Drugs 2024, October

"Macmirror" - is it an antibiotic or not? The use of Macmirror, indications and side effects

"Macmirror" - is it an antibiotic or not? The use of Macmirror, indications and side effects

In inflammatory and infectious diseases of the digestive tract and genitourinary system, a drug such as Macmiror is often used. Is it an antibiotic or not, how to use it, under what conditions it is not prescribed and whether it has side effects - the answers to these and other questions will be presented below

Taking Postinor while breastfeeding: instructions, side effects, reviews

Taking Postinor while breastfeeding: instructions, side effects, reviews

Very often, an unplanned pregnancy turns out to be unwanted for partners. Of course, for many people, the period of gestation and subsequent childbirth are wonderful moments in life, but, unfortunately, the birth of children does not always fit into the plans of young parents

Altai non-alcoholic balm: composition, instructions for use and useful properties

Altai non-alcoholic balm: composition, instructions for use and useful properties

Gorno-Altai non-alcoholic balm is a biologically active food supplement. Such a tonic drink is an additional source of flavonoids and contains juices from berries and fruits, essential oils of various medicinal plants, a powder substance from unossified deer horns, natural bee honey and other components

Drops "Ambrobene": composition, application, reviews

Drops "Ambrobene": composition, application, reviews

One of the most important functions in the human body is the respiratory system. In addition to participating in the process of voice formation, thanks to its well-coordinated work, the inhaled air is humidified and all tissues and organs are filled with oxygen

"Ogoplex": reviews, instructions for use, effectiveness

"Ogoplex": reviews, instructions for use, effectiveness

In most cases, for the prevention and treatment of BPH and prostatitis, experts recommend the use of herbal preparations. One of these popular products is a biological supplement, which goes on sale under the trade name "Ogoplex"

Drug "Kamagra": reviews, instructions for use, composition

Drug "Kamagra": reviews, instructions for use, composition

Problems in sexual life in women and men very often cause a huge number of complexes, as well as self-doubt. At the same time, it should be noted that, unlike the beautiful half of humanity, the representatives of the stronger sex against the background of such disorders experience excessive emotional pressure, which in the future can lead to serious depression

"Elcar": release form, indications, instructions

"Elcar": release form, indications, instructions

What is a drug like "Elkar"? Forms of release of this medication, its pharmacological features, instructions for use, contraindications and indications for use, as well as adverse reactions are described below

"Cialis" and alcohol: compatibility, mutually exclusive action, effects on the body when taken and possible consequences

"Cialis" and alcohol: compatibility, mutually exclusive action, effects on the body when taken and possible consequences

Good potency for a man is one of the most important indicators of his sexual viability. In this regard, the occurrence of problems in the genital area forces many of the stronger sex to take drugs that eliminate all the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. One of these medicines is Cialis

The best antibiotic for bronchitis in adults: list, doctor's prescription, composition of drugs, pros and cons

The best antibiotic for bronchitis in adults: list, doctor's prescription, composition of drugs, pros and cons

Bronchitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. This pathological condition occurs against the background of a strong cough, shortness of breath and elevated body temperature. This disease affects absolutely all age groups of people

Ivy cough syrup: compositions, application, effectiveness, reviews

Ivy cough syrup: compositions, application, effectiveness, reviews

Cough is a natural reflex phenomenon that occurs when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is irritated by foreign bodies or vapors of certain substances. This is a kind of symptom that manifests itself as a protective reaction that allows you to rid the airways of dust, sputum and other particles

Candles from colpitis: application, effectiveness, reviews

Candles from colpitis: application, effectiveness, reviews

Colpitis is called inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. In medical practice, this disease is called vaginitis. This is a fairly common painful condition that occurs mainly in women of reproductive age. According to statistics, every representative of the weaker sex suffers from various forms of colpitis, without even knowing it

Eye drops "Tealoz": analogue, composition and instructions for use

Eye drops "Tealoz": analogue, composition and instructions for use

Often, dry eyes are accompanied by such unpleasant sensations as stinging, burning, watering, etc. All of these signs are combined into a single symptom complex. In medical practice, it is commonly called "dry eye syndrome". You can get rid of this phenomenon with the help of special ophthalmic solutions. One of them is the drug "Tealoz". Analogues of this tool, the features of each of them and other information are presented below

Overdose of "Nurofen": symptoms, first aid, consequences

Overdose of "Nurofen": symptoms, first aid, consequences

Even a slight overdose of certain drugs can pose a particular danger to the human body, as well as contribute to the occurrence of irreversible processes, including death. The most difficult drugs to use in excess doses are: nootropics, antidepressants, sleeping pills, painkillers and drugs that affect the coronary system

