commonly used "Phenotropil" or "Piracetam".

epilepsy treatment
epilepsy treatment

What can the patient do himself

But psychologists also understand how to cure epilepsy. Psychosomatics will help the patient take a fresh look at the attitude to life, worldview and character. If you change something in yourself, you can get rid of seizures. There are several tips for patients to help them reduce the amountmedications you take.

  1. First of all, with epilepsy, psychosomatics recommends finding the cause of the disease. The patient needs to remember what emotions he experienced when they tried to suppress him or force him to do something against his will.
  2. Then you need to understand that it is not necessary to obey or do what you do not want. You need to be able to follow your desires and remember that everyone has the right to choose.
  3. You need to try to start realizing your desires. Often people with epilepsy are unable to do art or activities they enjoy for fear of being judged.

In order to apply these tips, many have to turn to a psychologist. It will help you realize your desires, get rid of fears. It also helps a lot of people to keep a diary, in which you need to write down your observations and emotions. You can not scold yourself for failures or believe that something will not work out. Only by changing the patient's attitude towards himself and gaining a sense of confidence can he get rid of the disease.

work with a psychologist
work with a psychologist

Seizure Prevention

If we consider the psychosomatics of epilepsy in adults, we can understand how to prevent seizures. General recommendations are maintaining a he althy lifestyle, avoiding alcohol and drugs, and a balanced diet. It is important to avoid stress, overwork and emotional upheavals, even positive ones.

In addition, the patient is advised to avoid sudden changes in illumination, flickering light, hyperventilation. They are not allowed to work at night, go to discos ornight clubs. It is undesirable to undergo high cardio loads, to be under the scorching sun. If the patient can change his lifestyle, outlook and behavior, he can live peacefully without epileptic seizures.