"Telmisartan": patient reviews, composition, use, contraindications

"Telmisartan": patient reviews, composition, use, contraindications

What is the most commonly prescribed drug for hypertension? The most popular drug for this disease is Telmisartan. Instructions for use, reviews about this medication, its composition, side effects, contraindications and other information are presented below

"Heparin-Akrikhin 1000", gel: composition, indications, instructions for use, side effects, contraindications

"Heparin-Akrikhin 1000", gel: composition, indications, instructions for use, side effects, contraindications

Thrombosis is called the intravital formation of blood clots or blood clots inside blood vessels. They prevent the free movement of plasma through the human circulatory system, which can lead to disastrous consequences. When blood vessels are damaged, the body uses fibrin and platelets to form a kind of “plug” that prevents blood loss

Fentanyl patch: indications, instructions for use, side effects, contraindications

Fentanyl patch: indications, instructions for use, side effects, contraindications

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid analgesic. In its chemical structure, such a substance is similar to promedol. With a single application, it has a very strong, but short-term effect. Medicines based on this substance are prescribed to patients in order to relieve acute pain in myocardial infarction, pulmonary infarction, angina pectoris, as well as hepatic and renal colic

"Katena": reviews, purpose, composition, instructions for use and analogues

"Katena": reviews, purpose, composition, instructions for use and analogues

Epilepsy is a neurological disease of a chronic nature, which manifests itself in the predisposition of the human body to the sudden development of convulsive seizures. The pathogenesis of this condition is based on paroxysmal discharges in the nerve cells of the brain

Guanabana fruit: reviews of doctors. Does guanabana cure cancer?

Guanabana fruit: reviews of doctors. Does guanabana cure cancer?

Currently, a huge amount of information has appeared on the World Wide Web that there is a cure for cancer. But pharmaceutical companies flatly refuse this fact, fearing to lose huge profits. Allegedly, one Latin American company has been conducting research for many years, as a result of which it was proved that there is some kind of exotic fruit that completely destroys cancer cells in the body. This is guanabana

Diakarb drug for intracranial pressure. "Diakarb": reviews

Diakarb drug for intracranial pressure. "Diakarb": reviews

The drug "Diakarb" with intracranial pressure is usually used for hydrocephalus, as well as hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome. Such diseases are accompanied by severe headaches, excessive growth in the size of the skull or divergence of its sutures due to an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid

Ibuprofen ointment: purpose, composition and instructions for use

Ibuprofen ointment: purpose, composition and instructions for use

Ibuprofen ointment is considered an anti-inflammatory agent that is used externally. The drug is in demand because of its effectiveness and affordable price. Ibuprofen ointment relieves pain and also treats inflammation. The rules for its application are presented in the article

Lipoic acid: harm and benefit, instructions for use, reviews

Lipoic acid: harm and benefit, instructions for use, reviews

Lipoic acid is an organic substance present in human tissue cells, which plays a significant role in metabolic processes, has antioxidant properties

Loop diuretics: drugs, mechanism of action, indications

Loop diuretics: drugs, mechanism of action, indications

Diuretics, which act on the part of the nephron that connects the proximal and distal tubules, are called "loop diuretics". They affect the filtering ability of the kidneys, allowing the body to dispose of fluid and s alts. Such drugs have a fast and strong diuretic effect, they do not form the prerequisites for the onset of diabetes, and also do not affect cholesterol and are medium-power drugs

Candles "Limenda": analogues, composition, instructions for use and contraindications

Candles "Limenda": analogues, composition, instructions for use and contraindications

Vaginal suppositories "Limenda" is a drug of combined action. Metronidazole and miconazole nitrate, which are part of it, actively fight bacteria and protozoa such as Trichomonas, as well as fungal infections. The active substances of suppositories are absorbed into the blood through the mucous membrane of the vagina, and are excreted from the body through the kidneys and then the urinary system

Ear drops "Otoferonol Premium": instruction

Ear drops "Otoferonol Premium": instruction

Ticks and other ear infections in pets are fairly common. At risk are primarily animals that spend a lot of time on the street. Ear scabies (otodectosis), in the absence of timely therapy, can cause a lot of trouble. Eliminate parasites in a pet allows an effective tool "Otoferonol Premium"

"Retinol": instructions for use, reviews

"Retinol": instructions for use, reviews

Retinol is a beauty vitamin. It is no coincidence that this substance is an essential component of many cosmetics. But vitamin A should be used with caution. It is better to consult a doctor or cosmetologist in advance

Echinacea (syrup): instructions for use, reviews

Echinacea (syrup): instructions for use, reviews

Echinacea is a plant from the Asteraceae family, which has long been famous for its healing properties. Based on the extract of this plant, pharmacological companies produce many drugs, as a rule, to increase the protective properties of the body and strengthen the nervous system. Instructions for use of echinacea syrup indicate that the drug can be used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of both adults and children

Eye drops antifungal broad spectrum

Eye drops antifungal broad spectrum

Eye disease associated with the growth of bacteria and the spread of fungal activity can only be cured with the help of special drops, which always include a bioactive substance. Regarding this very substance, such drops are divided into antiseptic, chemotherapeutic agents and antibiotics. It is worth paying attention to the types and instructions of antifungal eye drops

"Paracetamol": antibiotic or not, ATC code, mechanism of action, instructions for use

"Paracetamol": antibiotic or not, ATC code, mechanism of action, instructions for use

Paracetamol is the most common and used medicine. This drug is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. It is worth learning in more detail about whether it is an antibiotic or not, about the mechanism of its action and instructions for use

Instruction "Sonmila", reviews of the drug "Sonmil"

Instruction "Sonmila", reviews of the drug "Sonmil"

"Sonmil" is one of the modern sleeping pills that helps in the fight against insomnia. The drug belongs to the group of sedative, hypnotic and anti-allergic drugs and has practically no side effects

"Silimar": instructions for use, composition, cost of the drug

"Silimar": instructions for use, composition, cost of the drug

The drug is classified as a hepatoprotector. And, therefore, its task is to protect the liver from the invasion of toxic substances into its tissues that can disrupt the structure of cells. In addition, the tool will help stabilize and enhance the regenerative functions of the body, improve the production of proteins and various enzymes, normalize the metabolic process, start regenerative processes

"Arbidol" (suspension): instructions and description of the drug

"Arbidol" (suspension): instructions and description of the drug

Almost everyone is familiar with Arbidol for adults. The drug is very effective when used in the early stages of the disease. It facilitates the course of the pathological process if the virus nevertheless attacked your body. So on what principle does Arbidol (suspension) work? Is it safe for a child?

"Women's nest" - a fighter for women's he alth

"Women's nest" - a fighter for women's he alth

Our grandmothers are well aware of the medicine, which in the old days was simply indispensable for the treatment of all kinds of female diseases, its name is “Uterine Nest”. Its composition is selected with jewelry precision, and unlike many modern drugs, it is effective and completely safe. This healing remedy can not only improve the body, but also help a woman experience the most important thing in life - the joy of motherhood

Ichthyol ointment: reviews and analogues

Ichthyol ointment: reviews and analogues

Along with a wide variety of cutting-edge medicines in pharmacies, you can also find those that have been familiar to us since childhood. Due to their quality, they are also popular in modern medical practice. It is one of these medicines that is ichthyol ointment. You probably first heard about this miracle remedy from your mother or grandmother

"Silver Fox": feel like a real woman

"Silver Fox": feel like a real woman

Some women, unfortunately, do not attach due importance to the sexual component of married life, considering it an annoying and even unpleasant duty of a wife. Sometimes men are to blame for this, because they are inattentive to women's feelings, but more often intimate relationships do not bring joy due to the lack of elementary sexual literacy among spouses

Ointments for potency: a review of drugs, instructions for use, reviews

Ointments for potency: a review of drugs, instructions for use, reviews

Every man can face failures in intimate life. At the initial stages, you can try a variety of ointments to enhance potency, which act on the problem locally, while not having a systemic effect on the body. To date, there are many specialized medicines in the form of ointments on the pharmacological market

Gel "Metrogil" vaginally: application, price and reviews

Gel "Metrogil" vaginally: application, price and reviews

"Metrogil" is a popular and sought-after drug that successfully resists trichomoniasis pathogens and helps to quickly cure the disease. According to patients who have tried this remedy, Metrogil has a lot of advantages over its counterparts

Growth hormone in a pharmacy to buy - an affordable way to influence the state of the body

Growth hormone in a pharmacy to buy - an affordable way to influence the state of the body

What is growth hormone? In what form can it be found in a pharmacy? How to dilute and take the drug? What are the contraindications for taking the hormone? The answers to these and many other questions are given in the article

The best candles for vaginitis: reviews

The best candles for vaginitis: reviews

Vaginitis can also be caused by fungi and viruses. All of them cause a violation of the microflora of the vagina. Therefore, suppositories for vaginitis are the best treatment, as they effectively destroy the bacterial flora

Instructions for the use of "Neurubin", price, composition

Instructions for the use of "Neurubin", price, composition

This article provides a complete description of the drug "Neurubin". The price of the drug will also be indicated. Here you will learn about the composition of the drug, its properties, indications for use, adverse reactions, features of use, and more

"Mirapex": instructions for use, description, reviews

"Mirapex": instructions for use, description, reviews

This article provides information about Mirapex: instructions for use, how to replace this drug, its effect, contraindications, side effects, special instructions for its use. These pills can cause abnormal behavior and affect the patient's reactions. Therefore, before taking Mirapex, the instructions for use should be carefully studied